Should Christians Go to College?

Started by Hiruko Kagetane

Hiruko Kagetane

We haven't had a good discussion on here in a long time, so I decided to throw this one out: Should Christians go to College? Is it worth the money? What about dorm life, and other influences at college? Should women go to college?



Hannah W. (Adelaide)

YES! I believe they should. We need more Christians in our government and schools and everywhere to influence others!!! I am not deep like some of you are but that's what I think :P!



I personally think that it is fine for Christians to go to college. But they need to be careful not to be influenced by the world. Also for women going to college…I think it is fine. But I personally do not think that once they are married and have children that they should work outside the home with the college skills unless clearly directed to, or they have to. I think that college for women can be quite a distraction from her higher calling.


Hiruko Kagetane

I agree with basically everything you said Carissa. But I think that college is a good way for a woman to have something to fall back on in the event that she needs to get a job. For example,if the husband is laid off, and is searching for a job, or if the husband dies. Even if she doesn't use any of the skills she learned in college as a mother and wife, it's good to have those skills. I wouldn't mind having a wife who was top of her class in culinary school! ;)


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

I'm going to try to limit myself to one post on this thread, for now…just for a change. ;-)
This is almost like asking if Christians should go to public schools, or even some private schools. I believe that, if you can hold your ground against all the peer pressure, it's actually a good idea, because we're the salt of the earth, the city on a hill, the light of the world, and it's good to get the word out and show people that we're different (in a good way!) and aren't terrorists or anything.
And for me (being a girl), the main reason I want to go to college is so that I can homeschool my kids (if it's God's will that I get married and have any!!) even if the government turns weird and says that only people with college degrees can homeschool.



''''I think that college for women can be quite a distraction from her higher calling.''''

How do you know their 'higher calling' isn't brought through college?



I'm going to try to limit myself to one post on this thread, for now...just for a change. ;-) This is almost like asking if Christians should go to public schools, or even some private schools. I believe that, if you can hold your ground against all the peer pressure, it's actually a good idea, because we're the salt of the earth, the city on a hill, the light of the world, and it's good to get the word out and show people that we're different (in a good way!) and aren't terrorists or anything. And for me (being a girl), the main reason I want to go to college is so that I can homeschool my kids (if it's God's will that I get married and have any!!) even if the government turns weird and says that only people with college degrees can homeschool.

I've thought about that. :) lol



Their higher calling…according to the Bible…is marrying, loving their husbands and submitting to their husbands, having children and teaching them, etc… And in Titus 2 it says "working at home". Maybe their higher calling is going to college but from what I have seen it isn't. Please correct me though if I am wrong.



So you're saying one main reason that Christians should go to college is to find their future spouse?


In It Not Of It

I think that if your parents are OK with you going to college and you feel the Lord leading, then you should go. GOd leads through your parents


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

For the sake of discussion, and so this thread doesn't die, I have a different thought to throw out: What about college online? It can be faster, less expensive and avoid a lot of the negative influences found on a campus.



I personally think that college online is a lot better than on a campus. But of course…I've never done either so I don't really know :)



Sorry, Sam, but I don't think that this started a good discussion :(

Why do you say that, Carissa? I think this has been a pretty good discussion so far.


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

The point of collage is an education so if u can still get a good education online then I'd say go for it!! :)

That's what I would say, but it looks like some of the commenters on this thread would consider being a good witness to your classmates one of the benefits of college, which you can't do with an online college. (or not as much) Similarly, if one was planning to get a bible degree from a christian college, there would be less opportunities for fellowshipping with your classmates in an online format.



That is true. But some people can't afford to go off to collage or prefer to stay home. Or if u want to get a masters when your older (our one friends' dad got a degree online) and you have a family. Etc.



Sorry, Sam, but I don't think that this started a good discussion :(
Why do you say that, Carissa? I think this has been a pretty good discussion so far.



Marie Morris

So… if a young lady does not go to college what are some practical ways she can use her life to honor the Lord?
Do you have any specific examples on how you have served the Lord while living at home?

BTW I am a homeschool grad who is still living at home and serving the Lord and my family while under the protection of my family.



Though I have not graduated yet or gone to college (which I don't want to do) one way that serve the Lord is going with a lady in our church to read the Bible with ladies at the nursing home



Well maybe it has. I just said that because normally on our discussions we have two "sides" while here pretty much everyone agrees :)


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

So... if a young lady does not go to college what are some practical ways she can use her life to honor the Lord? Do you have any specific examples on how you have served the Lord while living at home? BTW I am a homeschool grad who is still living at home and serving the Lord and my family while under the protection of my family.

Ah, excellent question. :) I have done college, but I did it online from home. This allowed me to stay home and serve in the home. I was not intending to do college at all before the option to do it online came up.

Examples of serving at home: I have been privileged to help my mom homeschool my younger siblings, as well as just generally keeping the house running. If any of you gals have lots of younger siblings, you know that for cleaning the kitchen, picking up, getting people ready for each day etc. it is very helpful to have many assistants! I have also had chances to serve in my church, especially since my Dad is the pastor. My guess is that as I get older, I will have more opportunities to serve other families in the church as well.


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

actually, I've already finished my BA. I started working on it when I was 15 1/2. For the first year I was working on college and high school simultaneously. (not trying to boast…just letting you know the time frame.)


In It Not Of It

thats it …new conclusion for me COLLEGE IS EVIL!!!!!!!

Just dropped off my brother and best friend, and nothing is right at home without him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In It Not Of It

thanks…..everyone else is like " you'll like it better" or "you should be happy you'll be the oldest"
and they totally dont help cuz thats not what i want!



@Stefani: I know how you feel…somewhat….my two oldest siblings have gone to a community college but they're still gone a lot and I don't like it when they aren't home :(


In It Not Of It

my brother is my closest friend, and probably my favorite person in the world. We always did EVERYTHING together….and now its like its all over, and it'll never go back to normal again . He'll probably meet some creepy girl at college and marry her………


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

my brother is my closest friend, and probably my favorite person in the world. We always did EVERYTHING together....and now its like its all over, and it'll never go back to normal again .

I'm the same way with my older brother. :) We did college together which was really fun, but now he's working and he's been gone on a mission trip, so I know how you feel. :( Nothing ever does stay the same forever, but it's still sad.



my brother is my closest friend, and probably my favorite person in the world. We always did EVERYTHING together....and now its like its all over, and it'll never go back to normal again . He'll probably meet some creepy girl at college and marry her.........

I know exactly how you feel I have 2 older brothers one is in collage and one is already out of collage, there is a couple things I've learned though,

  1. Being bitter doesn't help anything
  2. It's ok to cry your heart out once and a while, sometimes it makes you feel a little better
  3. You have to understand that collage is very busy and just cause ur sibling don't contact your much dosn't mean they aren't thinking of you and don't love you.
  4. Skype is an awesome tool to keep in touch when they have time
  5. Collage is a different stage of life, it changed my brothers, mostly for the better :)
  6. Most importantly God has a purpose for everything. Even when you REALLY REALLY miss them.