Social Chatting May-August 2021

Started by Waky_Zaky


Are you thinking that I'm not a Texan, or that Texas is the best state there is, and that's where people want to live?


Roy Phillips

Are you thinking that I'm not a Texan, or that Texas is the best state there is, and that's where people want to live?

Yes, that is the jest of it.



:D I agree, but FYI, I do live in Texas, and I am a Texan. I live in San Antonio. How do you define a Texan from a non-Texan? Is it where you are born?



REALLY??? I thought everyone in BB knew that (Well not everyone obviously) come on I went to your house one year after nats


Roy Phillips

I'm afraid I have been out of the loop. All the loops in fact.

But You know you were a missionary kid when… You watch nature documentaries, and you think about how good that would be if it were fried!


AK (a scribe)

Hey, Roy, I loved reading your response above:
"I have a black belt made of Walmart's highest quality leather…"
It made me chuckle & smile . . .
May all of you have an absolutely terrific 2021 summer (infinitely better than 2020's summer)!!!


AK (a scribe)

Maybe. It really depends on what their opinions are being expressed on.
If it is on something spiritual and/or religious, maybe yes, maybe not. The context really needs to be considered.
If it is on something non-spiritual or non-religious, more of a world-oriented focus, again, maybe yes, maybe not. The context really needs to be considered.
Many non-spiritual/non-religious people are extremely wise and understanding, and Christians stand to learn from them if they don't automatically turn them off. Even in one of Jesus' stories, he implied this very sentiment (see Luke 16:8-9).



I say yes, but that doesn't mean you have to believe them. Consider that they come from a human being, and they are equal with us.
Like AK said, most of it depends on what they say.


AK (a scribe)

I might also add, Roy, that there are many times we should NOT take a Christian's answer seriously. Why do I say that? We must never forget that, unless we really know who is speaking, both Jesus and the apostles have warned us to beware of "wolves in sheep's clothing!" That's how hundreds of myths have crept into the Christian church over the centuries and they are now way too often accepted as gospel truth, when in fact they are danger errors of belief that will lead countless sincere and faithful people to their ruin. This emphasizes another reason why every Christian needs to be a serious student of their Bibles, and a sincere prayer warrior in their walk with God. Memorizing the Word of God (which we are all doing on Memverse) will certainly go a long way to combatting these myths and errors that do not have God for their origin.


AK (a scribe)

Thanks, Zak. Yes, I actually am in the midst of writing a book. I've been in chapter 13 for some time (out of a total of 25 chapters), as I've had to laid it aside to focus on some other spiritual studies that will be eventually incorporated into it. I praise God for what He has helped me with so far, and know that I couldn't have done it without His help, encouragement, and challenge!

I deal with a lot of these myths that I refer to above, as they are going to trip up so many Christians if they are not serious students of God's Word themselves. We will never get into heaven on the laurels of another. Every one who gets there will have gotten there through their own personal relationship with Christ, which has been built upon their own personal study of His Word and a strong prayer life.



I agree you have to evaluate some things like there will be non christians opinions that are good like dont kill and then ones that don't really matter like cherry gum is better than bubble gum (tbh it's the other way around) and then there are ones that we shouldn't heed like abortion capisc? anyway i could probably talk for hours but i'll spare you it


AK (a scribe)

Good thoughts, lil'biblegal!! Thank you for sharing them.
I would agree that we need to weight them and not let the "small stuff" ruffle our feathers, or ruin our day.
But the bigger ones are definitely important to watch out for (and may be ones we might want/need to react/respond to).
Then again, we will all weight them differently in our minds depending on our past experiences and journeys that we've been through. It is no doubt important to keep an open mind to hearing other people's ideas. They just might be absolutely awesome!! :)


Roy Phillips

It's been an bias that I keep encountering. There is a phrase "if someone makes a mistake in one area they will make them in many more" that gets repeated with variations and used as an ad hominem to dismiss people (Confucius, Jordan B. Peterson, John Calvin) instead of addressing their ideas. If you ever take higher level math classes your teachers will make mistakes but you are still responsible to learn from them. So we have to use judgment. Thank you @AK [a Scribe] for that reference, it's not one I would have thought of.

As @Waky_Zaky said other people are our equals. So when Jesus said to not say "you fool" I don't believe its just tabooed words, there is a deeper idea of attitude and behavior that is tied to our role as ambassadors. However it's not an error I'm immune too.

Then there are the trivial opinions such as Gum flavors that we can use to show love to people even though they are clearly dead wrong. :P


AK (a scribe)

Thanks, Roy, for your thoughts regarding Jesus' admonition to never say "You fool".
I agree . . . that "there is a deeper idea of attitude and behavior that is tied to our role as ambassadors." Great comment!!
It also revolves around "respect" . . . "love your neighbor as yourself". As well as the Golden Rule . . . to love others as we would want them to love us.
If we wouldn't want someone to seriously call us a "fool", then we shouldn't be guilty of calling someone else that, either.
Life should almost always be a two-way street . . . giving and receiving . . . serving and (maybe) being served.


AK (a scribe)

Welcome back, Rosie (even it is was only for 15.5 seconds! :) )
Hope you return for a little while longer . . . maybe a couple of years . . . to pick up where you left off on Memverse???
I see that you have over 3,700 memorized verses!! Wow!!!! What an awesome achievement!!!
I'm so far from that . . . but I can dream, and plug away at what I'm now doing . . . and maybe, just maybe, I'll move towards that awesome number!! Would love to hear how you were able to achieve that, and how long it took.
Hope to see you back soon.
