Entire Bible!

Started by His Servant


Love ya, bye!
"I don't wanna hear how much you love me. It's inappropriate, it's awkward, and it's unacceptable." :P
*chokes back a laugh*
No! No! No! I can't believe I said that! Should I call her back, Anna? xD
Why? To tell her that you _don't_ love her? ^I've seen _Courageous_ only once, so I may be misquoting it :)^

I can't believe I did that! Love ya, bye! ~Did it again~ xD ~You quoted it right~ Lol ;)



Love ya, bye!
"I don't wanna hear how much you love me. It's inappropriate, it's awkward, and it's unacceptable." :P
*chokes back a laugh*
No! No! No! I can't believe I said that! Should I call her back, Anna? xD
Why? To tell her that you _don't_ love her? ^I've seen _Courageous_ only once, so I may be misquoting it :)^
I can't believe I did that! Love ya, bye! ~Did it again~ xD ~You quoted it right~ Lol ;)

Hehe! I still can't stop laughing at this! Lol! xD


Kurt Steele

I am memorizing the book of Philippians , I want to master this book and then on to others. I am 53 but I would love to memorize the bible. I believe many verses are already memorized but I have to string them together.


Joshua S

Well, I'm not exactly part of this group, but it doesn't look like the entry requirements are too strict. I'm not sure if I will be able to memorize the entire Bible (I tend to set unrealistic goals for myself), but I am trying to get as much done as I can! I am working on the book of John right now.


Joshua S

I memorized Philippians once when I was young, but it's been so long that I have forgotten most of it. I didn't keep reviewing it.


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

The review is the tough part of this challenge…Still, even if you can't recite certain passages anymore, I find that once I've memorized something I can recall the gist of it, or think of pertinent phrases when necessary.


Joshua S

It would take about 70 hours, depending on how fast it is quoted. If you set your maximum review to three months, you wouldn't even have to review for an hour everyday.


Leah Jessie

I'm hoping to memorise the Bible by the time I'm 50. I don't have much of a long term strategy, but soon I'm planning to memorise the book of Ruth.



I'm trying to just memorize whatever I can (once the BB is over :P). Maybe I will complete the entire Bible someday, but that seems pretty far off right now #hasnotmemorizedanything (according to memverse)



Love ya, bye!
"I don't wanna hear how much you love me. It's inappropriate, it's awkward, and it's unacceptable." :P
*chokes back a laugh*
No! No! No! I can't believe I said that! Should I call her back, Anna? xD
Why? To tell her that you _don't_ love her? ^I've seen _Courageous_ only once, so I may be misquoting it :)^
I can't believe I did that! Love ya, bye! ~Did it again~ xD ~You quoted it right~ Lol ;)

Hehe! I still can't stop laughing at this! Lol! xD

The quote contest continues………



Love ya, bye!
"I don't wanna hear how much you love me. It's inappropriate, it's awkward, and it's unacceptable." :P
*chokes back a laugh*
No! No! No! I can't believe I said that! Should I call her back, Anna? xD
Why? To tell her that you _don't_ love her? ^I've seen _Courageous_ only once, so I may be misquoting it :)^
I can't believe I did that! Love ya, bye! ~Did it again~ xD ~You quoted it right~ Lol ;)

Hehe! I still can't stop laughing at this! Lol! xD

The quote contest continues………

A quote contest? Cool!



It really goes like this…

I love you, bye! Oh no, no no!
chokes back a laugh
Did you just say that you loved him?
I can't believe I said that! Should I call him back?
Why? To tell him that you don't?

This whole thing is talking about the Sheriff, just for clarification. The movie says the '"I don't wanna hear how much you love me. It's inappropriate, it's awkward, and it's unacceptable"' part later in the movie.



The other funny part of that movie is when they are taking someone to jail and they are teasing him about a "Snake King" being in the back with him.



Hello, all!
I want to memorize the whole Bible! Almost done with 1 Timothy, currently on Ch 5/6; doing NKJV version.
How's your Bible memory journey going? What version do you utilize?
