His Servant

Started by His Servant II (Bethany)

His Servant

@Rachel – Her birthday is March 2nd.

@Rosie – Would you like to call this Saturday, or not? I'm planning on sending you some things for our study before to long (hopefully today, but maybe tomorrow) though I won't be able to send a letter with this one. The things I send are to help you, but you don't have to feel obligated to use them :) They are just some things that I'm going to use and hope are helpful. I'll explain more about them in the note I send along :D


God's Maiden of Virtue

Bethany- Sure I could call if you'd like- either way is fine with me. Will Saturday afternoon be okay? I'm looking forward to receiving whatever you are sending. :) I'm sure it will be helpful :-)


His Servant

Rosie - Yes, Saturday afternoon should work fine for me, or anytime that day, pretty much. I'm trying to think about things to talk about, and I have a few (just need to make sure I don't forget, like I have other times!). Do you still have your list? :) I sent out the things today in the mail!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Bethany - Well actually, I finished the questions on my list…..so I'm coming up with things to talk about as well :-) I really like your new Gravatar picture too - I've been wanting to change mine for a LONG time, but I need Dad's help, and he hasn't been available. But, anyhow….I can't wait to receive "the things" on Saturday, and to call you! :)


His Servant

That's okay! I started my list and have 9 things so far :) And, I'm still trying to think of some more things. Thanks! I'll tell you the story behind it on our next phone call. :D


God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh yes, about the phone call……I just learned last night, that apparently I will be gone a lot of the day on Saturday, because I will be watching a debate. So, are you going to be available ALL day, or are there any specific times that would be best for me to call? Because, I don't know when we're leaving on Saturday or when we will be getting back. Thanks Bethany! :) Wow! 9 things so far…..I guess I won't have to worry about having a lot on my list! J/K :D


His Servant

So far, I don't have anything going on that day…so, you can call anytime between 9:30 till 8 at night :) I sure hope it works to talk, though I understand completely if you can't. Well, some of the questions won't take to long, though 1 of them could take the whole time!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh, I'm so glad! I learned today that we will be gone all morning and should hopefully be back by mid-afternoon; so I believe it will work for us to talk (yea!). I will try to call as soon as we get back from the debate (a friend of mine is in the debate club and I'm looking forward to seeing her there). Well, that's good, because honestly, I haven't even started my list! :D



Rosie: Bethany will not be available till 3:45 (4:45 your time). Something came up and she will be gone till then. She is also available in the evening. Sorry about that.


His Servant

Oh, Rosie! I forgot to tell you about our trip! :( Oh well, I guess I could tell you the next time we talk? If you want to hear about it, that is :)


His Servant

@Rosie – Oops! Yup, I guess I did forget about that…I'll try to write it down for next time. Regardless though, I still had a very enjoyable time talking with you! :)

@Rachel - Yes, we did!

@Danielle - Yes, we've all met at Bible Bee! So glad about that and can't wait for next year! :)


Emily H

can't wait for next year! :)

Me either!! =D (or is that supposed to be "me neither"? I don't know:)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Yes, it was wonderful! Btw, Rachel, I found your blog recently……I really like it (including the name!). :-)

Bethany- That's okay- I had meant to remember it too. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Thanks! But all the credit for design and starting it goes to the original author! :) She just invited me to co-author :) (Does that make sense?)


His Servant

Thank you, Rosie! I am having a lovely day :) Oh, and thank you SO much for the gift you sent me…that was so thoughtful, and I like it SO much :) You are such a sweet friend to me, Rosie!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh, you're very welcome, Bethany! I'm glad you like the headband, and, now you know why I needed your head measurement :D Does the one I made for Amy fit her okay? I wasn't sure what measurement the headband should be, so I just made it about the same size as yours. :) But anyhow, I'm glad it got to you on time! Many blessings to you!


His Servant

I just can't over how much I like it – it's so pretty :) Yes! The one for Amy fits her just right, and she likes it a lot :) Thank you SO much…a letter for you this week, hopefully!


His Servant

I'll try to write as soon as possible…though I have a million other thank you notes that I have to write, because of birthday gifts that I received…I'll try to be quick! :D


God's Maiden of Virtue

Bethany, would you be available tomorrow afternoon for me to call you (or you call me, which ever)? If, not that's completely fine; I just thought I'd ask, because I will not be available next Saturday. :-)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh, actually…..never mind. :} I just found out a minute ago that our uncle and his family are coming over tomorrow; they live in a different state, so we don't get to see them very often (about once or twice a year). And also, as I said in my last comment, I won't be available next Saturday either (we will be at a wedding). So….I think we will have to wait for a couple of weeks……I'm sorry about that! :)


His Servant

I understand, Rosie. I'll miss talking with you, but maybe (for now, because things could come up) we could plan on Saturday the 30th. Sound good? :)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Yes, I could plan on Saturday the 30th, I really hope we can talk then!
I just learned that our uncle and his family won't be here until 12:45 (our time) because they were delayed. :( And we did our weekly chores around the house yesterday, so I'll ask Mom or Dad (if you're available, that is) if maybe we could talk before they come……would that work for you? I'll go ask my parents now…..:) Oh, and if it does work out for both of us, I think I will only be available in between 10:00-12:00 (our time, 9:00-11:00 your time).


His Servant

My dad said that it would work to probably talk at 10:00 or 10:15 (11 or 11:15 your time). I have some cleaning to do around our house, but I'll try to be done by 10. :) Hope it works out!


His Servant

I hope you're still on, so that you can see this, Rosie :) Amy is using the phone right now. It might be best for me to call, is that okay? Also, do you have things to talk about, I'll try to think quick about it!

Also, it might be a couple minutes past 10, is that okay?


God's Maiden of Virtue

Sure, it would be fine for you to call me. And yes, I do have things to talk about- I added some things to my list :) I'll be watching the clock-can't wait to talk! :D


His Servant

I hope you don't mind long letters, Rosie? :D Because this is the longest one yet! I won't do it again though, I have no idea how it got so long!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Bethany, I got yours and Amy's letter yesterday evening (right after we got home from the Wedding); I was so excited to receive it- thank you both! :) Can't wait to receive your other one :)


His Servant

Oh, I'm glad you got it Rosie! My letter was sent out yesterday, so hopefully you'll get it in a couple of days. I had a question for you – do y'all have an evening service today? I was curious, because our meeting got cancelled because of the snow we got, and if you were free this evening (and your parents said it was fine) maybe we could call? I understand if it doesn't work.

Congratulations to you on y'all's exciting news!!! :D


God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh, well, we wouldn't be getting home until 7:45 (our time) at the earliest, so, I don't think tonight will work. I'm sorry! :( Hopefully this Saturday will work out for us both.
I'll be patiently waiting for Tuesday to come, then! :) Your letters are a huge blessing, Bethany!


His Servant

Yeah, I wrote the comment because I thought you didn't have a service tonight. Thanks for letting me know though :) Yes, I'll really be looking forward to Saturday :D Hope your meeting goes well….did y'all get any snow up there? We got about 8 inches last night.

I'm sorry it took me so long, it's not normal for me to take almost a month to reply! :(


God's Maiden of Virtue

No, actually, we didn't- though it was very cold this morning (and it probably still is….).

Oh, that's fine; I remember it took me just as long to reply after receiving the letter you gave me at Nationals. :)


His Servant

It's not feeling very much like spring yet, but I guess we'll get to go sledding again. :) Though, we have some sick ones over here, so we'll see if that happens.
