Who's competing??? :D :D :D

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

Hiruko Kagetane

That song just makes me laugh! All of her songs do! I mean, she's constantly complaining about these guys, and I'm like "Have you noticed a pattern here?"



Lol yep pretty much. :) lol well except 22. IDT she's complaining in that one. But we should probably get this form back on topic somehow. :) lol



I'm signed up!!!! :D This is my fifth year doing the Bible Bee and my last year as a Junior.



Great! I have seen you at nationals but I have never met you, maybe this year if we both make it to nationals!


Emily H

Yay, yay, yay!!!!! =D Enjoy your last year as a Junior. :) Hope to see you again in November!!!



I'm pretty sure they are, actually. Christian said Mr. F. seemed pretty interested in the Bible Bee when he explained it to him last year.

Speaking of them, we just learned on Wednesday that Mr. F. recently had an interview for a potentially better job than the one he has now. Let's pray that he gets it! :)



That's great!!!! We were really hoping they were do the Bible Bee last year but because they were moving it wasn't going to work. And so we were hoping that y'all would get them to do it :D


Margaret Eddy

I'm competing again this year. Unfortunately I only have 2014 left to compete because my birthday is August 12th. I know a lot of you have it worse off, though! It was mostly confusing my first year in Seniors because the age limit for Juniors was 14 and at the time we signed up I was fourteen but then I turned 15 MONTHS later right before the locals.
Do any of you who have a birthday between getting materials and Nationals not even try to remember the change in your age until afterward?



Yeah, it gets kind of annoying :) That's what happened to me in 2010. I was 10, but I was going to turn 11 like a month before locals.



My sisters Ellia and Faith have their birthdays in September and October respectively. So though they will be 6 at locals their first year they won't be able to compete when they are 18 turning 19 :(



Me and Nickolas r both born in may so we could say the same thing. :P :) lol JK.
Lol when I was typing in 'Nicolas' one of the auto-correct options was 'Nikohulk'! :) lol



Poor Rachel and I :( But of course my parents are the most awesome parents…even if I was born in July :D


Margaret Eddy

I figured a lot of people had it worse off than I did. :)
(though for everything that starts with the school year you guys have it pretty good).
