That Moment When...

Started by Esther Grace


That actually helps it heal faster! I'm not kidding! Saliva has growth hormones in it! xP

Yes! fistpump Thank you! :P


His Servant

…when you're really, really, really hungry, and decide to find a snack. First you eat some chocolate chips, and then some green olives. And then you realize that was a HORRIBLE mix.


Hannah Hope

...when you're really, really, *really* hungry, and decide to find a snack. First you eat some chocolate chips, and then some green olives. And then you realize that was a HORRIBLE mix.

pouts you just said my favorite snack is horrible.


Matthew Minica

When you're trying to type "Lol" but have to backspace four or five times because either you accidentally press the caps lock key, or you press the O first, or both… Then you start laughing harder at yourself xP xP


Esther Grace

…when you have trouble wording whatever you're posting to social media, and then the next time you get on you can think of perfect wording for this part, or I could have changed that, etc…. xP Happens every time.


His Servant

…when you're having a grand time of ice-skating really fast. And then you have a really bad fall, and you get up thinking "Yeah, I'm gonna be one big ache the rest of the week…." And suddenly, that fast ice-skating didn't seem that thrilling. xP



Oh, yes! Or when you're facedesk-while-laughing-ing while typing something, and the big long line of random letters makes you facedesk again. :-D



When you are watching a video of yourself when you were 6, with a stuffed frog, hitting the TV with it and shouting RIBBIT!!! RIBBIT!!!


Ian R.2

Or *ahem* marshmallow.... Ian: Totally had that happen!

Totally had what happen? Marshmallows going up your nose? I think I still have worse. :P


James C.

You're painting something, and you suddenly realize that you're dipping your paintbrush into the wrong container.



…You accidentally put a bowl down in a puddle of melted coconut oil, then come back ten minutes later and the bowl is stuck to the table.


Ian R.2

….you finally have the chance to give your input in a conversation, and you forget what you were going to say. :P


2 Corinthians 5:17 finally have the chance to give your input in a conversation, and you forget what you were going to say. :P

YES. SOOO annoying! :P


Matthew Minica

When you watch an "educational show" ...and start counting the mistakes and misconceptions.

Or doing the same thing while reading a children's Bible storybook. :P


James C. finally have the chance to give your input in a conversation, and you forget what you were going to say. :P

That drives me crazy!


Roy Phillips

When you watch an "educational show" ...and start counting the mistakes and misconceptions.
Or doing the same thing while reading a children's Bible storybook. :P

That too! like every time I see one.


Ian R.2

...your family goes to a museum and you're always correcting the dates and facts you see because you believe in Creation. xD :P

That's what we did on Friday. XP


Esther Grace finally have the chance to give your input in a conversation, and you forget what you were going to say. :P
YES. SOOO annoying! :P


… You ride through what yiu think to be a small puddle, but is really about a foot of water the flooded from a pond. M


Hiruko Kagetane

…you hear the opening notes to one of your favorite songs and you look around frantically to find out where it's coming from.


James C.

...your family goes to a museum and you're always correcting the dates and facts you see because you believe in Creation. xD :P

I like doing that…in my mind.



…you're reading Hebrews 11 during Bible study, and when you get to verse 37, everyone glances at Elisabeth to make sure she's okay.
(On Thursday Elisabeth was present during a discussion about organs and bones. She fainted, hit her head on the floor, and had to get seven stitches in her chin. That's why we were checking on her. :-) )


Emily H

When your sibling and you look at each other and say the exact same random thing at the exact same time.


Matthew Minica

When you're posting on the forums and going through your verses at the same time, and you post a reply right before you navigate over to the other page and click a link there, and it notifies you there "Your reply has been posted." Thaaaanks for telling me. :->
