Carissa Rose

Started by biblebee


So I had one of these but I accidentally deleted it facedesk. And Sarah asked me to make a new one. So here it is. :)

I was born July 19, 1998. I have two wonderful parents, two brothers and four sisters. I am the middle child. I am a member of Christ Fellowship of KC where my dad is one of the pastors. I was saved at the age of twelve and I seek to serve God with my whole life.

I like to read, write, sing, study history, study theology, bake, and play sports. I am a very picky eater. I am very small…5'1", very small hands and feet, etc… I am very quiet in real life around others (except my family). And when I do talk I have a very quiet and high voice…it's hard for people to hear me when I talk. I sound like a three year old. :P I have light brown hair with blonde and red highlights. And I have blue/gray/hazel eyes (depending on what I wear).

Some random facts about me: I can't hold my pencil right. I don't like my handwriting. I can do the splits. I get teased a lot. I have lots and lots and lots and lots of nicknames. I like to cross my legs three times when I sit. I embarrass myself a lot. I can't tie my shoes. I really like accents. I don't like getting my picture taken. I absolutely do NOT like spicy foods. I like grammar (thanks to Nicolas ;). I absolutely do NOT like bugs and if someone shows me one I will scream (a loud high pitched scream).


Sarah B.

Yay! At last! I don't have to hunt you down to tell you something! xD
I like your handwriting alright! I wish I had such pretty scrawl! Mine is just ordinary. ;)



Welcome to the forums, Carissa! XD

Wait, you can't tie your shoes?! And what do you mean you can't pronounce your name right?!?!



LOL! Thanks. xD

Yeah…I can't…My mom tried teaching me when I was little but I never got it… :P And no, I can't. My mom told me I don't say the C correctly. So it sounds more like "Larissa". :P


Sarah B.

Yeah...I can't...My mom tried teaching me when I was little but I never got it... :P And no, I can't. My mom told me I don't say the C correctly. So it sounds more like "Larissa". :P

Awesome!!! I always wished I had a tragic flaw or quirk like that!!! (half joking) :D
^Now I feel really ordinary! :P^


Sarah B.

Cari- I'm afraid you'll have to be very glad I'm not you're mother. xP Because if I was, you would not live very long as a picky eater. I would say, "Carissa, dear, either you eat what your served or you don't eat at all. There are starving children in India!!!!" xD :P ^(but of course I would be nice and not make meals you don't like too often. ;)^

Edit- Abigail is going to get the biggest laugh when she reads this post, I think. ^Remember, Abby?^ :)




There are starving children in many countries besides India, ya know. xP


Sarah B.

Yeah, I know… it's kind of an inside joke between cousins (it's something Great Grandma used to say).
How is eating your food supposed to help children in India (or anywhere else)?


Abigail Rose

I'm picky too, but if I'm at my house and I don't like what's being served, I just go make me own food. :p
When I'm a the restaurant, I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. :p


Abigail Rose

Yeah, I know... it's kind of an inside joke between cousins (it's something Great Grandma used to say). How is eating your food supposed to help children in India (or anywhere else)?

And once they say that, you go put your plate in a box and mail it to India. :p



I think saying, "There are starving children….." is used just to make kids realized how blessed they are to have so much food (even if they don't like it).



Yeah, I know... it's kind of an inside joke between cousins (it's something Great Grandma used to say). How is eating your food supposed to help children in India (or anywhere else)?
And once they say that, you go put your plate in a box and mail it to India. :p

Lol!! XD


Jessica Rankin

Hi, Carissa!
If it makes you feel any better, I can't hold my pencil/pen right, either. :-) My mom even got me a special holder-thingy to slip on my pencil when I was little, and I just held it the way I wanted to anyway. I like my handwriting…but nobody but me can read it. I can read what I wrote…most of the time. :-) I guess in a way it's good that I write so poorly; I write the story that I'm writing by hand on notebook paper, so it's kinda in my own little code! :-)
How do you cross your legs three times when you sit? :-)
If you really like accents, I bet you'd really like "The Tales of Redwall". That author is very, very good at writing down accents, so they're really fun to read aloud! So are the "Hank the Cowdog" books. :-)
I didn't know that you liked to write. :-) Do you like to write stories?
5'1" isn't all that short: I'm only 5'2". '5'2", eyes of blue', as my mom says. I'm about the same height as my mom, by the way. Actually, I think I'm taller…but she says that I'm not. It depends on what shoes we wear at the time. :-)


Sarah B.

