Prayer Requests

Started by Christian Alexander

Christian Alexander

I don't have any specific ones now, but I know there were a lot that were posted over the 1400 comments we had going on the blog, so here's the official place to post any and all requests for prayer. :)


Emily H

I have a prayer request:
A girl I know has been having severe stomach pain for over three years…and it keeps getting worse. She's had all sorts of tests to try to see what's wrong, and so far, no one knows.
Please pray that the doctors will be able to find out what's wrong, that it's nothing serious and can be treated and please pray that she'll be comforted. I know she's pretty scared.
Also, does anyone have any verses I should send her?


Jackie Chase

I would appreciate prayer as I am doing Drivers' Ed this week and it has been psychologically affecting my mind. Learning about all the bad stuff that could happen when you're driving a car doesn't help the sensitive mind of a person who would rather use a bicycle than drive a car.


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

I know I mentioned this on one of the blog posts, but our pastor is moving to California in June, so could you pray that we find a good new pastor? We won't start looking too hard until this fall, but we would still appreciate prayer. Thanks!

@Emily - I'll be praying too! Another good verse is John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (KJV)



Our good pastor is retiring and I'm gonna miss him. Please pray that we will be able to find another pastor soon.



Emily H

Thank you guys so much for praying for her. The doctors said they could not discuss what is wrong over the phone… she's meeting with them tomorrow to talk about her x-rays and blood tests. Thank you for posting the encouragement verses, I'll send them to her.
@ Jackie Chase: yeah….I'll pray. :)
@ Zachary and Bethany: that's so sad! Yes, I'll be praying.


Jackie Chase

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me this week! I passed four tests and a final exam with a total grade average of over 80. I t would be great to do well in behind-the-wheel too, but I don't know when that will be…I'll try to mention it if I remember to!


God's Maiden of Virtue

I have a prayer request:
My grandma just had surgery on her heart today. The doctors were putting in, I think, a stint. Please pray that it went successfully and that she would heal properly.


Emily H

Update: The doctors said they think she may have H. pylori… Most people who have it don't know they do because, most of the time, they don't have any symptoms. I guess H. pylori can even result in ulcers and stomach cancer! She has started a treatment for it, but her symptoms are worse today… Please continue praying!

Jackie Chase: That's great!
Rosie: Oh your poor grandma! I'll pray for her.



Guys - please pray for me - I have been miserable (coming down with a cold, and the symptoms are: I am feeling weak and get head-splitting headaches). Thanks!


God's Maiden of Virtue

I'll be praying for all of you with colds.

And please continue to pray for my grandma. They had to reschedule the surgery to another day. I don't know when though.

Please also pray for my baby brother, Jude. He has a cold too.


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

Please pray for the daughter and son-in-law of some of our friends! They are in China right now, working on adopting a baby girl. Please pray that it all goes well and they are able to bring her back to the States. Thanks. They will really appreciate the prayer.



It looks like croup. :( I have been feeling worse today, but now am somewhat better. I also had a fever of 102.4, but that has abated, and I can't speak very good; I have to whisper. Thanks for your prayers.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Wow. That must feel awful! I hope you get better soon!

I just found out this morning that my grandma had her surgery yesterday. But it wasn't the surgery they had been planning to do on her heart. I think they had to fix some mistakes they made in the last surgery; I'm not sure. The doctor said that he did everything that he could possibly do. He also said that there is an 80% chance that she will recover. Which means that there is a 20% chance that she won't. She has survived through MANY surgeries over the last several years, but it is still scary know that there is a possibility that she might not this time.



Still feeling miserable. :(

Wow - I know how that feels - my grandma had surgery to remover her cancer and that was a scary time too.


Jonathan Peterson

@Emily - here are some good verses:
The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed sins, he will be forgiven
-James 5:15

And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”
-Deuteronomy 31:8

if they are a Christian, this one is good:

And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
-Romans 8:28
Here are some prayer request:

Pray for me, as I have just recently put in an application at Calvary Chapel Bible College. Pray that everything goes smoothly and I get accepted inot the Fall term so that I can further follow in the path that had been placed before me.

Also on a side note, I am still currently attending a technical college and if everything goes according to plan, I should be done with it August 2nd, and the start date of the Bible College is August 27th. I need prayers that I am able to do the work with diligence and finish the classes on time.

Pray for my friend Carlos Galvan. Due to an incident that happen at the house he is renting the room at, the owners are kicking him out at the end of the month. Prior to renting the room, he used to be homeless, but when he devoted his life to following the Lord he was able to get a job and out of the homeless shelter. Pray that he is able to find another place to live.

Scott and Elise (who recently got engaged) that they and their family have a safe trip back home from vacationing over in Europe.

Pastor Roger Moyer, the pastor of my church who is going to be having hip surgery in the coming says. Pray for wisdom and guidance for those who are doing the operating, and that he has a speedy recovery.

Pray for the youth that know Christ that they are not tempted by the things that this world so much wants them to believe. That they will always keep their life and dedication on Him, and what they do will be for His glory.

Also for my friend Ralph Hernadez, who a couple months ago moved back to Iowa because he felt that the Lord was calling him back there. Right now he recently got a job with the city. Pray that he will always keep his witness, and his family will find a good church that teaches the word of God.

I thank God for you all that you all have the deep dedication and passion for doing what the Lord wants for you. And that is by keeping the word of God close to your hearts. God bless!


Emily H

Thank you, I sent them to her. Yes, she is a Christian.

