Social Chatting -- May 2015!

Started by His Servant

Christian Alexander

Ughhhh, not being able to eat food is making me very irritable, and I don't like it… I'm getting annoyed at basically anything and everything that happens.


Mommy's Helper

Ughhhh, not being able to eat food is making me very irritable, and I don't like it... I'm getting annoyed at basically anything and everything that happens.

Not being able to eat solid food must be terrible! I'll be praying for you.


His Servant

I was talking to Amy, that's why I was gone for a bit.

Sorry about that, Christian. =/ Hopefully today flies for you.


Mommy's Helper




What is the travesty which has befallen you? Sorry you aren't well, just don't mix OJ concentrate with yams. Way too strong of a taste.


Christian Alexander

Thank you. I really need it. I'm, like, getting more irritable by the second. Anytime anyone talks or does anything, my mind is finding some reason to be annoyed by it…


His Servant

I don't have a good reason… I just normally wait till Saturday. But I haven't talked to her in weeks, so I really hope I can soon.


Christian Alexander

What is the travesty which has befallen you? Sorry you aren't well, just don't mix OJ concentrate with yams. Way too strong of a taste.

I had a surgery yesterday. And my diet is very limited.


Christian Alexander

I don't have a good reason... I just normally wait till Saturday. But I haven't talked to her in weeks, so I really hope I can soon.

Sorry, I think my irritability is clouding my thinking as well. That makes sense.


Christian Alexander

It hasn't been going, for a long time. =/ I've all but forgotten about it, unfortunately… So many things taking up my time… and yet I have free time at times, and I choose to spend it on worthless things. I may need to spend today doing an evaluation of how I spend my time, because I feel like I waste so much of it…


His Servant

Yeah, I had forgotten about Zephaniah for a while too. I just went back to it the other day. Finishing up chapter 3, and thinking about starting Hosea. I know what you mean. I can go into extremely strong times of being really burnt out on studying and doing nothing with myself throughout the day, so this morning I've been working on a good amount of things I want to finish by the end of May. Though it's mostly all intense studying, so I hope I can persevere and finish it all.


Christian Alexander

Something else I need to do is get back to memorizing the Scriptorium chapters… I know John 6 is going to be rusty when I finally go back to it. And I haven't even finished John 5 yet – let alone 7-8.


Christian Alexander

I think I'm going to go… because my irritability level isn't going down at all, so I'm not feeling very well. And my stomach is starting to get a little upset – likely because of my limited diet – which is probably just going to make me more irritable…

I'm just not in a frame of mind to be chatting with people, because I feel like I'm eventually going to vent my irritation here as well… and I feel like I may have already done that a little bit. So I'm just gonna go. I need to finish up reading my Bible for the day, and then I think I'll spend some time praying as well, because this attitude I have is just ridiculous…


His Servant

That is definitely talked about in my May goals. =) Got 12 done, started on 11 but haven't done any with 7-8, either. And horrors, I have to send you guys a dramatic video at the end of May of me saying all 4 chapters. I'll probably die before I get through that… I can just imagine your dad watching it and laughing at how silly it shall be. XD


2 Corinthians 5:17

That is definitely talked about in my May goals. =) Got 12 done, started on 11 but haven't done any with 7-8, either. And horrors, I have to send you guys a *dramatic* video at the end of May of me saying all 4 chapters. I'll probably die before I get through that... I can just imagine your dad watching it and laughing at how silly it shall be. XD

I want to see that!! :D



*is back*
*wonders if anyone is here*
*concludes that nobody is :(*

goes to eat dinner



SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was a holiday so I only had swim practice! no gym! ;D


Christian Alexander

Lol, sorry. I probably won't watch it anyway – even if Dad lets me see some of the videos that come in. I'll just wait to see them at the real thing. ;)


His Servant

If only I re-read before posting… =/

Just tell him he can't show any of you all the videos. I really don't want to hear about it beforehand. :P


Christian Alexander

Lol, I don't think it'll be a problem. He likely won't even think to share them. He likes to do evaluations like that on his own.


Christian Alexander

Plus, like I told you before, for some reason I don't much enjoy watching that kind of thing.. so I wouldn't really want to anyway. XP


Christian Alexander

I'm feeling much better now, btw. I read my Bible and prayed, and that seemed to dispel the irritability. Plus, I ate a couple of popsicles, since I remembered that those were on the list of things I could have in the first two days. Don't ask me why I can have those and not milk or other things, though… It's a mystery to me.


His Servant

That's great! Ooo. I'm glad you found something else to eat! And enjoy it tomorrow when you can try different things! Do you have much pain anymore, or is that gone?


Christian Alexander

I have a feeling I'll be eating, like, all day tomorrow. XD

Not much pain, no. My hip constantly feels like something's out of joint when I walk, so most of the time I just sit. =p No pain in my mouth, though. And the stomachache went away when the popsicles entered the picture. XP


Christian Alexander

Yeah, I'm typically not a huge fan of popsicles, but it was great to just suck on something solid like that. xP It's amazing how quickly I really, really missed solid foods.


His Servant

I'm not either, unless they're like "real" popsicles, not just like Kool-aid (?) on a stick or something. Yeah, that's is interesting…


Christian Alexander

I'm not sure how you would classify a "real" popsicle, but okay. =P These ones were closer to the consistency of Italian Ice – if you know what that is – so they were a bit softer, and they broke down more easily.


His Servant

Yeah, I've had Italian Ice… it was okay, not my favorite though. We get ones that are basically just like Kool-aid in a wrapper thing. If they're on a stick, I like them better… I dunno how else to describe it though, sorry. =p


Christian Alexander

I'm glad Senpai is feeling better! :)

I am too. ^ _ ^ And now I am reminded that I still need to watch your video. So I will go get some earphones and do that now. =)
