
Started by Sumel


Hi. My name is Sumel. I am new to Memverse, but have already memorized quite a bit. My goal is to memorize and quote expressively 1,000 verses in both English and Indonesian. Please pray for me as I still have a long way to go to meet that goal. I am a student at STT Setia in Indonesia. I am still learning English. My English on Memverse will not always be this good since today Mr. Phil Walker is helping me type this.

I plan to quote Luke 22 at the Kansas City Scriptorium in March via skype and then John 3 at the Ohio Scriptorium in June. Will anyone else be at those events? You can see me quoting Luke 22:1-30 with some mistakes at

I am very happy to be on Memverse and look forward to chatting with my imperfect English with others who love God's Word. Hopefully some of you can help me learn English.


Alex Watt

Welcome to the forums, Sumel! I have approved your first post; all future posts will be automatically approved.

That is a really big goal! But I am sure you can do it with the Lord's help and a lot of work.

That's really exciting that you'll be quoting at the Scriptorium, via Skype! I will probably not be there, but I would be surprised if some other folks on here aren't there…



Welcome, Sumel! Wow, that's a great goal! I'll be praying for you!

I will be at both the KC and OH scriptoriums!! I am looking forward to hearing you quote! :)


Roy Phillips

Hi Sumel! I'm Roy Phillips, a connoisseur in all manner of bladed toys, tools, and weapons.
Enjoy your stay, there is plenty of insanity for everyone. :-D


Sarah B.

I will be looking forward to hearing you quote at TV the ohio Scriptorium! I'm so looking forward to it!!!! :D

Welcome to Memverse Forums!



thank you for approving my first post and making future posts automatic. i want to give an update on my scripture memorization. my focus is on memorizing luke in english, i have already memorized chapters 10,15, 20-24 but not all of them are as sharp as i will like, hopelly memverse can help me with that.

thanks for encuraging me, what are you memorizing now ? where do you live in america ?

PS Sumelsio is my English account and Sumel is my Indonesian account as I like to memorize verses in both languages and want to use both languages on Memverse.



sorry for waiting so long to respond on this forum, thanks for your prayers, my focus now is to memorize luke in english. i have complited 7 out of the 24 chapters and am working on the rest. i know it has been a long time, but do you remember my quoting at the two scriptoriums ? what did you quote at KC and OH ?this year i plan to quote matthew 22 at the OH scriptorium, will you be there again this year ?



Hi Roy. Sorry for the delay in responding to you. I have been away from Memverse for a year. However, today I enjoyed reading your post. The most famous blades in Indonesia where I am from are the Kris (sometimes called Keris). On the island of Sulawesi where I am from, people also fight with spears called Bambu Runcing. Do you own either of these?



Hi Ian. Thanks for the welcome. I know it has been more than a year. Are you still on Memverse? Where are you from?



Thanks for the welcome. Did you enjoy the OH Scriptorium? What did you quote there? I know it was a long time ago. Do you remember seeing me quote Luke 22? This year I plan to quote Matthew 22 by video at the same Scriptorium. Will you be there again this year? Where do you live? Are you from OH?


Rachel the Alaskan

Welcome back to Memverse! I hadn't seen your introduction before when you posted it.
What great goals! Luke is a really good book; I enjoy reading through it often.


Roy Phillips

Hi Roy. Sorry for the delay in responding to you. I have been away from Memverse for a year. However, today I enjoyed reading your post. The most famous blades in Indonesia where I am from are the Kris (sometimes called Keris). On the island of Sulawesi where I am from, people also fight with spears called Bambu Runcing. Do you own either of these?

oh, no worries. although i don't own either one, i have heard of both. In fact i spent a few years in Papua New Guinea where i saw Bambu Runcing Spears. In general spears are Simple, but the most effective of non-firearm weapons. Kris on the other hand I've only come across in research, it's design is Beautiful and vary characteristic of weapons that come from Indonesian and Filipino Fighting styles.