Okay, I'll be prayin'.

I have some new prayer requests:

  1. A few days ago, while we were fundraising for Bible Bee, a man, who we kinda sort of know from 4-H, came over and started talking to us. He said he had been raised Mormon and his wife had been raised Baptist/Buddhist (interesting combination…). Anyway, it sounds like he believes that all roads lead to Heaven, and that no one is "wrong" in their belief, everyone worships the same "god", just in different ways.
    Please pray that he will come to know the Truth.

  2. Our pastor has Parkinson's disease.

  3. The pastor of one of the churches we visit frequently is going to have shoulder replacement surgery. I'm not sure when.



Just prayed!

Update: I'm getting a wee bit better - fever of 99.1 rather that 101.8/102.4. Can't go to church today or I'd be there right now. :(


Jackie Chase

I learned yesterday that I would be starting Behind-the-Wheel today. I will also be doing it Wednesday and Thursday and would appreciate prayer for peace, protection and God's assurance as I am really, really nervous about doing it.


Emily H

My grandma had cataract surgery today. Please pray for a quick recovery. She was pretty nervous.


Jackie Chase

Thanks to everybody who was praying for me yesterday and will throughout the week. I made it through my first day of Behind-the-Wheel with little incident and did fairly well. I'm not as nervous now as I was yesterday (because of this I was even sick to my stomach for awhile)-I would probably rather do it than study philosophy!
Thanks again!



Back to bad…not as bad as first, but still bad. No fever. Just sick. Bad. Not feeling good.


God's Maiden of Virtue

I think I'm starting to get a cold. I have a very runny nose, I'm coughing a lot and when I cough, it hurts my throat. My throat is starting to get sore.

@Emily Hamilton- I'll be praying for your grandma.


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

I've been praying for everybody! :) @God's Maiden of Virtue - sorry to hear you're getting a cold! :(

OK, a little more about my last request I posted - The couple's names are Christina and Terry Parkman and the little girl they are adopting from China is named Avalee. She is seventeen months old but only weighs 11 pounds!! PLEASE pray that they are able to bond with her quickly because they can't leave China with her until they do, and their plane is supposed to leave on the 19th of this month. Thanks.


Emily H

GMOV, thanks, I'll be praying for yours too. How is she doing?

Bethany M, Only 11 pounds! Poor little thing! I'll be praying.

Jackie Chase, That's great!

Zachary Baas, I'm sorry! :(


Emily H

My friend is seriously ill. I'm trying not to tear up right now. Please pray the medicine works… I'm so selfish…I don't want her to die (she is a Christian)


Jackie Chase

Thanks for your prayers everybody! I managed to get through Behind-the-Wheel without killing anybody (that's what teachers are for, right?) :)
I did pretty well (I definitely could have done a lot worse!) and now just have to pass a test at some point in the future-possibly somewhere in the next few to several months-to get my permit.
Thanks again for praying!

@BethanyM, GMOV, and Zachary Baas-I will be praying for all your prayer requests!


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

"I managed to get through Behind-the-Wheel without killing anybody" LOL!
Glad it went well. I'll be praying you pass the next test! I guess in a few years I'll be doing the same thing - scary thought! :)


God's Maiden of Virtue

My grandma is doing okay. She is still in the hospital though. Dad said she is recovering very slowly and that those who have visited her say that she is mostly asleep, and when she is awake, she is pretty unresponsive. So…please just continue to pray for her.



@ everybody - am praying!

UPDATE: My sister's cold is gone…..and now my mom has it! :(


God's Maiden of Virtue

Please pray for my baby brother, Jude. He has had congestion for a while, and it just doesn't seem to want to go away. He's had it for probably a week to a week and a half.

My grandma is pretty much the same; she is still in the hospital recovering.

I'll be praying for you all.


Jackie Chase

My baby brother is also suffering congestion (he seems to get upper respiratory infections pretty frequently), and he's going to the doctor for a hearing test next week, which would be affected by his congestion. Please pray for him!


Jackie Chase

Thanks for praying, GMOV! His congestion is mostly/all gone now, but his hearing test didn't go well. There was fluid in his ears.



I do not intend to start a discussion on politics. However, I believe this is a very important topic.

Pray for the elections coming up in November. More than any other election in recent history, this election determines the future of America.

Our country is in moral trouble, spiritual trouble, financial trouble… The list goes on and on. This election determines whether we continue down that path, or whether we turn around and take the right path.

Please pray for the elections. Pray that God's will might be done. Pray that our nation will turn back to God.


God's Maiden of Virtue

I have a very strange, but important prayer request.

Please pray for the right side of my face (paticularly my jaw). On Saturday (June 2nd), at the Bible Bee kick-off meeting (which was outside at a park), we got to have fun shooting water balloons with a water balloon slingshot in the grass (you can probably guess where my story is going). Some of us kids were in the grass trying to get hit by one of the balloons. Well, at one of the last water balloons, an adult launched a balloon in the slingshot, and it went flying in the air. It slapped me very hard on the right side of my face (I was about eighty feet away too).
My face got very red and swollen and I had to keep ice on my cheek and jaw for the rest of the day. Thankfully, it did not hit my eye at all; it only splashed water into it and all over the front of my shirt.

My cheek doesn't hurt anymore, but I think I really hurt my jaw. It still hurts really bad when I press on it, or stretch my mouth too far. So please pray that my face would heal quickly and stop hurting.
