Welcome to Memverse!

Started by Wretched Man

Wretched Man

Use this forum to let everyone know more about you, like where you live, where you go to church, what kind of family you have, and what your interests are.


Wretched Man

Hi, my name is Wretched Man.

I live in Copley, OH, and attend Heritage Reformed Baptist Church. I am married to Beloved Wretched Woman, and we have eight children (five of whom are on MemVerse, too).

I work at a special education program that helps to change the school behaviors of kids who have major behavioral and/or emotional problems and can't function in regular schools. Beloved Wretched Woman works harder at her full-time job of being a homeschooling mom and pitiable wife of yours truly.

I have been a professing Christian since right before I turned 5 years old, and attended Christian schools all the way up and through my undergraduate college education at Cedarville University.

I like all kinds of sports, music, movies, and politics; but I love God's Word above all else, and, by the power of the Spirit, do all I can to let It dictate my life.

I created my name to best describe the state of my human condition. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that our heart is extremely deceitful and incurably sick with wicked thoughts, words, and actions. We are all wretched; it's just that our deceitful hearts don't want us to come to this realization. For when we realize how sinful we are, it's then that we reach a crossroads in our spiritual journey.

The road to the left is a beautifully paved, wide path; its road signs tells us to ignore what has come to our awareness, and that we're really basically good – we just do bad things sometimes, everyone does. If you just do more good than bad, you'll do all right when this life is over.

The road to the right is really narrow, rocky, and treacherous in appearance. Its signs tell us that we're really sick, and if we take this path, it'll only get worse for us long before it gets any better. This path tells us that we have no ability to do any good on our own, and that the perfect & sinless God-man, Jesus Christ, is the only One who can make us good before a holy God who will send everyone who does not believe in His Son Jesus to an eternity in hell.

For genuine Christians (those who have taken the narrow road), MemVerse is a vehicle by which we can travel the narrow road more successfully. The more we memorize and store God's Word in our hearts, the more we will overcome the remaining sinfulness in our hearts. The Holy Spirit illuminates our eyes to more fully understand and apply the Word, helping to kill sin's presence within us. The more sin we kill, the less prominence it has in our thoughts, words, and deeds, and the more Christ begins to think, speak, and act within us.

So, take advantage of this dynamic site, and enjoy learning, day by day, just how wretched you really are! God's Word and His Spirit will continually reveal how little you can trust in yourself and how infinitely you can trust in Him.

Know thyself as you know Him more.


Secret agent of God (Paul Harrison)

My name is Paul Harrison. I live in Houston Texas and go to Berachah Church. I love to fence and I am going to flight school and hopefully the C.A.P. in the near future. My main career interests are the Air Force and a Homeopathic Microbiologist.


Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter

I have named myself On-Christ-The-Solid-Rock-I-Stand, after the famous hymn My Hope is Built. You can all call me OCTSRIS.

@Wretched Man~ Just to get this straight, are we allowed to call you "Sir Wretched" to be more respectful, since you are an adult? It does seem pretty rude to call someone that!


Jonathan Peterson

I think that he was implying clicking a "New Topic" and creating a separate thread to introduce yourself. This way your introduction isn't embedded in a thread.


Wretched Man

@SecretAgentofGod(PaulHarrison): I have to say that you have the best Gravatar on MemVerse. We dog lovers salute you!

@OCTSRIS: Maybe Czar Wretchmeisterberger would suffice. Let's keep it simple, but respectable.

@JP: I couldn't figure out the best way to open up the forum of "Introduce Yourself," so I gave the little blurb to introduce it and then I replied to that initial blurb. Either way will do. By you opening up your own, people can respond to your personal information more directly.


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

I am 13, I have one younger brother, and the best parents in the world. :) My brother and I are homeschooled. We go to Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church, a small church plant near Fargo, ND. A few of my many intrests include computers, photography, and music (listening to and playing). (And of course Bible Memory!) A few of my MANY favorite Bible verses are 2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15, Romans 8:37, and Romans 11:6.



