
Started by M27


How should Christians handle money? Should Christians tithe? Is every Christian called to sell their possessions and give away everything except for the bare minimum that they need to live on?


Piece of Peace

Wisely. I think yes, but there are exceptions. No… David didn't give away everything yet, he was a man after God's own heart. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Ecclesiastes 3:13. However Ecclesiastes 5:9-10, warns us not to love money too much. Then verse 18-20, your money comes from God.


Roy Phillips

God put Solomon, Joseph, and Danial in offices where they were in charge of large amounts of wealth. Was it a sin for them to except the rewards of their labor? Money should be a means to the end goal of bringing glory to God. If getting rid of everything is what will bring glory to God (or that is what God is directing you to do) then you should do that, But even in the first church mentioned in the book of Acts it was completely voluntary.

Acts 5:3-4
Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”



That's a good point about the Acts passage! And I do agree that it is okay for Christians to have more money than they physically need to survive. Of course, all Christians do have the responsibility to use their money wisely, be generous (especially by giving to their church and the poor), and give glory to God for all that He has given them.
"And you shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house, you, and the Levite, and the sojourner who is among you." (Deuteronomy 26:11)
