Funny Sibling Quotes

Started by Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

Sarah B.

Little brother bumps his head and runs to mom crying. Mom asks him a series of questions to calm him down. “What’s your favorite color?” “Blue.” “What’s your name?” —- “How old are you?” “2.” “When is your birthday?” little brother gives mom an astonished look like “don’t you know that already?” “On my birthday!!!”


Bethany Meckle

She's not exactly my sister, but we were watching her one Sunday. My mom was trying to get her to pick up the toys she was playing with, so she asks, "Could you show me how to pick up?"

The little girl gets a shocked expression on her face and asked, "Don't you know how?"


Courtney M.

little girl lying on bed, while her sister tries to get her nightgown on


Rachel the Alaskan

During a dinner of spaghetti and fermented beets, Christa (my little sister, 5 or so at the time), pushes back her plate and says: "Mom, I'm not hungry for anymore spaghetti…but I'm hungry for more beets!!!" :) :) :)



Wow. At my house it's always, "I'm not hungry for any more dinner…but I'm hungry for dessert!" :P


God's Maiden of Virtue

One time we were at a restaurant and Peter (who was three at the time I think) asked Mom if he could have some ketchup. She asked him what he wanted the ketchup on, and he said, "On my plate." LOL


Margaret Eddy

My little brother William was asking me to get him some milk when he was about that age, and I said: "Just milk?" (usually he asks for a graham cracker as well) and he got the wait-let-me-fix-that look on his face and replied: "In a cup."


2 Corinthians 5:17

LOL! :D Those are funny!

One time my brother Timothy (who was maybe 6…I don't remember) was "telling" the story of "Shadrach, Meshach, and 'To-bed-we-go"! :D :D LOL!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Once, I felt my little sister's throat and felt her voice box vibrating while she talked. I put on this "amazed" look and seriously told her… "Abby…you know what's in your throat?" And she asked, in all seriousness…'What?? Is it the economy??" LOL!!



My younger brother found out that to say abominable if you say "a bomb in a bowl" really fast it sounds like abominable :)


Sarah B.

Whenever one of my siblings asks what’s for dinner I say, “food.” They say, “That’s what we aaaaaallllllllllways have!!!”


Rebekah Eddy

My younger brother Samuel is starting to learn the hard facts of life: One night he was sitting next to his older sister Sarah and said: "I'm going to marry Momma when I grow up." Sarah replied, "You can't do that, Mom is already married to Daddy!" He was silent for a few minutes before saying in a sullen voice, "Then I guess I'll have to marry you…unless you're married too when I'm old enough!"


Mommy's Helper

Okay… I'm not sure this happened but it probably did…
At a supper of soup and bread…
After eating all the bread, "Mom, I'm not hungry."
"Would you be hungry if we were having ice cream?"
jumps up "did I hear the words ice cream?

I know this happened 'cause I did it…

At a supper of mexican "stuff"….
"Mom, I'm not hungry anymore."
"we're having applesauce later."
jumps up and starts eating diligently LOL!


Matthew Minica

The bathroom door is locked, and my younger brother Zachary knocks. He says, "Nobody answered". My dad said, "What did Nobody say?" Zachary is a little confused, and then says, "Nobody said nothing." I told him, "If nobody said nothing, then everybody said something." He's now really confused!! :P



LOLLOLLLOL!!!! That is hilarious!
My little sister walks up to my mom…
"You know what?"
"No, I've never met him personally" :)



lol…sounds like something I would do! When people say "don't hardly" I always make some comment. :P


Sarah B.

Talking to little brother: Go change your shirt, you’ve got a stain on it!
Little Brother: It’s okay, Sarah! That’s the way God made it!


Bethany Meckle

They were telling stories about this little girl at church when she was younger. The family was staying at a hotel (she was about 3 or 4) and she spilled on the carpet. Of course, her mom gets really worried, so the girl says, "It's ok mommy. The maid will clean it up."
Shocked, the mom says, "Maddelyn! That's not the way we talk."
The little girl says, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I meant, the MAID will clean it up!" :D


Sarah B.

My younger brother was CRAZY about being a farmer! He was telling my mom how when he grew up he would have so many animals and a great big tractor! Mom said: “I want to be a farmer when I grow up too!” Little brother says, “We can be farmers together…”

We practically are farmers already… all we need are some, horses, pigs, cows, all the animals but chickens and a fish. :S


Mommy's Helper

Talking to little brother: Go change your shirt, you’ve got a stain on it! Little Brother: It’s okay, Sarah! That’s the way God made it!



Rachel the Alaskan

Last night we were in the car, and Jared (my younger brother) said to me, "Rachel, if you don't die before I get married, I'll invite you to my wedding." :)
Then Mom said, "You're planning on getting married that late in life?"
BTW, I told him that I wasn't planning to die any time before he gets married. :)


Sarah B.

crash plats fall to the floor and shatter into a million minute pieces. Little Brother comes up with a bright idea, “Maybe we can glue it back together!”


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

Today, we were playing Dutch Blitz with a couple of our friends. They were telling us about their cousin. "He's huge. He's like a football player! But he's a chicken- he's afraid of heights."


During the game, we were talking while sorting our cards. We heard a call from the bottom of the stairs, and continued talking for about 2 seconds. All of a sudden, the two boys leaped up from the floor at the same instant. "Dessert!" and pushed each other down the stairs.
