Who's competing??? :D :D :D

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17

Are you competing in the Bible Bee? What divison are you in? How many years have you participated? Anyone else in your family doing it? :)

I guess I'll start. ;-)

Yes, I am competing in the BB, Praise the LORD! :) I will be in the Senior division for the 2nd time, and this will be my 3rd year doing the Bible Bee. Two of my brothers are also joining me, one in Juniors and one in Primaries, both for the first time. :)



I haven't signed up yet, but I will!!
I'm doing the Biblebee. I'll bee a senior. ;) this will bee my first year. Lol :) my little brother is also competing and he is a junior and it will bee his second. :) and it's gonna bee so much fun!! Lol :)


Emily H

Totally!!! =D Me and my brother are both signed up to compete again. (so excited:) We've participated sense 2009.



Yes, I am competing in the Bible Bee this year! :) I will be in the Senior division, though I have been a Junior for the past four years, as I started in 2009. Four of my brothers are doing it, along with my sister. :)


Ian R.2

I shall be doing it as well. I will be a senior, and this is the third year I will be competing. No one else from my family will be competing though. :(



I am a first time senior. I have competed in 2011 and 2012!!! We will also have another senior, a junior, and a primary.


God's Maiden of Virtue

I guess I'm the first person to comment here who will be a Junior :) This will be my third year to do Bible Bee- I started in 2010. And, I am so excited!!! :D


Matthew Minica

Yeah!! I'm competing! I am in my second year as a Senior. I've done it since 2009. I have two sisters (both Juniors) and two brothers (both Primaries) competing as well.


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

Rachel- I'm definitely sad I can't compete next year, but thanks to Memverse and some other things, I'll be able to keep memorizing. And I hope to be a supporting sibling for those in my family who can still compete. :)



Well, I'm competing…I just haven't signed up yet…long story :) anyway, this is my last year in the Junior Division, and my sister Erin is going to compete in JD for the first time, and I also have twin sisters who are going to compete in the Primary Division :P


His Servant

Yes!! I'm competing, and I'm super excited :) I'm a third year senior, and am competing along with my sister (senior), younger brother (junior) and little sister (primary)! SO EXCITED! :D Oh, and us three older ones have done it since 2011, but our primary sister is doing it her first time this year – she'll still be 6 when she competes at locals :P


Hiruko Kagetane

This ninja will be competing, as a 2nd-Year Junior………I think………….how old is Senior again?

EDIT: Never mind, I just saw that Senior starts at 15! I guess I'm old then…………..heh!



Yes of course your a senior!!!! :) and glares if I go to nationals u better be there. I don't care if u don't qualify. Go with SBG's family. :)



Lol but seriously, I will probably never be able to forgive u if I'm there and your not. :) lol but I doubt I'll be there so I don't think u have to worry. :)



Why ask? Of course I'd do Bible Bee!!!!! I am a 3rd year Junior and also the 14th person to sign up. :)



"O no a Bible Bee thread is lying on the Memvers forums floor!!!!"
checks carotid pulse and assesses respirations "no pulse or respirations!" points to inoccent bystander A "you go call 911" points to inoccent bystander B "you get an AED".
starts chest compressions "….nuther one bites the dust…no no no. ……stayin alive, stayin alive, stayin alive….. yea."

I'm in.
Ok, in what you say?, in the Bible Bee as a matter of fact.
I did get signed up and this is the last year I can compete.

"wow that was easy looks like this thread is doing just fine, …now"



I'm a senior also Christisum. Anyways I ought to be… You know how awful it would be, to be put into the primary division? And then be asked to compete along side them? And then lose???



Lol the primary that I hung out with all during the Biblebee last year learned 2 verses and knew the lyrics to 'Call Me Maybe' better than the Bible verses she was suppost to be learning :). We did have fun though. :) lol



She was so sasy too. :) she was like, 'it's like the oldest new thing!' And 'I'm like OBSESED with that song.' And I was like wow! :) I didn't know people like that did the biblebee?! :) lol jk! It was kinda really funny and really wrong at the same time. Lol



Yeah I know. I found it more hilarious though. I mean I was surrounded by high schooler who probably didn't even know what that song was and this little 9/10 year old girl is just sitting there singing it!! I was like jaw drops. :) I guess I shouldn't find it so funny. Lol



We were in the FFA. I think it was while the seiner's were taking the written test :) we were making Kleenex flowers :).


Hiruko Kagetane

I was referring to the monotony of making Kleenex flowers, and intending to break the monotony by singing a popular song. Almost like singing "Losing" when someone is annoying you. In front of them. Although singing 'Losing' while laughing can drastically change the lyrics. Like "pride won't let us lay weapons on the ground" can turn into "pride won't let us weigh weapons on the ground". Which all goes to say that you need to WATCH OUT when singing Tenth Avenue North out loud!



Lol I actually have 'trouble when you walking in' stuck in my head right now. :) lol :P she also might be singing 'we are never ever ever getting back together!' BTW- I can't stand that song. There is something really fun about mocking her songs though. Lol
