Hannah Hope

Started by Hannah Hope

Hannah Hope

Updated Aug. 2016

Hey y'all!
I'm updating this cuz a lot of things have changed since I posted this.

Absolutely love deer and goose hunting.
I have shot four deer. 2 button bucks, a fork, and a 6pointer. I've been hunting for five years. I bow hunt as well as shotgun.

I play piano, flute, alto sax, acoustic guitar, and clarinet. Hopefully will be adding more to that list of instruments. I am considering going to college for music education. (Or nursing/midwife… Still gotta decide. :P)

I am in Civil Air Patrol, and it has been such an amazing learning experience. I am a Staff Sergeant. (If you don't know what CAP is, google it). I have been to ALC recently which is an advanced encampment. Encampment is our form of USAF Basic.
If you are on Facebook, search "Cadetleadership" and it's the one that says Little Falls, MN. Lots of awesome pics.

If I'm not doing any of the above mentioned things, I'm reading. I don't really know how to expand into this other than saying I have gone weeks on 1-4 hours of sleep a night because I'm reading. Usually leaning towards the 1 hour. I've read well over 3,100 books.

My favorite sport is hockey because it is the only real sport.
I am a cashier at Teals Market in Milaca MN.
I'm 15 and have three brothers. One older Hunter (17), and two younger. Gunnar (12), and Isaac (6).
My favorite animal is Jersey cows, and I own one. And am soon getting another that will be calving soon.
Absolutely cannot stand needles, chickens, pigs, and spiders. In that order. With spiders being tolerated as long as they are not within my personal space.
I am a cashier at Teals Market in Milaca MN.
My favorite place to eat out is Pizza Ranch.

I am legally homeschooled. I go to a school three days a week and the other two are homeschool/homework days. Approx. 40 kids attend.

And that's about it… Kinda random stuff… :P

And I love smiley faces. :D And I'm Hungarian and Irish. (But mostly American. And Minnesotan. :P)


Alex Watt

Welcome to the Memverse forums, Hannah! I just approved your post. All future posts will be automatically approved.

And I suspect you'll be getting a warm welcome from the rest of the community momentarily :)


Sarah B.

Welcome!!! It’s good to have you! How do you train cows? That sounds interesting! :) I like to fish too! I also have a bow… but haven't gotten to hunt with it at all.


Ian R.2

Welcome to Memverse, Hannah! You wouldn't happen to have any relatives in Southwest PA, would you? :)


Hannah Hope

thanks Sarah!! I halter train, stanchion train, tame calves, and train them to come when we call them ( which is actually very simple, we just yell this certain sentence, and they get food if they come in from pasture.) What kind of bow do you have? :D



Welcome Hannah! :)

Just to let you know we all can act kinda crazy and watch out for Sam and Noah as they like to tease and joke around a lot. :)



Welcome, our new Token Newb. May your newbness remind us all of how far we've come. :)

^That is Sam


Hannah Hope

Yeah, I have read the forums for about a week now before doing this intrduction thing, so I sorta have figured out who everyone is. But thanks for the warning :)


Sarah B.

Yeah, I have read the forums for about a week now before doing this intrduction thing, so I sorta have figured out who everyone is. But thanks for the warning :)

Yeah, that's what I did for quite a while before I got to know them really well in conversation. :) They're lots of fun… if you know how to take a joke, and don't show feelings. jk

I have a recurve bow! What do you use? :)


Sarah B.

Thanks for the welcome, but has no idea what you said after that...

He said it's good to see new people because it means someone new to find out how he can tease…. something like that. :)


Hannah Hope

ok, my older brother is just like Sam and Noah (from what I've read so far) so I get it all day long. :) I am 90% sure mine is a compound bow, How long have you had yours? I have had mine for about three years.


Abigail Rose

Welcome Hannah! :) Just to let you know we all can act kinda crazy and watch out for Sam and Noah as they like to tease and joke around a lot. :)

You really have got to quit dissing my Noah!

