How do you organize your memory verses?

Started by John project

John project

I am teaching a class on memorization techniques and I was wondering how you guys keep your verses organized once you write them down.

Do you use 3 by 5 cards and keep them in a box, or do you use spiral 3 by 5 card notebooks?

Do you group them chronologically or do you do it topically?

And lastly, what are your methods of review manually, besides the internet?

Any input would be helping me help others. Thank you guys and God bless you.



I use 3 by 5 cards. I personally find those the easiest to use.
I group them in order of the books of the Bible so the verse cards from Psalms comes before the verses from Isaiah.
I have two methods of review.
First one: I take the verses that I have memorized and I quote through them three times a day (my 3x a day pile). Then after one week they move to 1x a day pile where I quote through them one time a day. After another week I move them to once a week pile.

Second one: I make three piles Gold, Silver and Bronze. The bronze pile is verses that I have three or more mistakes. The silver pile is verses that I have one or two mistakes and the gold pile is the verses that are perfect. So once I have been able to say the bronze verses with only one or two mistakes three times then they move to silver and the same with silver.

After I have done one or the other of those review systems I move them into my giant review system which is where I seperate all the verses I have learned into 14 different piles. Then I go through 1 pile every single day. And I just keep working on going through one pile every day.

I don't know if you have read this book "The $100,000 Word" but I would highly recommend it. It is very helpful for different Bible Memory Tips.


John project

This is excellent. I have never heard of this method and I can already see its benefits. thank you very much! I also will check out the book you mentioned.

One last question. where do you store your cards? do you have them in a card box or just bind them up in separate piles?