Oh my! I almost for got! I must warn you about someone named Sam! He is most obnoxious! And Noah too! Be careful not to respond to any of their teasing! ^Good luck with that! ;)^



Oh my! I almost for got! I must warn you about someone named Sam! He is most obnoxious! And Noah too! Be careful not to respond to any of their teasing! ^Good luck with that! ;)^



Jessica Rankin

Hi, Sarah!
Do you not have an introduce yourself page? I was looking, but couldn't find one. Hope this doesn't bother you, Carissa!
I liked your story about your bees. :-) I don't know, we might get bees someday, but I've heard that it's hard keeping them alive right now. Besides, we have a bit of a yellow jacket problem around here. We had some build a nest in one of our goat barns in the straw. My dad went in there with a spray can and swiped at the nest with his foot and tried to spray them with wasp spray, but he ended up having to run out of the barn, and he was covered with yellow jackets. They followed him all the way back to the house, and were clinging to his pants and his shirt, stinging him, and I had to kill them with a fly swatter.
Later, we went out after dark, and I was holding the flashlight and a large gallon pickle jar, because we were wondering if we could cover the nest with the jar. Did you know that yellow jackets can't see in the dark? They can't. But, they can see flashlight beams. Guess where they went when Dad was disturbing the nest. He yelled at me to turn off the light when they swarmed to the flashlight beam, and one stung my hand, but that left him in the dark, in the barn, and the only exit was past the yellow jacket nest. He told me he needed a light. I handed him the flashlight and said, "Here you go." :-) Anyway, my parents ended up getting rid of the nest.
I've never been stung by a bee, but I assume that I'm not allergic. I've never been stung by a wasp, either, but I still don't like them. I've been stung by yellow jackets, and sweat bees, and once by a scorpion.
What did you mean by registering bees? You mean like registering a goat?



Hey Jessica. :)

Haha! Nice. :)

Umm…I don't know. :P I just do. :)

Neat! I'll have to look them up! Thanks for telling me about them. :)

I do. :) But none of them are very good. :)

Haha! But it is when everybody you know is really tall. ;)


Sarah B.

Hi Jessica!
Yes, I do have in Introduce Yourself page, however I think it is a little out of date and I should re-write it sometime. :) Here is a link to that thread:
As long as the queen is laying eggs she should be able to keep enough workers to fight off the yellow jackets (or any other uninvited bees). My problem was mostly that the queen failed and because she failed there weren't very many bees (therefore not enough honey) so I felt it necessary to feed them sugar water to get them through the winter. However when I put the sugar water out for them the yellow jackets wanted it so they took over the hive. So it was a combination of a lot of things that brought on the yellow jackets.
We had a hornets nest in our chicken coop once. It was the size of a basketball! We had to take all the chickens out with out getting stung and then that night Dad went out and sprayed the nest.
I thought your story about the yellow jacket nest was interesting. No, I didn't know that they couldn't see in the dark, but I think it's one of those facts that I've heard before but forgot. :)
Stung by a scorpion? Ouch! I have never been stung by a scorpion, but I have friends who have been.
Well, I don't know what registering a goat is like… but in Ohio it is law to have your bees registered. I didn't know this until my first hive died and I called the person who sold them to me and he ask, "Well, did you have them registered?" Apparently, if you have them registered someone who knows a lot about bees will come out ever now and then and look at them to make sure they are healthy. So far I have never had someone come to look at my bees… but I still need to register my newest hive. :) Thanks for the reminder!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Middle. :)

Okay! I used to be able to do that when I first started ballet…but I've always found right or left a lot easier (right, particularly). =D
Did you just realize you could do it, or did you have to practice or something?

Btw, I thought your "random facts about me" was really funny, so I edited mine and put something like that in there too :D
It's amazing what one can learn about you just by putting random facts about yourself! Lol ;-)



Well when I was younger I could just do them. But now I have to practice. :) Yeah, I've heard the sides are easier but I've never been able to do them… :P

Nice! I'll go check it out. :) Yup xP


God's Maiden of Virtue

My handwriting is dreadful and when I try to make it nice it's still ugly. :P

I think most people think their own handwriting is bad, but everyone else thinks it looks pretty/nice/fine. :P Because your handwriting on the birthday card from you looked very neat to me!



My handwriting is dreadful and when I try to make it nice it's still ugly. :P
I think most people think their own handwriting is bad, but everyone else thinks it looks pretty/nice/fine. :P Because your handwriting on the birthday card from you looked very neat to me!

Maybe so. But I know mine is messy. :P


Abigail Rose

My handwriting is dreadful and when I try to make it nice it's still ugly. :P
I think most people think their own handwriting is bad, but everyone else thinks it looks pretty/nice/fine. :P Because your handwriting on the birthday card from you looked very neat to me!

Ha! I think my handwriting is bad , and so does every one else! Mine looks just like my brothers did when he was in 3rd grade!


God's Maiden of Virtue

That is the national average? Wow. A lot of females (girls/women) I know are around my height or taller. I mean, I know a bunch who are short, but I thought I was a tiny bit shorter than average. That is nice to know =)


Child of God

May I ask how tall you are? :) Well, yes, it is average…according to Wikipedia!!! :D And other places. :)
Actually, I don't mind being petite! :D


Child of God

Almost 5'2. :D But, according to my ethnicity that is a little taller than average.

P.S. I was looking for your original post a few days ago and I couldn't find it! Now I know why. :)


Emily H

That is the national average? Wow. A lot of females (girls/women) I know are around my height or taller. I mean, I know a bunch who are short, but I thought _I_ was a tiny bit shorter than average. That is nice to know =)

^^ The national average seems like it should be 5'6" or something. :P


Child of God

@Emily H

I know what you mean though. :)