Hey all, I am Octavius.
I guess this is the first time I've said much about myself, so I suppose here is the best place to do it.
I've got 10 siblings (8 bros, 2 sisters), an awesome pair of parents who have been married for over 30 years, two nephews, a niece, and two more relations (either nephews or nieces) on the way.
I enjoy: soccer, reading, and believe it or not, I like school (yes, I'm home-schooled), with a special interest in mathematics and English.
I'm the current boss for our family lawn business, proudly serving satisfied customers for 13 years (I haven't personally been working for thirteen years; my oldest brothers started it, and it has been passed down through all the boys since).
I have been memorizing Scripture since I was very young, but slacked off until last fall, when COS referred me to this site. Since then, I've stepped up how much I have memorized quite a bit.
As you know from the last blog, I just turned sixteen (but for some reason, I don't seem much older).
I committed my life to Jesus when I was about five, but struggled over the past years with lack of assurance, because I saw a lack of personal growth. But God in his mercy, has brought me to a place where I can now say with assurance that He is mine, and I am His. I was baptized earlier this year, and am a member of Heritage Reformed Baptist Church.

Just so's you know, my name is a pseudonym.


God's Maiden of Virtue

As most of you know, my name is Rosie Alexander (or on Memverse, God's Maiden of Virtue). I just turned 12 back in February.
I have seven siblings (seven brothers), and am the third oldest. I have two, wonderful and godly parents who are bringing me up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
I have been on Memverse for a little over 6 months (October 17, 2011). It has been a great help to me in memorizing verses.
I enjoy: memorizing God's Word, reading, playing outside, crocheting and drawing. I also enjoy collecting seashells (I have 108 so far, I think).
I was saved almost three years ago back in July of 2009. And ever since, the Lord has been teaching, guiding and growing me in my faith and in my walk with Him.
I was baptized in December of 2009 and am a member of Heritage Reformed Baptist Church.



All–I don't think that this is the place to be introducing yourself. This forum was created so that you could make your own topic to introduce yourself, not do it on someone else's introduction. Your introduction is more likely to be seen if you make your own topic for it. :)


Wretched Man

@SBG: Rules. Rules. Schmools.

If people want to introduce themselves here, they can do it! In fact, I like scrolling down the list and seeing everyone's bio. It feels like we're all family, separated by miles but united in Christ.


Severus Snape

Hi everyone!
My name is Erin (Or GraceandGlory on Memverse).
I have three (or four if you count Alexander, but he died) brothers and one sister. I am the youngest in my family. I am twelve and I will soon release my first album as a legitamate Christian artist. I love acting and that is how I got my name, GraceandGlory, because I played Much Afraid in a play of Hinds Feet on High Places. I love memorizing God's word and have participated in each and every Bible Bee since it started. My best friend lives right downstairs from me and I have been a Christian for exactly eight months and fourteen days (I could tell you the hours, minutes and seconds too, but I'd probably bore people to death if I did that).



@Bethany M,
I read your post and saw that you are homeschooled. So am I! It's so neat to find other people who are homeschooled.

@ everyone,
I'm new to Memverse and am trying to remember to log on everyday, but so far I haven't. Any tips?



Severus Snape

@Juliana, I am homeschooled too!
And a tip for remembering to log onto memverse everyday that I do is to make a checklist. Write in everything you need to get done that day and include memverse on it.



Hello all,
My name is Ian, and I am 15 years old. I am home schooled, and I like to play baseball. I am also interested in archery. Last year was my first year in the Bible Bee, and I won the local level for Junior Timothy track. I am going to be a Senior this year in the Bible Bee, and I hope to make it to Nationals. I live in southwest PA and I am a friend of Alex and Ben Watt. I like to read the Redwall books and the Dragons in our Midst series. I am interested in meteorology and the natural disasters that happen around the world. I became a Christian around the age of five. I have a brother and a sister, and they drive me nuts! ;-)



Is there a way I can comment without getting a bunch of emails telling me when other people comment?