^We don't care about Sam^




Yeah, I have read the forums for about a week now before doing this intrduction thing, so I sorta have figured out who everyone is. But thanks for the warning :)

Ah. Okay. :)


Jessica Rankin

Hi, Hannah! Welcome to Memverse!
I'm Jessica, and I live on a farm (hobby farm) with my mom and dad. We don't have cows, but we have six goats, chickens, and a couple geese and guineas. I also have an English mastiff named Tater, four cats, four zebra finches, a rabbit, and two Siamese fighting fish. Do you have any pets besides cows? What breed of cows are they?
I also like working outside. :-)



Welcome to Memverse, Hannah! From your description of yourself, you should fit in just fine here— homechooled, live on a farm, etc. :D

You were smart to "listen in" on our conversations for a while before introducing yourself. We are a unique, crazy, and fun bunch to be sure! xD


Hannah Hope

Hi Jessica! That is so neat that you have goats!! They are one of my favorite animals to own, (we don't own any right now though.) but cows are definitely my number one favorite animal. We own approximately 25 chickens, two Jersey milk cows, one Jersey bull (soon to be burger), three barn cats (two of them are as tame as house cats,) and one dog.


Sarah B.

I have had my bow for about four or five years… however I have only shot it maybe a dozen times. :/ I wish I could do it more but I'm always really busy. Right now I'm trying to finish up my last year of highschool. What grade are you in? :)

Edit- We have chickens, bees, and a goat! :)



Hello, Miss Hannah. It's a pleasure to meet you. What type(s) of chickens do you have?


Hannah Hope

my age grade would be 7th, but I am doing Biology, 10th grade history, just finishing Algebra etc, (yeah, I am a normal homeschooler, as you can tell:D ) that's neat that you have bees!! dad and mom have always wanted to get bees :)


Hannah Hope

most of them are White Rocks (I think) and we have some brown ones that we have no idea what they are.


Jessica Rankin

I like cows, too. I've always wanted one. :-)
I like Jersey cows!!!!!! They're so pretty! I have heard, however that the bulls can be ornery.
Are your barn cats named? My cats' names are Frodo, Pippin, Tucker (the crooked-tailed terror), and Sassy.
What kind of dog do you have?
Do you have any hobbies, like knitting? Do you like to read?


Hannah Hope

Yeah, Jersey bulls are one of the top bulls that injure people, but it is usually not because they are mean, but because they are so tame. Are gentle rub to them, is to you a knock through the barn wall. (I am sorta excited for when we butcher him, because then I can not have to worry about watching my back every time I am around the barn.) but heifers are my favorite animal. the two really tame ones are named Grey Momma, (that is what we name all the grey female cats. :D) and Callie (what I name all my calico cats) we have a half Chesapeake, and half lab, and he is the gentlest dog ever. And he doesn't shed hardly at all. My hobbies are hunting, fishing, trapping, knitting, reading (in our house, reading is almost banned because we do it so much.) playing my instruments, and almost anything outside. :D



My family owns goats, miniature donkeys, and chickens, so I think it's cool that you've got some barn animals too! :) You also seem to be quite the outdoorswoman!

What instruments do you play? Do you have a favorite book/book series?


Jessica Rankin

I'd like to have a calico someday. :-) I'd also like to have a black cat someday.
What do you trap, and what kind of traps do you use? What do you hunt? I've hunted gray squirrels. :-)
What kind of things do you knit? I've knit socks before, and I'm working on my first sweater, a cardigan vest. Been working on it for months. Maybe I'll finish it by next winter.
I like to play old-time fiddle. :-) I like reading a lot. I also like writing; do you like to write?


Hannah Hope

I don't really trap myself, but I as soon as I can earn enough, I plan on starting. I just go with my brothers when they do, but once in a while, they let me use their traps, and then I just have one #1 that I use for muskrats. (but that is very frustrating when you just have one trap, so I usually don't set it very often during trapping season.) I hunt deer, and geese, and I want to start hunting ducks. I am not that good at knitting, so I just knit washcloths/dishcloth, scarves and simple stuff like that. but I like sewing. yes, I do like writing, when I can think up something that is, but I prefer writing book reports/writing in my journal.


Hannah Hope

all of them!!! :) actually, my favorite would be flute, then piano, then saxophone. Do you play any instruments?



Haha, cool! My friend who teaches me piano also plays the flute, and prefers that instrument even though she teaches piano xP Yeah, so I play piano, but I'm only an early intermediate who's been playing for about 2 years ;)


Hannah Hope

what types of music do you like to play on piano? I am on book 2 of Henry Slaughters Gospel Music (at least that is what i think it is called.) :D



Well, right now the only more "advanced" type of music I can play on the piano is simpler classical songs. I really enjoy playing them :D

That sounds cool! You're probably way ahead of me in piano, since I've only been serious about it for a few years now. How long have you been playing?


Hannah Hope

I have just been serious about playing piano this year, but, I have gone through the first book over and over again for several years, and then this year I just decided I would do it with the adult chords, and it is so much funner. Do you use chords when you play piano?
