Bible Memory Accountability

Started by His Servant


I really like Psalm 34. I even have it in my Memverse account! :-) I've been trying to memorize Psalm 119 for a while, but it's not going so well. I keep getting all the different references mixed up.


God's Maiden of Virtue

I'm working on memorizing James. It shouldn't be too hard, since I had to memorize nearly two chapters in it for Nationals, and have memorized several single verses throughout it. Plus, I've read it about "a million" times". :D


God's Maiden of Virtue

You're not the only one - I mostly memorized from NIV until I was 11, and then switched completely to NKJV, so I have trouble re-memorizing things sometimes.

@Everyone: So, we've mentioned what we're working on memorizing…how is everyone doing with it so far? What verse of your chapter/passage are you on?



@Nicolas: I memorized Psalm 150 last year and it was really good! :)
@Rosie: Well, I've got an extremely long list of things that I want to memorize. But right now I'm working on memorizing Matthew. I've got Matthew 1-3 memorized. And now I'm working on Matthew 4-8.



Quite a few things. I'm doing Bethany Meckle's memorization challenge, so I've memorized 37 verses of the SOTM!


Matthew Minica

facepalm I almost thought you meant my Scripture of the Month when I first read that. :P

@Rachel, I'm trying to memorize Ecclesiastes, but I've only gotten through the first chapter. :\


His Servant

I'm working on reviewing all 3000 verses I used to know, but don't really have any more…before BB starts. I'm pretty determined on this goal, so feel free to ask frequently how I'm doing!


Emily H

@Rachel, I'm *trying* to memorize Ecclesiastes, but I've only gotten through the first chapter. :\

Haha, same here. :P :-/ And I memorized 2 John and am planning on doing 3 John some time soon.


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

I'm working on reviewing all 3000 verses I used to know, but don't really have any more...before BB starts. I'm pretty determined on this goal, so feel free to ask frequently how I'm doing!

I'm working on reviewing as well. And I decided not to switch away from NKJV. I've tried for three months, and I want to go back. I'm going to finish reading through ESV though. :)



That's sad! :( We talk so much on SC, but very little on this. ^of course, it is true that we sometimes ask each other about this on SC^



Well, since no one has said anything yet, what has God been teaching you all recently through what you've memorized?



Let's not let this topic die again…but I really don't want to be the only one chatting on it! :)



I've been memorizing portions of John recently, hoping to finish the book by the end of the year. I'm basically finished with chapters 1, 2, and 9, and I'm working on chapter 3. :)



Good job, everyone! @Nicolas: I've been working on John, too! Currently, my goal is to finish it before June 2016, though.



I think somewhere in the late 800s, but I'm not sure. So it's only 200 more than I memorized for Nationals :).



Yes, but I'm not into the Last Supper (and won't be for awhile) so it's not that bad. I'm really glad I've started memorizing it! It's helped me to better understand Jesus' life.



Hey, everyone! I'm starting a short/easy Bible memory challenge to memorize five verses a week. The challenge lasts until June 1st. I will give you five verses about Scripture to memorize each week. You can go to my new blog to find out more if you're interested!


Mommy's Helper

YAY!!!!!! We'll probably be there. Hopefully this will really make Dad take us! I sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo want to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll get a pic with you and change it to my profile pic and everyone will laugh at me because I'll be so much shorter than you! :P

I'm 8 inches shorter than my mom but someone from the homeschool group thinks I'll get taller than her! Yay! She's the average height.


Sarah B.

Ooh! I would love to get a picture taken with you! That would be so much fun!!! And I would change it to my profile pic too! :) I can't wait till June!!!


Mommy's Helper

Ooh! I would love to get a picture taken with you! That would be so much fun!!! And I would change it to my profile pic too! :) I can't wait till June!!!

I can't wait either!!!!! I just hope we go… it totally depends on the circumstances though.



I finished the first 6 verse sheets! (24 passages per sheet!) Next years goal is sheets 7-10 and the book of James.


Esther Grace

I skip reviewing verses on Memverse for 4 days (I was very busy) and come back to find I have 303 verses to review. o.O



Well, here I have gone and let this topic die again :P. What has everyone been memorizing? I think that I'll finish John 7 today. I'm thinking about what my goals should be for how much to memorize before June 22.


2 Corinthians 5:17

I'm still on Romans 8. :P I need to finish it soon and work on something else…cause I have a certain number of verses memorized during off season I want to reach before BB starts :)
