Esther Olson (me)

Started by Esther Grace

Hiruko Kagetane

Your highness Sam, I ask of thee the answer to a riddle. Dost thou great king of Memverse know what T.O.P. standeth for, or why the aforementioned user of Memverse calleth herself Wanda Wilson (and what that might stand for as well) when her email on her profile of Memverse so clearly states Abigail?

Tower of Power.

Lady Deadpool.

That was the email of the last girl to use her name. She was terminated, and Lady Deadpool took it over.



Yay, good book reader! Hello. Have you read the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini? 50/1 she hasn't
Or how about the Dragons in our Midst series? 50/1 I will think less of you if you liked them. jk


Esther Grace

I think I'll just stick with Lady Deadpool, then… terminated?!?

Lady Deadpool: I never realized you could get so many nicknames out of Esther… O.o

Sauroc: I've read neither. Should I?


Jessica Rankin

Hi, Esther!
Welcome to Memverse forums! :-)
I guess if you wanted to, you could say that I'm also a musician: I'm learning to play old-time fiddle. :-) I also used to play piano, but I don't anymore. What kind of stuff did you used to play on the piano? What do you play on the violin?
I also like to write, but I write fantasy stories. I also like to read; I think that fantasy is probably my favorite subject.
No, I don't think that I've ever heard of "The Giver". I did watch the movie "God's Not Dead", and I thought it was really good. :-)
God Bless You!


Esther Grace

Hi Jessica!
Thanks. =)
I can play classical music and hymns on the piano, though most often nowadays I play chords (guitar chords, basically) for worship on Sunday. Our church rotates worship teams, and I'm the pianist for the youth team. On the violin, I'm learning some Baroque music, but I'm also learning fiddle music. I love fiddle music! =D
Neat! What are some of your favorite fantasy books?
I haven't seen that movie yet, but I've heard it's really good.


Esther Grace

I don't actually use books for the chords. The youth team leader has access to the chords for almost any worship song, because he's signed up under our church on a website called Song Select. So whenever we need chords, he emails out the PDF. Do you play chords for fun, or are you a part of a team or band of some sort?


Hannah Hope

Ok!! :D I teach myself piano, so I use the books The Henry Slaughter Gospel Piano Course, and it's really good!!! :D


Esther Grace

Hm, I haven't heard of that series. I took lessons for many years, but it's been so long since I used books like that, that I don't remember what I used. =P How many years have you been playing?


Hannah Hope

Ok!! They are really good. :D Ever since I was six. :D I was on the 1st book for about 5 yrs, cuz I just was lagging a lot, had no enthusiasm, and didn't want to play, but last school year, I finally was motivated, and did it. :D I am now on the second book, and I enjoy it a lot!!!! :D In the third-sixth book, it teaches you how to take a hymn out of the hymn book, and add the chords on your own, so then you can play anything you want to. :D


Esther Grace

Glad you're enjoying it and that you have motivation! That sounds neat - finding the chords to hymns. Are you almost done with the second book?


Hannah Hope

Yes!! :D I am about halfway through, and the lady that plays piano for our church is helping me when I can't figure something out myself, since she went through the same books. :D



I'm into photography too (only at an amateur level)! We have a black cat named Shadow. He's an outdoor cat (he was a stray) and is very nice most of the time. I like historical fiction too! I have not read "The Giver", but I watched a blurry youtube version and liked it. What are some of your favorite books?


Esther Grace

Fun! What camera do you use? Some favorite books off the top of my head would be: The Giver, Rosemary Sutcliff's books, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Island at the Top of the World. Fiction books, that is. :P Non-fiction would include books by R.C. Sproul and John Piper, and The Pursuit of God. What about you?


Esther Grace

Have you ever read C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy? I'm planning on reading The Giver as soon as it is available at the library.

I have not. I tried it once, and found it a bit hard to read. I probably should try it again, though. Mom says it's really good.


@Cari: !!! Funny thing was, we've had one of her books for a long time, and mom said I'd like it, but for some reason I was never interested. Until a year or so ago. I can't believe I waited so long to read it. xP


Esther Grace

I actually haven't watched any anime since you recommended Barakamon . :P I've had things to do and debate to prepare for. We'll see, though.


His Servant

I shall try to get back to you about what times work to Skype. I really dunno at the moment, as I'll have to speak with my parents about it first. xD


Esther Grace

I shall try to get back to you about what times work to Skype. I really dunno at the moment, as I'll have to speak with my parents about it first. xD

Okay, thanks! :)