Octo, just push "Unsubscribe" at the top of the screen. You will need to do this with every topic, but it will keep unwanted e-mails from this forum from entering your inbox. :)


Hiruko Kagetane

I just posted this on SavedByGrace's forum, so I just copied it from there.

Well, even though I won't go as far as SavedByGrace, I will inroduce myself.

puts on Darth Vader voice changer Okay. I am Dr. What, but due my my tendency to switch names, you can call me Sparky. I am 14 years old, and have 1 sibling, a sister, who shall remain anonymous.

I also go to Heritage Reformed Baptist Church, and have been a Christian since I was young, and rededicated my life to Christ at 13. I believe that I could not be saved except by the mercies of God and His grace in choosing me as one of His elect to serve and bring glory to Him. I also believe that Jesus His son died on the cross to take my sins, and that he rose again on the third day and will come back to earth one day to reign!

I have many hobbies, some of which are:

*Programming my Arduino board
*Building electrical circuits
*Playing computer games
*Playing Wii games
*Listening to Adventures in Odyssey

I also live in Ohio, and hope to become a computer or robotic engineer one day!

@Ian R. ~ You like Redwall too? Cool! Which book is your favorite? Mine is Mariel of Redwall!

-Dr. What


Jackie Chase

Hi everybody! My pseudonym is Jackie (I would prefer not to reveal my name to people online if I can help it). I live in central North Carolina with my amazing family of my mom, dad, and three brothers and seven sisters.
Some of my hobbies are: writing, hanging out with my friends and family, and playing some of the most unorganized soccer in the world. :) I also enjoy a couple house/yard chores and presently-while this is not by any means a hobby-am learning how to drive.
I was saved almost five years ago in 2007-sometime in July, I believe. The exact date was never saved. I was born the rebellious child of my family, but my parents have been striving to raise me in the teachings of God and his Word and.my growing has been slow and difficult due to my still somewhat willful spirit, And even if I never meet anyone on this site on earth, it'll be good to meet y'all in heaven one day!


Wretched Man

@Dr.What: I'm stumped. Are you sure you go to HRBC? ;)

@JackieChase: Oh, I know who you are! But I'll keep your secret safe between us. «shhhhh! just kidding! i have no clue who you are, but it's nice to kinda' sorta' meet you.»


Jackie Chase

I used to really like Redwall books-but even though my enjoyment of reading them has lessened, I still look at the books. I think my favorite is Martin the Warrior.



Dr. What- My favorite Redwall book is Taggerung , but the first book comes in a close second.


Sydney (aka The Gopher)

Hi everyone! My screen name is {ChristLovesMe}, but you can call me Sydney. I live in central Pennsylvania and am homeschooled. Some of my hobbies are: memorizing verses, playing the violin and piano, and listening to music. I have never read the Redwall books, but I have seen the movies.


Matthew Sinclair

Ok, my name is Matthew Sinclair. I am a Reformed Baptist and go to First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Mississippi and live in Mendenhall, MS. Descendant of the Scottish clan Sinclair, French Huguenots, Normans/German/Viking, Cherokee, and Irish. I enjoy, playing with our 11 dogs, playing soccer and baseball and football (basketball is okay), working on our small farm, playing my violin, swimming, hunting and fishing. My favorite authors are Douglas Bond, Jim Kjelgaard, Beverly Cleary, and R. M. Ballantyne. I am home schooled and use the KJV Bible translation.


Wretched Man

Nice to meet you, Mr. Sinclair.

Wow! You lead quite the well-balanced life, and you have quite the pedigree. I think you may be a little too refined and Renaissance-like for the rest of us in this forum. :)



I could include my pedigree too, if that would make me more refined.
German/Swiss, French (Huguenot), English, Irish, maybe Dutch. There, am I refined and renaissance-like now, WM?



