That Moment When...

Started by Esther Grace

2 Corinthians 5:17

Our local radio station has an annual community yard sale, which includes crafts, food, and junk. x) This year's yard sale was today. My brothers took their birdhouses+feeders, wood burned signs, and toy wooden cars to sell. The radio host was walking around interviewing different vendors, and interviewed all 3 of my brothers that were there :D We at home had the radio tuned to that station just in case :D


Esther Grace

Sometimes getting knocked around (something that doesn't happen as much to us ladies - me anyway…) makes games even better. :D


His Servant

Well, yeah, I guess so…maybe not ^?!^ I'm sure I looked so ridiculous before it happened. I was just standing there so nonchalantly, thinking that the people who were 30 feet away could not possibly run into me, because I was sure they had the ability to slow down before they got to where I was. Apparently NOT. I just stood there as one came much faster than I expected and literally threw me into the street. And then I realized that no… they did not have the ability to run around me, as I thought they did.

But in one sense, I am sure it was quite hilarious to the rest of them as they watched me hobble/trip/run the rest of the game! So yeah, that was great! ALWAYS look on the bright side of things!



…you have your dad's math classes over for a wienie roast, and they have a conversation about the circumference of the fire :).


His Servant

…you're simply walking into your bedroom, and you completely fall over, for no reason that you can see. No one around, nothing on the ground, completely nothing… you just fall.

That's Bethany for you, apparently…


His Servant

I'm totally fine! I seriously have no idea what happened… I just fell over, immediately started laughing, and called out to Carissa - "that was so weird, I just fell over"


Christian Alexander

…you display a sign with the message "King James still needs King Jesus" on the largest HD screen in North America while LeBron James is playing in the Cleveland Cavaliers' stadium.

…the cameraman quickly pans away because he suddenly realizes he doesn't want said sign display for all to see.




It seems to be something that we (meaning you and I) do… :P Cause I do that sort of thing too… :P


Christian Alexander

I can totally understand that. I was like - "What in the world...?" And then laughed.

Okay, good, cuz that totally would have been my reaction if I saw it happen. XD


Hiruko Kagetane're simply _walking_ into your bedroom, and you completely fall over, for no reason that you can see. No one around, nothing on the ground, completely nothing... you just fall. That's Bethany for you, apparently...

Stay away from any elevated position higher than 5 feet. For all our sakes.


Mommy's Helper

…your mom calls Nathan in to see something funny, so you come racing in as well. there's something up about a health smoothie, and you read the whole thing and wonder why it's funny. You start to ask why it's funny when you realize that before you had finished reading it your mom had told you that that wasn't it. XP

The real funny thing was a picture of Hillary Clinton, but only half her face was there. The other half was Bill Clinton. On it it said, "The hillbilly" It was funny!!! :D


Hannah Hope

My youngest bro, trying to say something nice/complement me, tells me I'm smart like a dog.

Gee, thanks. :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

…when you get something like orange juice out of the fridge, and turn to get a glass, only to turn around again and see that someone put it away. :P That happens a lot when someone is trying to clean up the kitchen. XP


Esther Grace

…when three people, in the same day, try (or don't try) to disguise their surprise/shock upon learning that I am, indeed, 18. Apparently I look more like 13 than 18. Oh well. xP


His Servant

Ooooo. I can so totally relate to that! If I'm introducing myself to a group of people and tell them I am 18/19, they all gasp and are like "whoa! I would have guessed you were 14 or so!" And I'm like….thanks guys! ;)

And for the record, I do NOT think you look 13. ;)



I have the same thing happen to me…

They guess as me as 11 generally… Though I have once gotten guessed as 10…


Margaret Eddy

I have the same thing happen to me... They guess as me as 11 generally... Though I have once gotten guessed as 10...

Was it when you were ten? Because I've been guessed as 10 months before, but I was 10 months at the time, so it wasn't all that surprising.



I have the same thing happen to me... They guess as me as 11 generally... Though I have once gotten guessed as 10...
Was it when you were ten? Because I've been guessed as 10 months before, but I was 10 months at the time, so it wasn't all that surprising.

No, when I was sixteen.



...when three people, in the same day, try (or don't try) to disguise their surprise/shock upon learning that I am, indeed, 18. Apparently I look more like 13 than 18. Oh well. xP

On my birthday a guy on my swim team thought i was like 12 and when i told him i was 14 he almost fell into the pool. I was like 'you didn't know???!?!?!' It was weird.

from your pic. Id say you're at least 16/17… Probably 18. ;)



I think I'm normally guessed my age or a year older :). Occasionally, I'll get guessed older than that, but it's not too often. @Esther: You do not look 13! I'd say you look somewhere from 17 to 19 :).



When you look back in your math book to make sure you're doing something right…
And realize that you've been doing it wrong for the past, like, 3 weeks! facedesk



People never guess my age; they always ask. And so I tell them that I'm 22. Sometimes it works.

……….. ;p



…you are calmly sitting on the sofa working on Dutch and you feel something on your arm and you look down and see a caterpillar climbing on you. And you're like "Where did that come from?!"



…you realize that it's only a little bit more than a month until June 1st!
