Ohio Scriptorium/Bible Festival

Started by God's Maiden of Virtue

Christian Alexander

New information! XD We had a family, who we initially thought wouldn't be able to come, contact us and say they could only come on Friday, so my dad gave them John 11 and 12. So you no longer have to do those, and now my dad says that he's going to put you down for John 7-8, dramatized. ;)



Wow, this Scriptorum sounds like it's going to be a big event!! So many of my friends will be there! *wishes I was going* ;)

Christian Alexander

My dad's been in correspondence with the other lady who's said she might do John 7-8, but she hasn't been very clear yet about whether she's able to do it or not… so I would say that you should still try to work on memorizing them or be prepared to do so. I'll let you know if we hear anything else.



Wow, this Scriptorum sounds like it's going to be a big event!! So many of my friends will be there! *wishes I was going* ;)

Esther Grace

Wow, this Scriptorum sounds like it's going to be a big event!! So many of my friends will be there! *wishes I was going* ;)


Wow, this Scriptorum sounds like it's going to be a big event!! So many of my friends will be there! *wishes I was going* ;)

Seth W.

*is sure those at the Scriptorium are having fun today* :) I want to hear how it goes!

If I had to pick a movie quote, it would be from Tangled


Wish you could have been there. :( It was really good, a combination of hearing God's word recited like that and great fellowship is just about unbeatable. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Ahh, so glad you all had a great time. :D I would have absolutely loved to have been there…hopefully another year! :) Did you quote anything?


2 Corinthians 5:17

Wow, this Scriptorum sounds like it's going to be a big event!! So many of my friends will be there! *wishes I was going* ;)

cough cough xP



All. I can say is at the time I only hoped I was going. Turns out I did. ;P And every thing in that post was true. Wis you could have been there though. :)


His Servant

The Scriptorium was awesome! =] So enjoyed seeing so many friends again as well as hearing much Scripture quoted. Thanks to the Alexanders for hosting it! :)


Phil Walker

Hi. Curious who will be at this year's Ohio Scriptorium. Wish we could be there in person. I and some students are planning to participate by video. However, some of the videos we recorded have poor sound quality, first on the iphone we are using and then even more so on youtube. Please pray that we can get this fixed quickly to be able to participate. Does anyone know of other ways to send videos than using youtube that might preserve the sound better?


Mommy's Helper

I don't know Mr. Walker (plus it's too late :P)

But you did a really good job! (I was there, obviously.) I really enjoyed watching and listening to you recite! I recited Matt. 18 and Matt. 20.