Aw, too bad. I guess I'll have to make up a more impressive pedigree next time.

But hey, people weren't supposed to know my real name!
That's okay, they still don't know my first. Besides, with all these people who know my real names, it was bound to leak out sometime, but it just had to be you.



You really are a wretched man, Wretched Man!
So if you hadn't noticed, my real name is Martin Detwiler. Yup, I'm named after Martin Luther.
My username is Octavius because I like the name, am the eighth-born in my family, and it is kinda after Octavius Winslow, who was a puritan. (Besides that, I don't know a ton about him.) Another reason is that my Dad joked while I was not born yet that they should call me Octavius Maximillius. Needless to say, that did not happen, but I have adopted the first name.



Hello, all…my first day using memverse.com and thank God for this website. I'm a relatively new believer (2.5 years) who has just started really focusing on memorizing the bible, starting on James with some members of my church. This will help me tremendously. I find that I keep forgetting to do my memorization and will go 3-4 days without doing it. Granted, I'm currently going through a very serious trial in my life and that is getting in the way…rather, I'm allowing that to get in the way. But God is with me through this and hiding his Word in my heart will also help.



@Julinna: Welcome to Memverse! How old are you? Have you done the Bible Bee? I am homeschooled as well. I really like being homeschooled. What grade are you in? I am finishing up 8th grade and will be starting 9th grade in the summer. Here is a tip to log into memverse. Find a time in your day that you noramally don't have anything going on and then set an alarm each day for that time. And when the alarm rings it reminds you to do Memverse.


Matthew Sinclair

Haha Mr. Wretched! Another things is that I'm related to John Knox by his mother's side and Jesse James was a cousin of mine so I kind of have a wild ancestry!


Wretched Man

Wow! John Knox is on the highest of high ends of the ancestral scale, while Jesse James would be considered by many to be on the low end; however, it's not until we recognize that we, too, are Jesse James in our hearts that we can come to Christ and aspire to be a John Knox.


Karthmin Aretani

Hey all, this is my account for BB verses only! I will probably have the face that Octavius the original has right now in a little bit.
EDIT: Done!


Karthmin Aretani

Hey all! I just wanted to let you know that I will not be haunting the forums so much or at all as much as I was before now. I was spending WAY too much time on them (this).
No, I am not sick, I did not die or get raptured…I'm just going to be an infrequent visitor after this.



I guess I'll say goodbye on this account as well. :-(
This is really hard. sobs boo hoo tears



My name is Isaac, I am 11 years old, and am the second oldest of 5. I have 1 sister who is the youngest. I live in NC. I am doing the Bible Bee this year. I enjoy being competetive, playing sports, games, and playing the wii and using electronic devices. I am homeschooled and my favorite subjest is math. I am in 7th grade. I will be 12 in October.



Jesus-Paid-It-All (Rachel) I am going to the Bible Bee contest in lexington. Which one are you going to?



Jesus-Paid-It-All (Rachel) I saw your question the post "add a description for your group" about whether or not you can join the group Bible Bee NC. I don't know about that but I just started a new group called Bible Bee Lexington NC. If you want to join it you could since you are going to that Bible Bee. I still need more people to get on the leaderboard.



Hi! I'm Peter, from the great state of Michigan!

I've been a Christian since I was seven. My family of 7 – Dad, Mom, 2 brothers and 2 sisters – attends Pleasant Lake Baptist Church. (www.pleasantlakebaptist.org)

I am very interested in politics and the future of our country. I'm a member of Generation Joshua (www.generationjoshua.org), a conservative organization seeking to get teens involved in politics and helping them to understand the political process. I'm also starting a Generation Joshua club in my area (www.michiganpatriots.org).

I believe that freedom is a gift from God, and that we must pray and act under his direction to preserve that freedom if it is His will that the United States remain "One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all."



Hi Peter. Sounds like you have some good ideas. It will be nice to chat with you on here after this.