Hi Rachel. Thanks for your post and encouragement. Are you also memorizing parts of Luke? What is your favorite passage in Luke? Mine is Jesus in Gethsemane from 22:39-46. What other books do you enjoy reading? Where are you from? Have you ever been to my country of Indonesia?



You spent a few years in Papua New Guinea??!! Really?! Why were you there? How old were you when you were in Papua? I have never met anyone from Papua New Guinea, but we have some students in my school from the Indonesian side of Papua. What language do they speak in Papua, New Guinea? Do people know Indonesian? What other countries have you lived in? Did you visit any Indonesian islands when you lived in Papua? Do you have plans to go back to Papua to either visit or live there again? If you ever travel through Jakarta on your way to Papua, let me know because our school is close to the airport and I can meet you there, or if you have time, you can come see my school.


Rachel the Alaskan

I do have parts of Luke memorized, but am not memorizing anything new from it at the moment. Our family is working on memorizing Romans right now. I really like Luke 7:36-50 where the woman anoints Jesus feet and His following lesson to the scribes and Pharisees.
I enjoy reading older classic books, mostly. Right now most of my reading is for schoolwork, though.
I am from Alaska, and I actually haven't been to any other country outside of America except for Canada. Our family hopes to go to Israel maybe someday. (We are learning Hebrew right now.)



Hi Rachel, wow! You are memorizing Romans?! Really?!!! so cool. As far as i know Romans is a book of Paul that is hard to understand, There are many theological thoughts in the passages. How about you? Are you enjoying memorizing Romans? Have you gotten confused by Paul's thinking style?

I was interested in hearing that your family is learning Hebrew. We have Hebrew class here at my Bible school as well. I find Hebrew easier to learn than Greek which we are also studying. Have you ever studied Greek?

I have not memorized the story you like in Luke and had to look it up. Yes. I like that passage too and am looking forward to memorizing it in the coming months.

You are from Alaska? My teacher here, Mr. Phil Walker, who is actually helping me with the English to type this message, says Alaska can get very cold. Is that true? Do you like the cold? I think it could be fun to visit Alaska someday, but I am afraid my body wouldn't be ready for that kind of cold. Here in Indonesia it is always warm or hot, except in the mountains and a few other special locations. I have never lived in the mountains but have visited and the 60 degrees there is nice.

PS Someday I hope my English will be good enough for me to write without editing help. Please don't be suprised if one day a post I write has quite a few English errors :)



Hi Jessica. Thanks for the welcome. You have an interesting name. Is that your real family name, or just one you use for the internet? Do you like the book of Psalms. My favorite Psalm is chapter 1. What is yours?


Rachel the Alaskan

Yes, it has been quite an adventure! Well, I suppose it could get confusing, especially if we were memorizing different portions from all over the book and not going in chapter order, which is what we are doing. It is really neat to see how all of Paul's thoughts go together and refer back to each other. So far I have found Paul's thinking actually pretty similar to how I think.

For a few months my Dad, my sister, and I were learning Greek, but we didn't have much time to do the course so we stopped, but as we study the Bible deeply we learn more and more about it since we use it quite a lot. I agree, Hebrew is much easier to learn.

Alaska can get very cold! I think the coldest it has gotten here (in Fairbanks) while we lived up here was -70, if not colder. The thermometer only went down to -70, so it could have been colder. We weren't here at the time, though. I think the coldest we have seen it while we were here was about -60. When it is colder than -40 we stay inside all the time, except to bring in wood to burn in our stove. (My family lives off the grid and we usually heat with wood, although last winter we used an oil stove.) The summer is very nice up here though, and it stays from 50* to sometimes 80*.

Is it very humid in Indonesia? Up here it is very dry! A lot of Alaskans have water steaming on their wood stoves all the time in the winter so it humidifies the house. What is the average temperature in Indonesia in the summertime?



Hi..Obi thanks for the welcome. where are you from ? do you memorize some verses from Luke or any verse from another book ?



You're welcome! My name is actually Gloria, I forgot to say that before. Sorry. I'm really from America, but I live in Crete, Greece. My parents are missionaries here. I'm studying the Bible Bee verses now, and John chapters 13-15. :) Are you studying Luke?


