Who's got a Bible Bee box?

Started by Christian Alexander

Christian Alexander

I woke up this morning trying to figure out why today was such a big day. I knew something very special was happening, but it took me a while to remember what. But then I remembered: The Bible Bee materials are coming today!!

So I created this topic for you guys to post when you get the materials and what you think of the contents!


Aidan B.

Same here, and our internet program is blocking the bible bee website!! :(:(:( I wanted to check what the book was. No UPS truck yet….
EDIT: Garbage truck? On Friday??


Sarah BB

My box is out for delivery, but UPS doesn't usually get to our house until 5pm-ish. The website doesn't say what book it is yet, but some people accidentally got their boxes yesterday, and the book is 2 Timothy!!!!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Garbage truck….we usually have it picked up Thursdays, but it got pushed because of memorial day

2 timothy? Sounds like a good book to study! :) so thats the TRUE bible bee study book?

Still waiting… :

Emily H

Yeah…..I'm on Bible Bee…..keep refreshing the page….so far nothing….. :)
2 Timothy? Awesome! I'm looking forward to studying it!!! :)


Emily H

We probably won't get our box till this afternoon. :( Usually they don't come here earlier than that. Yesterday, we looked on the tracker thing they emailed us, to see where our box was, and it was only about 2 hours away!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!! :)


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

I'm not sure if the "Bible Bee 2012" verses are the actual verses (I haven't had a chance to look at them) but I tagged ALL of the BB verses "Bible Bee 2012 Level 1". We got our box last night and opened it this morning. I was SOOOOOOOO excited about everything!!! I hope the rest of you get your boxes SOON!


Nicole {Bible Bee}

I'm so excited!!! No, I don't have my box yet, but the BB site is finally updated!! (As some of you said already.) I joined Memverse not too long ago, and only to use for BB, so I just added all the verses tagged 'Bible Bee 2012 Level 1'. I'm almost positive that those are all correct, but some of them are the wrong version (for me - I'm using NIV 1984), so I still gotta figure that out….

Btw, did anyone do what I did and sign up for BB only two days ago even when they were planning on signing up on April 1st as soon as they woke up?? Why do I do this…….?


Emily H

my brother just found that it's about an hour away!!!!!!! We probably won't get it in a hour….but it's neat to know it's that close!!!!!!


Aidan B.

I added all the Bible Bee 2012 verses to my verses, and tagged them all "Bible Bee 2012".


Aidan B.

THE DOORBELL RANG! IT WAS A PACKAGE!! It was not it. :(:( why do we always have to get some random package on the day the boxes are supposed to come?


Aidan B.

Such a letdown….
EDIT: In 2010 the box didn't come until Tuesday :(
EDIT EDIT: In 2010, nothing came until Tuesday, and then, there was a Bible Bee box! So we get all exited and jump around and open it… only to discover that it wasn't our box at all, it was for a missionary family that was living in the area that didn't have their own address, so they had addressed to us! So… STILL NO BOX! then FINALLY that evening, ours came! But it had a bunch of extra stuff that didn't belong to us! Well, I'm hoping it will go better this year :)


Emily H

Yeah. :(
EDIT: oh, sad. Ours didn't come the first day either, I don't think. Or that might have been in 2010. I don't remember.



You guys are lucky!
Great news!
Hey SBG, our box should come soon, too, if the UPS truck is in the area!!!!


Everett H

Oh no A UPS truck just passed our house COME BACK!!! it's OK I won't hurt you do you wan't some some uh SUGAR!?? It is really good!!!
EDIT: they came back! with our Bible Bee box too!


Matthew Minica

No truck, no box, no nothing except the memory verse references yet. We're hoping it won't be late this time! (Both of the last two times it was a day late.)



I'm going crazy, too, just inside (well, sorta).
As Matthew said, no box, no truck, no nothing except this feeling in the pit of my stomach that IT NEEDS TO COME SOON!!!!!



The Book is 2 Timothy, we haven't got our box yet (crying; lol), but hopefully soon!


2 Corinthians 5:17


Sword study is MUCH smaller than last year….
the stack of verse cards … well…I guess the best word is small :)

Time to start memorizing and organizing everything!!


Karthmin Aretani

Me 2 to what, Zachary? "Me 2" that you got your box or "Me 2" that you hope everybody gets theirs soon?
blows nose
It's just not fair!
sniffles loudly, again



That we haven't gotten our box yet! That's the saddest thing in the world right now! ;-)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Why don't you do something to get your mind off of it…for example….hmmm…take a nap? then the doorbell will wake you up :D (JK)


Emily H

I know! It's so sad! This is awful! :) And there's really nothing I can do, because I'm to excited!!!! :D

Rachel, Really? Do you think there's anything we could do to take our minds of our BIBLE BEE BOXES????? :D
We don't have a doorbell either.


Karthmin Aretani

Keep my mind off of it? How?
A nap in the middle of the afternoon? I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in my current state of excitement, and besides, we don't have a doorbell.
Any other ideas?


Emily H

really, Rachel, the only thing we can do is tell everyone on Memverse how sad we are that we don't have our boxes yet. :)




  1. We don't have a doorbell
  2. And the UPS will just, like before, leave our box by the door.
  3. I can't sleep with all this excitement.


Not a typical doorbell….ours you have to make a fist, raise it, and hit the door.


Emily H

Really, Zach? That's how ours is too!!!!! :)
Actually, we have a doorbell, it just doesn't work, so we installed the same kind Zachary has. :)
