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Started by Ian R.2

2 Corinthians 5:17

Because we've known each other for at least 4 years now and you just don't know someone for that long without knowing their parent's names! :P xD



..... Because we've known each other for at least 4 years now and you just don't know someone for that long without knowing their parent's names! :P xD

I don't see why not… :P What occasion did you ever have to tell me your parents' names? :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

..... Because we've known each other for at least 4 years now and you just don't know someone for that long without knowing their parent's names! :P xD
I don't see why not... :P What occasion did you ever have to tell me your parents' names? :P

I'm losing it… XD


SavedByGrace must think I'm going nuts. XD Just the whole situation is hilarious. XD

I think the whole situation is weird. :P


2 Corinthians 5:17 must think I'm going nuts. XD Just the whole situation is hilarious. XD
I think the whole situation is weird. :P

And weird. yes. XD Sorry. XD My fault! :P


Christian Alexander

I, too, do not see the big deal about not knowing your friend's parents' names. =P I have never met your parents, and I don't recall even seeing them at Nats, so I don't know why I should have known their names. =p


2 Corinthians 5:17

It's not a big deal…I just thought it was odd that we've known each other for 4 years and you don't know my parents names. But whatever. It's just me. XD Forget it. XD


Hiruko Kagetane

Well, while you're YouTubing, check out PBS Idea Channel's newest videos, Extra Credits newest videos, and I think you'd like The Game Theorists videos on the Five Nights at Freddy's series. Watch those last ones in order of oldest first, as they build on each other. :)


Christian Alexander

At some point this evening, I may venture into those realms. Right now, however, I'm studying videos on women's hair coverings.. because Nathan brought it up in the Bible reading email after it was brought to his attention by Rachel. And it's something I was thinking seriously about last month when I read through 1 Cor. 11, but which I forgot about soon after. So I'm really working on getting it nailed down in my mind tonight.


Christian Alexander

I'm leaning quite closely to your side right now… My only question would be about why you specifically are never seen not wearing your head covering. Is that because you take the command to "pray continually" to mean that you should also be wearing a head covering continually? If so, why does it seem that Paul is specifically addressing when a congregation comes together for worship in 1 Cor. 11?


2 Corinthians 5:17

In short, yes. 1 Thess. 5:17 says "Pray without ceasing"…and Paul says that women are to wear head coverings when praying or prophesying. Also, because my Dad wants me to wear one everyday, and I want to honour him in that. =)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Prophesying in the Greek means (in short): to prophesy, to utter forth, declare, a thing which can only be known by divine revelation, under like prompting, to teach, refute, reprove, admonish, comfort others. I think that could be interpreted as edifying and uplifting each other in Christ…1 Thess. 5:13. Just a tidbit. :)


Christian Alexander

Mmkay. Those are the points I thought you'd make.

Just went back and read the passage again. At some points, it seems like Paul's addressing the issue as if there are times when women wouldn't need to be wearing a covering, so he's making sure they know that they need to put them on at specific times – namely, when praying and prophesying. However, at the same time, upon further review, it doesn't really say anything about congregational worship, so I can definitely see merit in your view.


2 Corinthians 5:17

Yes :) I think the part addressing the church is in relation to taking of communion and such.

(If you want to discuss this further, we can move to the Head Covering topic under the TD's, but I don't know how faithful I will be. I'm pretty busy…hence I dropped out of the previous discussion. =P)


Christian Alexander

I think you and I basically agree now on most things. So I wouldn't be asking for your thoughts there as much as for thoughts from people who disagree. Because the more I look at this, the more it seems that the people on the other side don't have much of a leg to stand on.


Christian Alexander

I'm off to bed now, but it's been good discussing this with you! I'll be looking for your post on the TD, hopefully. =)

Same here! Almost done with it. =)



0_o So when you get older and married and all that you're going to want your wife and daughters to wear head-coverings…?


Christian Alexander

Don't know yet. Still have to think about the outworkings of the conclusions that seem painfully obvious from the passage. And I still need to bounce the idea off older and wiser people. In fact, I plan to broach the topic with your dad when your family is in town, because I highly respect his opinion when it comes to theological topics. ;)


Christian Alexander

I wanna say, though, if it's biblical, wouldn't you think that would be what I'd have to do? I know you've been raised believing in a different interpretation, and I have, too, but if we've been believing the wrong thing, it would make sense to Mae the necessary changes, right? Not saying you have to agree with the theology yet, but just saying that if it's the correct interpretation, obviously I would have to obey what the passage says. Now, I don't think I would necessarily go as far as Rachel's family and require head coverings on females at all times, since it seems to me that the whole context of 1 Corinthians, as well as just the general feeling of the passage, is corporate worship time.

I know it looks really weird for me to be coming to this conclusion. I get that. Believe me, once my sister gets wind of this, I'm sure she'll be mortified. =p Same with my dad, likely. But my goal is, if I'm going to come to a new understanding of something, I must be able to scripturally back it up. If someone can clearly show me from Scripture how I'm wrong, then of course I will retract. So whatever the Bible teachers is what I'm going to believe. And right now it seems to me that the Bible teaches that women should wear head coverings. But I invite criticism! In this case, I think I want to be wrong, since the implications are so wide in their scope, when it comes to Christian orthopraxy. I mean, obviously, it's not an essential issue, so I would have no serious problem with someone who disagrees at this point. And I probably wouldn't force it on anyone I know, even my wife or children, until I know I have it right.

P.S. I think it would be a good idea to direct all further questions and answers to the TD forum. ;)



Hehe. :P Might not want to watch if you haven't seen Age of Ultron, but there aren't really any spoilers. But it's only very funny if you know the Avengers well enough. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

Know nothing whatsoever about comics or superheroes in general?

Go watch Variant Comics.

Seriously, the show is great. The host Arris makes comics and heroes accessible to anyone, in a fun and engaging format that is family-friendly to boot. Wanna know the history of Spider-Man? They have an episode for that. Don't know how many Robins have assisted Batman over the years? Arris did an episode for that too. Want to know if Ultron could beat Braniac? Variant's got you covered. ;)