Jessica Rankin

No, it's not my family name. :-) It's just my Memverse name.
I like the book of Psalms, but I don't think I like it as much as others, like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. I haven't memorized anything from Ecclesiastes yet, but I have from Job. I'm not sure what my favorite Psalm is.
Just wondering, you said in an earlier post that in the mountain areas in your country, the temperature was sixty degrees. How hot has it gotten there where you are, and what is the temperature usually? The hottest it's gotten where I live was 115 degrees F, and I think it might have been in the shade. That's not normal for here, by the way. :-)
We have lots of hummingbirds now. Are there any hummingbirds in Indonesia?


Roy Phillips

yes. well, my parents decided to be missionaries to Papua New Guinea soon after I was born and i was four years old when we came back to the USA. My dad mostly worked on the base getting language soft-ware out to the missionaries in the villages (or "In the Bush" which is usually more accurate) and basically setting up a Pre-internet version of Email.

Languages. Now i cant speak for the Indonesian half, but on the New Guinea side there where/are millions of tribal languages, however the main trade language is Talk Pidgin (pronounced tok pisin). Because I was young at the time I could understand just about everything the Tribal people said, but now that i'm older when i hear it I can't understand a single word. Funny how that works…. Anyway i don't remember but i think Indonesian was one of the trade languages but i cant say for sure.

Have i lived anywhere else? Not really. A few stops on the way back where we stayed with friends (like Holland), and I spent a few weeks in Alaska but that was more like a vacation.

Did we visit any Indonesian Island? no, i don't think we did. the airlines went from Australia to PNG and Indonesia has different government so we would have needed to get visas and stuff (also Dad and Mom didn't say we did).

Plan to go back? well idk. Dad and Mom looked into it but God never opened any doors for them to go back. As for myself, College is next. I don't know about after that but if God calls me out there again I will remember you and let you know.



yeah you're right I strongly agree. and by the way how you can understand definitely be thought Paul and in terms of things like what you have in common. in fact sometimes I hear a stetmen to say whether we believe is said to be Paul or words of Jesus in the gospels.

ahhaahaha hebrew is easier but you know that the value of my hebrew lower than in Greece. I try to learn Hebrew but I do not like the shape of the letters and there are many signs that I find it hard to remember.

does doings weather in alaska affect the pattern of life of the people there in terms of knowledge and work especially well in relation to others and to God and culture is found there which I mean in terms of language and way of interacting with the other people who might be in the Asia it was not good but it was good in the community there and vice versa.

Indonesia there are only two seasons: the rainy season and dry season. if I do not make a prediction error as far as I know the highest heat here can reach over 35 degrees Celsius and summer temperatures average mean is 27-32 degrees Celsius.

there are others that you are interested about Indonesia? and may I share my passion in serving God and the reason why I had it and how God put it in my heart? and one more thing may I know why you're interested in the word of God and how you can feel the way how God interacts with you and how God called you?



never mind what everything was fine for me. and by the way you are now living in Greece so may I ask how the state and great view in Greece?

Bible study that is a very remarkable thing in my opinion. because only some people d the world who have been interested to do so at this present time, I think if we have a heart for the word of God it is a gift given by God in our hearts. Do you memorize those chapters?

really I was learning about the Book of Luke rather I'm trying to memorize the entire book of Luke and one of my biggest hope is able to know all of the new testament, and use it to serve God to the area who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. please pray for it.



sorry if it's disrespectful that so may I know your real name?
so then what part of the Bible, the most you like? and may I know the reason?

in my area actually unbelievable mediocre. I have not lived in the mountains breathing long enough and the temperature possible and I heard from my friends that they do not Mersa very cold even though its already noon and hot drinks can drink dengna quickly so I predict the height of the weather there. as far as I know Indonesia ratanya average the highest heat of about 30 degrees to the top but does not reach 40 degrees Celsius. what the hummingbird I've never heard it before?



so now you tinggaltepatnya where? and now maksutmu you do not know the languages that you've mentioned? Am I right? and now you're learning about what? and if you memorize Bible verses? if yes part of what you like from every part of the Bible that you already know?

