Bible Bee "Excitement Room"

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

Matthew Minica

237 families, 610 contestants as of April 4, 9:35 PM EDT!

From the FAQ page: "The Young Explorer Sword Study is designed especially for the younger half of the primary division. The younger children who chose this book may have more success in working through and completing their study. Children ages four to eight should continue to have close, parental involvement in their study of the Bible. Those who chose to use the Young Explorer and compete in the Primary division should be adequately prepared if they do the suggested reading and digging deeper sections with their parents' assistance." So apparently Young Explorers can still compete like any other Primary. (Good thing, since Zachary's a YE as well!)

BTW: Just a little something I saw. Interesting that the name "Sword Study" is now trademarked. Seriously, it's on the home page!


His Servant

Do you have a Young Explorer in your family, Matthew? What does trademark mean? (Don't laugh, since I know you probably will when you see this comment!) :D


Matthew Minica

Yes, Zachary is a Young Explorer.
Trademarked means that the Bible Bee has the permissions for that particular name and nobody else can use the name "Sword Study" for their product.


His Servant

Thanks for posting that thing from FAQ…I was getting concerning that we had mis-read something about YE and Ellia couldn't compete!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Oh, okay! Too bad!

Anyway, SCREAMS and jumps on the bed I'm SO excited!

Okay, not really about the screaming and jumping part. But I AM SOOOOO EXCITED! :D


His Servant

Oh….I thought you just saw a bug in your bed, or something like that…that was, before I read the rest of your comment! :P


His Servant

I'm sure it wasn't! If I get awakened from something in the middle of the night, I'm not very happy (I'm normally not in the best of moods in the middle of the night). The worst thing that happened in the night, was when I woke up with myself sitting on the floor with all my sheets laying around me. For some reason, I thought I needed to do that, though I have no idea why….

(This ought to go under Social Chatting!)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Once I was sleep walking and went in the kitchen thinking I was making pizza! I think I was in the fridge looking for something when mom came out and asked what I was doing :D


BibleBeeJunior14 (~*Lady Ariana*~)

We registered and I think we were like 301 and 302. Or maybe it was 201 and 202. I know it was _01 and _02….:) LOL I'm super excited too…I'm just sad because my bff who usually does it is going to China and won't be able to compete. :( sob!


His Servant

@Nicolas – Any US citizen can participate, no matter where they are at the time being. I guess if they make it to Nationals, and want to go, they'll have to fly to TN :D Last year, there was one in a US military base in Europe, if I'm not mistaken….



Registered :) No idea what number I was.
Can't wait until June 1st!!!!!!!
267 Familys
669 Contestants



I'm soooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :P :P :P :P and excited. Any suggestions on which translation I should use??



What do you normally use? You would be familiar with it… Personally, I would recommend the KJV… I've used it for pretty much my whole life! But then I don't want to get in a Bible translation debate!!! ;)


Matthew Minica

Go for King James!! :D (I'm obviously biased) But, if you've been raised on a modern translation, ESV would be my recommendation.



Hmmm all the pros seem to say KJV is the best but I doubt I can convince my little brother to leave the ESV cause he loves it, and I have to do the same translation he does. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

I would recommend Either KJV or NKJV, but that's just my opinion… I've mostly used KJV all my life, but NKJV has a bit more "modern" language :) I'm using KJV for BB



As long as we're recommending Bible translations (I wouldn't recommend any paraphrases, but thankfully BibleBee doesn't offer those)
I would recommend the KJV (King James Version) which I use for memorizing both on Memverse and in the BibleBee.
And the ESV (English Standard Version) which we use in Church, and has more modern language.



What does NASB stand for? :) wait is it 'New American Standard Bible'? I'll probably end up using ESV because that's what my brother likes. :)


Ruth Smith

Mrs. McMahan, is the leader of the Entire Bible Bee, and she also writes the Sword Studies:) if you go to nationals, ( or if you've aready gone,) you'll meet her for sure:)
