Social Chatting February 2017

Started by Eirene


Maybe…but I doubt it…but I did say that last time…xP I'll help…if there's someone to talk to whenever I'm on this evening…


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

Sure!! I'll answer the questions fro!m the last page to start. (I don't know how long I'll be on, though…)

"What is your favorite color?"
Gold, brown, or orange.

"What's your favorite animal?"
Gryphons, western dragons, lions, white tigers, horses, and…well, I like pretty much every animal.

"What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?"
Chocolate…the more chocolate the better.

"What is your favorite quote?"
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

"Who other than Jesus would be the first person you want to meet in heaven?"
C.S. Lewis.

"Do y'all prefer pants or skirts?"

"Bacon, sausage or ham?"


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

Oh, snap, both of those are hard for a book-and-movie-lover.
Movie: Probably "Prince Caspian" or "Fellowship of the Ring"
Book: "The Last Battle", "Lord of the Rings" (it's all one book, so it counts), or "The Robe"

On another note, Aragorn's birthday is March 1. So that's fun.


Piece of Peace

My favorite movie is either God's not dead or Mom's night out.

My favorite books are The Homelanders. To Birmingham's Castle or If We Survive.


Piece of Peace

For me too!

Love both of those!

The books are also good. Other than the Robe which I still haven't read…

Cool! I didn't know that.


Piece of Peace

No. We were busy with a wedding the day they were filming.

On a different note, today is my brother's anniversary.


Piece of Peace

hosts a party Tell all your friends! We need another page! I'll provide cake, ice cream and sodas, pizza, and potato chips. We can play games!


Piece of Peace

I have been known to do my review counting down to when it would give me more. My brother used to do his driving home from places and if he timed it right he could do his for one day. Leave and then come back a couple minutes later and he would have more verses.
