A question for you...

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

Everett C

This is how I personally prepare (or at least try to) for the written test. I'll post how I answer the questions later.

For verse comprehension, all you need to do is have a thorough understanding of the passage and context. If you don't understand it, I recommend you read Matthew Henry's commentary and The Message. You also should memorize the context for each passage. Know the background, place, speaker, and time for the narrative passages. For all the non-narrative passages, just read the chapter the passage is in. If you understand the concepts, points, and goals of the passage, it should be relatively simple to answer the questions on the test. Keep in mind that this makes up 25% of the test.

To prepare for the vague, general questions, you need to have a complete understanding of all given material. If you don't know all the facts, but you understand everything, you will be better off than if you memorized all the facts but didn't understand them. I would say that most of the test, especially the general questions really test how well you understand the material.