I would be very happy if one day you come to Indonesia and you want to meet and spend time talking about a lot of things with me and want to visit our school, especially about God and how we glorify him. but who knows God's plan.

so when are you go back to college? and semester of what you are now?


Jessica Rankin

My real name is Jessica. :-)
I'm not sure what part of the Bible I like the most. I like Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the last few chapters in Job, where God speaks to him. I like the Gospels, and some of the Epistles. I'm not really sure why I like some parts of the Bible more than others.
Hummingbirds are a gift from God. :-) They're the smallest birds in the world, more like a bug than a bird, really. There are several different kinds of hummingbirds, but the kind we have around here are called ruby-throat hummingbirds. They're about as long as your thumb, and the feathers on their backs are a bright shining green. The males have a bright red throat, but the rest of their head is black. They fly very fast, their wings making a humming noise because of how fast their wings beat. I think also that they are the only birds that can fly backwards. They have really long bills, or beaks, and they drink nectar out of flowers. Red is their favorite color. :-) You can feed them out of feeders filled with sugar and water mixed together. They come here by the hundreds every summer, from about May until the days start to get cool in September, leaving here every winter to go south, and every spring coming back again. I think the same birds come back year after year, often to the exact place a feeder was hanging last year. They fight a lot; no matter how many feeders you put up, they always fight one another, but they never really hurt each other; they just chase one another away with angry chittering noises. They are one of the kinds of birds that aren't really afraid of people as much. I've leaned against the side of my house, under one of their feeders, and they fly really close to my face and look at me when I blink my eyes, so close that I can feel the air from their wings. The few times I've held them in my hands, they don't weigh anything.
I wish I could show you a picture of them.
What kinds of birds do you have there?



Greece is pretty nice. It's just not close to America. It's also pretty small.

Yes. Many people now days don't want to read or memorize the Bible now. It's very sad. I am trying to memorize John 13-15, yes.

ok! Luke is a great book! That is a really great hope, to learn the new testament. It would be useful to know as a missionary. I will definitely be praying for you!


Rachel the Alaskan

I suppose it's not quite the things he means so much, but the way he says them. He refers back to things he said previously a lot, which I do to an extent.

Yes, people think much differently in Alaska than anywhere else, except perhaps some parts of Russia or Canada. We are very much focused on survival especially. I don't really know how else to say it except that people up here are much more hard-core than, say, down in the main part of the U.S. There is a lot to think about when we do anything; we usually have to think ahead and know how it will affect us in the winter or summer, whatever is coming next. We try to have very little extra things around- they will just get in the way of the work we need to do.

Yes, I enjoy hearing about people's lives in Christ! I find it very encouraging.

I like memorizing and thinking about the Bible because it's really my spiritual food; it's God's word! I see it as an essential part of my life and love to think about it as I go about my day. My Dad and Mom come up to Alaska to be missionaries to the Native people up here. I am growing up in Christian home, so I've heard the teachings of the Bible all my life, and it finally sunk in when I was 8 years old. Since then I've studied the Bible and memorized it with my family as a normal part of life which I find it hard to go without.


Roy Phillips

so now you tinggaltepatnya where? and now maksutmu you do not know the languages that you've mentioned? Am I right? and now you're learning about what? and if you memorize Bible verses? if yes part of what you like from every part of the Bible that you already know? I would be very happy if one day you come to Indonesia and you want to meet and spend time talking about a lot of things with me and want to visit our school, especially about God and how we glorify him. but who knows God's plan. so when are you go back to college? and semester of what you are now?

Now i live in America in the state of Ohio. I only knew talk pidgin but sadly my Language skills have atrophied since i was four years old. I like the wild parts of the Bible like John 2:15 where you get to see a side of God that People seem to gloss over because it doesn't fit their definition of "love".

