Mistakes in the questions

Started by Jael


Do you mean this one: "What did Samson drink out of after killing a thousand Philistines?" Answer D is "a donkey's jawbone", which of course isn't correct… Unless you were talking about a different question, though I couldn't find any others like it.

About the other question, see Luke 6:20: "And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: 'Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.'" The question's answer A directly quotes this verse. :P


Matthew Minica

Do you mean this one: "What did Samson drink out of after killing a thousand Philistines?" Answer D is "a donkey's jawbone", which of course isn't correct… Unless you were talking about a different question, though I couldn't find any others like it. About the other question, see Luke 6:20: "And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: 'Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.'" The question's answer A directly quotes this verse. :P

That's the one, but no, answer D is easily correct in KJV. I've seen it depicted both ways - the spring coming from the ground, and actually coming from the jawbone (weird, I know :P).

Okay, great! Thanks for checking these questions. :)



Hmm, yes. I didn't pay much attention to the KJV because it's entered in Memverse withe the olde spellinge, iawe. LOLe.
As much as I think the KJV's translation is clearly wrong (based on the Hebrew; I'm forcing myself not to type up an explanation), perhaps it would be a good idea to remove that question on the grounds of "Translation Dependence".


Matthew Minica

^I seem to be always the one over here posting errors… xP oh well^

Question 2 in today's quiz, about John 4, had two correct answers. Shechem (B) is the OT version of Sychar (D).


Emily H

Really? I didn't know that. The map of Israel from Jesus' time I have puts Shechem right next to Sychar. ^I didn't write the question though^



I didn't submit the question, but John 4 calls it Sychar, not Shechem, so Sychar would be the correct answer.


Matthew Minica

Are you sure they aren't two labels on the same city? My commentary told me Shechem and Sychar were one and the same.


Matthew Minica

I deduced that and submitted the "correct" answer, but it's still wrong if Shechem is to be identified with Sychar. ;)


Emily H

Pretty sure. It's definitely two separate dots, and though they're close together, it doesn't look at all like two labels for the same place. But the other place I looked it up does says Sychar is probably another name for Shechem.



I did some checking; it seems it isn't known for sure if Sychar was Shechem, or just a village nearby. Easton's Bible Dictionary suggests that it is the village 'Askar, about a mile north of Jacob's Well. Other sources propose that it is Shechem, with varying degrees of uncertainty.
In any case, that answer should probably be removed. (But first - was it in a Bible Bee quiz, or the regular quizzes?)


Matthew Minica

Pretty sure. It's definitely two separate dots, and though they're close together, it doesn't look at all like two labels for the same place. But the other place I looked it up does says Sychar is probably another name for Shechem.

Okay, well, who knows then… ;P



I deduced that and submitted the "correct" answer, but it's still wrong if Shechem is to be identified with Sychar. ;)

Not if Sechem isn't referenced in John 4.


Matthew Minica

I deduced that and submitted the "correct" answer, but it's still wrong if Shechem is to be identified with Sychar. ;)
Not if Sechem isn't referenced in John 4.

If Sychar = Shechem, then Shechem is referenced in John 4. Not quite sure what's unclear here. ;P It's comparable to this question:

Where was the National Bible Bee held in 2010?
A) Washington, D.C.
B) The Windy City
C) The Big Apple
D) Chicago, IL

See what I'm getting at? ;)



I'm pretty sure ZhachB means it's not mentioned directly, and whether that counts as "referenced" is debatable (it references the city (maybe), but not the word itself). I would still vote for removing Schchem from the list though.


Matthew Minica

So if I say the 2010 Bible Bee was held in the Windy City, then am I not mentioning Chicago, Illinois directly? ;)



You're referencing it indirectly. At least that's how I would think of it. But I can understand if others would think differently. In any case, if Schchem = Sychar, then it's certainly reference.



But there is no reference in your question, Matthew, that indicates which name we are looking for, whereas in John 4 it references Sychar. So if we were studying a book on the locations of Bible Bee nationals, and Chicago, IL was mentioned, but the Windy City was not, then Chicago, IL would be the correct answer to the question.


Matthew Minica

But the Windy City would also be a correct answer!

(Sorry, Zach, but according to 16personalities, I'm a Debater too xP)



It wouldn't be the correct answer if it was not mentioned in the studied material. For example, take this question:

What is Jesus called in John 6?
A) The Bread of Life
B) A hamburger
C) The Lamb of God
D) A hot dog

Jesus is called both A) and C), so both answers are right, but only A) is mentioned in John 6. Both are different names for the same thing, just like Shechem is the same thing as Sychar. Both answers are right, but only Sychar is mentioned in John 6, just like only A) is mentioned in John 4.

Isn't the Debater personality awesome!?


Matthew Minica

I'll give you that, but in order for that to be true the question has to be worded correctly - for example, "What is the city that Jesus stopped at called in John 4" instead of "What was the city that Jesus stopped at in John 4". If the former wording is used then only Sychar is correct. If the latter wording is used (and Sychar is indeed Shechem) then there are still two correct answers.

IKR ;D I need to go back onto the MEME thread to follow up on the debate there. Lol xP



No there wouldn't be two correct answers in the latter question because they give a reference and the reference says Sychar.



Umm… Matthew's correct, but if it helps, I'll mention that the question doesn't actually say anything about John 4. (The "supporting reference" is John 4:5, but that's not available in the quiz anyway.) It simply asks what the city is.


Matthew Minica

It appears that I made my question text ambiguous. Trying again, "Where (or "What city") did Jesus stop in Samaria on the way to Galilee?" No reference, and it's pretty obvious the question is talking about the city, not the name. Actually, I think that's our main problem - you were interpreting the question as talking about the name of the city that was used, while I interpreted it as talking about the city itself that Jesus visited, which has more than one name.

@Caleb, JSYK, we're just "arguing" because we're both ENTPs and we're having fun with it xD



IKR ;D I need to go back onto the MEME thread to follow up on the debate there. Lol xP

Which one? ;)



Umm… Matthew's correct, but if it helps, I'll mention that the question doesn't actually say anything about John 4. (The "supporting reference" is John 4:5, but that's not available in the quiz anyway.) It simply asks what the city is.

If it doesn't give the reference in the question itself, then either answer is correct.



@Caleb, JSYK, we're just "arguing" because we're both ENTPs and we're having fun with it xD

Okay, thanks. :) I'm an INTJ, and I don't find arguing to be very useful, except for organizing one's thoughts or defending one's principals (which two things are, practically speaking, largely the same). But to each his own. Oh, and… have fun. :P


Matthew Minica

Two mistakes in today's quiz:

In Nahum 3:17, what are Nineveh's commanders compared to? Correct answer - C) Locusts, but in KJV, B) Grasshoppers is also correct.

When did Joseph and Mary (the mother of Jesus) get married? C) After Mary gave birth is not correct - it is B) While Mary was pregnant. (Matthew 1:24-25)



Question 11 on the quiz today:
"The tabernacle contained curtains with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman. How many were there?
A. One
B. Four
C. Six
D. Ten"

This may be obvious to some, but I couldn't tell if the question was asking how many curtains were in the tabernacle, how many cherubim were worked into the curtains, or how many skilled craftsmen there were.
