Social Chatting -- May 2015!

Started by His Servant

Hiruko Kagetane

I'm only a moderate fan of both. =P They're both about the same to me.

I'd rather have my bowl of ice cream. XP


His Servant

I'm not crazy about the bottom ones, but if I have a choice, I'm definitely picking the bottom ones.

@Sam - How is the room going?


His Servant

He told me he'd send me some pictures when he was done, and he'd probably send them to you as well if you asked…


Christian Alexander

Oh, okay. Well, I have the privilege of actually going to his house from time to time, so I'll probably see them sometime soon. ;)


Hiruko Kagetane

What color are you painting it? I don't think I heard.

Orange, with blue highlights in some areas. :)

Sorry, I had to go take a shower. :P


Abigail Rose

*wonders what this question might be*

Okaaayyy so I told my sister "You know who Christian A. is right? He just had surgery or something." Aaand she said "OH! Ask him if he's a cannibal!!!" So…, are you a cannibal….?


Hiruko Kagetane

It was a dirty white. :P I seriously don't know why we didn't paint before we moved in; most of the paint was dirty and chipped and stuff. :P


Christian Alexander

Well, in the sense that I know humans are always shedding cells, and therefore my cells will inevitably have fallen into my food at some point and thereby reentered my body through my mouth – yes, I may be a cannibal. A self-cannibal, even!

^But actually, lol, no. Tell Marissa she can rest assured that I will never ask to take a bite out of her.^



Is your house white on the outside?
Yes it is, Ms. Google Maps. :P

Facedesk Okay. :P


His Servant

*wonders what this question might be*
Okaaayyy so I told my sister "You know who Christian A. is right? He just had surgery or something." Aaand she said "OH! Ask him if he's a cannibal!!!", are you a cannibal....?

What on earth?! What kind of question is that even? XD


Christian Alexander

It was a dirty white. :P I seriously don't know why we didn't paint before we moved in; most of the paint was dirty and chipped and stuff. :P

Ah, yes, okay.

^"Dirty white" is such a racist name for a color… XD^


Hiruko Kagetane

It was a dirty white. :P I seriously don't know why we didn't paint before we moved in; most of the paint was dirty and chipped and stuff. :P
Ah, yes, okay. ^"Dirty white" is such a racist name for a color... XD^

^Lawl. I wanted to do black for my door and closet doors, but my dad wouldn't let me. His reason? "I don't want black in my house." XP^


Abigail Rose

Well, in the sense that I know humans are always shedding cells, and therefore my cells will inevitably have fallen into my food at some point and thereby reentered my body through my mouth -- yes, I may be a cannibal. A *self*-cannibal, even! ^But actually, lol, no. Tell Marissa she can rest assured that I will never ask to take a bite out of her.^

Okay, I'll tell her she is a cannibal also. :P

^Okay, well now she's creeped out that you knew i was talking about her and I never said her name. :P^


Abigail Rose

It was a dirty white. :P I seriously don't know why we didn't paint before we moved in; most of the paint was dirty and chipped and stuff. :P
Ah, yes, okay. ^"Dirty white" is such a racist name for a color... XD^
^Lawl. I wanted to do black for my door and closet doors, but my dad wouldn't let me. His reason? "I don't want black in my house." XP^



Hiruko Kagetane

Well, in the sense that I know humans are always shedding cells, and therefore my cells will inevitably have fallen into my food at some point and thereby reentered my body through my mouth -- yes, I may be a cannibal. A *self*-cannibal, even! ^But actually, lol, no. Tell Marissa she can rest assured that I will never ask to take a bite out of her.^
Okay, I'll tell her she is a cannibal also. :P ^Okay, well now she's creeped out that you knew i was talking about her and I never said her name. :P^

Tell her that he has ears in many places. ;)


Christian Alexander

Well, in the sense that I know humans are always shedding cells, and therefore my cells will inevitably have fallen into my food at some point and thereby reentered my body through my mouth -- yes, I may be a cannibal. A *self*-cannibal, even! ^But actually, lol, no. Tell Marissa she can rest assured that I will never ask to take a bite out of her.^
Okay, I'll tell her she is a cannibal also. :P ^Okay, well now she's creeped out that you knew i was talking about her and I never said her name. :P^

Tell her that I temporarily forgot about Jet and thought you only had one sister, so it was the obvious conclusion. And also apologize to Jet for my temporary lapse of memory.


Abigail Rose

Well, in the sense that I know humans are always shedding cells, and therefore my cells will inevitably have fallen into my food at some point and thereby reentered my body through my mouth -- yes, I may be a cannibal. A *self*-cannibal, even! ^But actually, lol, no. Tell Marissa she can rest assured that I will never ask to take a bite out of her.^
Okay, I'll tell her she is a cannibal also. :P ^Okay, well now she's creeped out that you knew i was talking about her and I never said her name. :P^
Tell her that I temporarily forgot about Jet and thought you only had one sister, so it was the obvious conclusion. And also apologize to Jet for my temporary lapse of memory.

Its aight, Jet is used to being forgotten. =P


Abigail Rose

I am not signed up yet, and I'm not exactly sure if I'll do it this year…but I have never done it before. :P


Sarah B.

Oh, I thought that's what Sarah posted on one of the Bible Bee threads. *shrugs*

Sorry…. misunderstanding on my part. :P



I'm not working on school. You should probably be upset about that. Pictures of what? (I guess I'll see won't I.)