I'll be going for my first semester in September.



yeah thanks for letting me know your real name. I am very happy. any part of the Bible whatever you like me very proud and appreciate because in today's hard to find people who still love the word of god. menganai the bird, I think I have not breathing viewed Berung as you mentioned. huh can fly backwards wow it was incredible. I have not perna see birds that can fly backwards. what kind of bird it is only in your place? I do not think there is a bird that can fly so close to humans. usually in places I may get close to the birds but about 3 or more meters and even then we should tiptoe. wow it was a very memorable experience, it looks like I will not be breathing experience in Indonesia. but if in Indonesia is the most beautiful birds we call cendrawasi. and it is only in the island of Papua, the eastern part of Indonesia. I want to see the photos of birds that you tell it. I am very curious what it looks like



wow I thought could speak Greek and used it as a language that is a remarkable thing. I am very hard to learn but I really have the desire to master the language because for interprets the Bible. btw how long have you lived there? and are there any plans to return to America? knowing you memorize the word of god I am very proud and happy because here we are trying to help people to memorize as well live it, and specially I am trying to persuade people by inspiring them through memorization in public and I am very grateful Mr. Phil walker who helped me. I am a little confused as to whether you are also a missionary or just your father alone? thanks so much for praying for me, I will pray for you and your family so that there is always in strong and blessed God. Thank God



really a place where people are influencing their mindset. and I see it in people compaction to Indonesia. but I am very happy with the way they live their lives, for example, the way they think, work, and use the time and many more things that I admire about people overseas. but I'm sorry and I hope this is not rude I say and maybe this is just my view only and may be this one. I feel they are lacking in terms of care possible, to understand a person's heart. and sometimes crucial themselves delighted my opinion this may be constituted by cultural differences. but it's not a problem most of them are very good if you already know each other.

yah about people who love the word of god I am very happy if there are still people who are interested and live. say also attempted to ponder in my life.

The thing that is extraordinary. if there are people who love the word of God I always say it is the greatest gift to that person, and you accept it, I am very happy to know it. if you do not think to be a missionary one day later?



wow you in ohio? really? wow, I do not know if I really would be to the United States but if I go I will stay close to your area. and I hope one day we can meet and talk.

wah congratulations and good luck through college. if I had my fifth semester and will drop service 12 months later.
I'm really happy if there are still people who love the word of god.

sorry for my mistake typing.



Greek does help with the Bible some, but I mostly know the now-day Greek instead of the Bible Greek. But still some of the works are the same. I have lived here for 8 years now. In July will be the start of the 9th. I'm not sure when we will move back to America, but I will probably be going to college in 3 or 4 years, so I will probably move back then. Well, my father is the pastor at the church that he started here, but the rest of us help with the church and other stuff. Thank you very much for the prayers! They are very welcome. :)


Jessica Rankin

Sumelsio, I'm so sorry that I haven't gotten back to you any sooner than this. My life has taken a turn for the very, very busy, in a good way. I'll try to get a photo of a hummingbird to show you on here; I had figured out how to post pictures and the site changed, so I'm not quite sure how to do it now.
We looked up your bird, cedrawasi, and they are very pretty! :-) We have a few birds that are yellow like that. The American Goldfinch and the female Tanager are both yellow, but the goldfinch changes its color in the winter to a less bright yellow. :-)
One kind of bird that we have here is a mockingbird. They are gray, and they mimic other birds' calls. In fact, I read the other day that they can memorize 200 songs, and that they learn new ones all through their lives. Brown thrashers and catbirds are mimics, too. Catbirds meow like cats. I've meowed back at them before, and we talk back and forth. :-) I like birds a lot, some more than others. We also have a bird called a yellow-billed cuckoo that sounds very strange. I have heard them all my life, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I knew what was making the noise. I don't know what you could compare the sound to, other than a kind of knocking noise. They always come in the hottest days of summer.
What other kinds of birds do you have?
Do you live in the city, or in the country?
If you don't mind, could you please pray for me? It's not that big of a deal, but my filling in my tooth fell out again Friday night, and I would like it if it didn't fall out any more.
