Scripture Songs for Bible Memory Verses
A great way to learn Bible memory verses is through Scripture songs. This blog is to share with others Scripture songs you write and Scripture songs you find.
My favorite site for free NIV 1984 songs is from Rob and Wendy Jacobson. My favorite songs from the site are "Do you not Know?" (ISAIAH 40:27-31) and "Do not Throw Away your Confidence" (HEBREWS 10:35-39). I also very strongly endorse for 2-9 year olds and others who don't mind high quality, catchy kids tunes for memorizing God's awesome Word. You can listen to samples for free and download an album for $1.99
In the KJV, a great site for free downloads is
We would love to hear from you. What great Scripture songs have you found or written that you can share with us?