When is the Age of Consent?

Started by Hiruko Kagetane

Hiruko Kagetane

As the world changes, standards for life and living also change. Ideas about work, gender, and even sexuality have all changed drastically over the past decade, inviting the response of the believer to evaluate carefully their stance. Be ready to give an answer to him who asks of you, after all. With this in mind, what should our idea of the proper age of consent to marriage and the blessings of the marriage bed be? America seems to have an idea that 18 is the proper age, where the rest of the world boasts vastly different ideas. What should our response be?



Piece of Peace

I think it changes for the person. Some are ready at 16 for what some people aren't ever ready for. For men one of the criteria is to have a means to support his family. For women to take care of someone who may or may not be able to take care of himself. I have a friend who is 26 and unmarried, why? Because she doesn't consider herself adequately prepared. I have another friend who is 23 and unmarried why? Because he doesn't think he can support his family on his wages and continue his schooling.

On a side note, IT'S SAM!


Hiruko Kagetane

@"biblebee " ~ As an adult, why does it matter what your parents believe?

@RC3 ~ When can one consider themselves "prepared enough" for such an experience? Can anyone truly gauge such a standard?


Phil Walker

Hiruko, thanks for bringing up the topic. I am curious of where you are from? and what the age is there? And what you think of that age being right or wrong? I live in Indonesia where arranged marriages are still somewhat common in some areas, which at first glance to my Western mind seems sad, but I am sure there are good reasons and benefits from this. As a father of soon to be 4 children, I would hope that what I believe will ALWAYS MATTER to my children, even if they, especially when adults feel I and/or my wife are wrong, and/or they decide to go against what we believe.



Sam: Because even as adults we are to respect and honor our parents. They are a lot wiser and more mature, and I think that it is very important to listen to them and trust them, especially in such important things as marriage.


Roy Phillips

~ As an adult, why does it matter what your parents believe?

It is the 21st century, the liqueurs are stronger and drugs kill you faster, so screw what parents say! what would they know? The times have changed. #sarcasm
When you say "Adult" do you mean older then 18, or actually mature? Life isn't about you its about the people around you. that includes parents, grandparents, and Friends (hopefully you've picked wise friends). Getting married is a big deal that will have major impact on your life. Other people have ways of seeing problems in us that we can't, and that's part of why God said not to forsake the gathering together of the saints in Hebrews 10:23-25.

also Proverbs has some harsh name calling for people who "despise wisdom and instruction."

Obviously you don't just doggedly do everything your told (a straw-man I've heard several times). It is possible to respectfully reject poor or ill-informed advice. "why do say that?" "what do you mean by this-or-that?" and its always safe to just think about what you've been told and decided if what you were told is really in your best interest.
