2015 Nationals Location!

Started by ZachB


Any guesess?? I can't believe nobodys created a thread on this yet!

I personally think they need to do one further north, such as Ohio, Michigan, Indiana or something thereabouts.


Matthew Minica

You would expect that from a Michigander. :P JK I say they should do it at least a little further west! Ho for Memphis, Little Rock, St. Louis, Branson, Dallas, or Kansas City! xD



I've heard several mention about Indiana…someone else thought BB might have a contract with the FL hotel… But I have like nothing to back that up, so don't quote me, haha.:P I think if it was in Orlando again, they might have announced it at Nats to get it publicized on the webcast? Yes, I think California or something on the West coast/PNW would be awesome, but since it's on the other coast from BB HQ, possibly not. Or Michigan, yes! Random thought, but I wonder if Cedarville or something would ever host it? It would be different/probably not what they're going for though. Looking forward to hearing their decision, though wherever Bible Bee friends are is honestly great for me:D


Child of God

Cedarville would be amazing to host nationals, but that's only 4 miles from my house so I would prefer something further away! :) Michigan or DC would be great for me!



Any guesess?? I can't believe nobodys created a thread on this yet! I personally think they need to do one further north, such as Ohio, Michigan, Indiana or something thereabouts.

I would consider Chicago a something whereabouts. :P



Yeah, it was nice. :) When we went to the Creation Museum afterwards, they said that they chose to put it where they did because 80% of the US is a day's drive away.


Ian R.2

I know this isn't realistic, but I think it would be awesome if it were in Pittsburgh. Then I could see you guys again! :P


Seth W.

I know this isn't realistic, but I think it would be awesome if it were in Kansas City. Then I could see you guys again (or for the first time)! :P

His Servant

I know this isn't realistic, but I think it would be awesome if it were in Kansas City. Then I could see you guys again (or for the first time)! :P

Hey! You know what?! I think I like Seth's idea the best!! XD



You would expect that from a Michigander. :P JK I say they should do it at least a little further west! Ho for Memphis, Little Rock, St. Louis, Branson, Dallas, or Kansas City! xD

Oh no, not just because of Michigan! The last 3 have been in the south, so I figured they need one further north.


Sarah B.

Is this where we give a sales pitch for why our state is the best to have Nationals at?? lol! Oh dear! I don't care… just close! Please make it close!!!! I don't mind 12 hours… no more, please!!!


Sarah B.

I know this isn't realistic, but I think it would be awesome if it were *SOMEWHERE CLOSE.* Then I could see you guys again (or for the first time)! :P

Seth W.

Anchorage! :D I'm still hoping for Denver or San Antonio.

Denver would be neat…it would give me an excuse to go to Colorado for the first time.


Mommy's Helper

It would be totally awesome if they held it the same place where the 2009 Sufficiency of Scripture conference was held, which is really close to the Creation Museum, which I know many if not all BB-ers would like.


Hannah Hope

I don't know if this counts cuz I'm not in BB, but I might do it next year, and the places I would like it in most would be Arizona, Washington, or Colorado. :D


Alex Watt

Welcome to the forums, Mandy! Your first post has been approved and all future posts will be automatically approved.


Sarah B.

St. Louis!! That's super close to where I am

Mandy! Hey - welcome! For some reason I think I might know you…. though you wouldn't know me. ;)


Esther Grace

Texas would be great. (we have family there, so that location might be better for me possibly - hopefully! - volunteering next year)


Everett C

I don't think they'll choose it again. Bethany M. said she talked to Mrs. McMahan and they said it was an emergency or something. They usually try to keep it within eight hours or so of headquarters.



Maybe it was an emergency because they couldn't find anywhere else? But that doesn't really make sense….



Arizona or Pennsylvania or Delaware would be great. (we have family there, so that location might be better for me possibly - hopefully! - going next year)


It needs to be in Ohio, so you all have no excuse not to visit me.

Yes! Then If I went……. xD
