Any spanish speakers out there?

Started by Aidan B. (Bible Bee)

His Servant

If someone could explain the difference between infinitives and present tense (I think that's the word I'm looking for…?).

Can't I just say: "Yo bebe" instead of something like "Yo beber"? What's the difference? Also, can I use the infinitive for anyone (yo, tu, usted, ella, ellos, etc.)?


Christian Alexander

Can you maybe give a context in which you would use, "Yo beber"? I'm not sure how.that makes sense.. You would say "Yo quiero beber" to convey "I want to drink," but I don't know why you'd want to say "Yo beber," which seems to translate to "I to drink." I could be totally wrong, though, since I know Spanish grammar works differently than that of English sometimes.


Christian Alexander

Ohhhhh. Yes. Didn't realize you didn't know what an infinitive in English was. Yes, infinitives in English are verb phrases like "to play," "to eat," "to have," etc. I'm pretty sure they translate over into Spanish in almost the same way they work in English.



I have been trying to learn Spanish for a long time. I can read it pretty well, but I can hardly speak it. It'd be great to have someone to practice it with.


Alex Watt

Welcome to the forums, David! I have approved your first post; all future posts will be automatically approved.

I hope you can get the Spanish speaking practice you're looking for :)


Phil Walker

Hi Can anyone sing Scripture songs in Spanish? I am starting a documentation of people who can sing Scripture songs in different languages around the world.


Nadia A

LOL My dad speaks Spanish (it's his first language) I speak some as @lil'biblegal knows It's AUDIOS NOT ADIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JK
