2015 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
On one of the recent weekly quizzes, I asked everyone if they wanted live Bible Bee quizzes for this year. The answer was a unanimous "Yes", with more or less capitals and a wide variety of exclamation point counts. Remember, we don't fence the quizzes, so you don't even have to be in the Bible Bee do to these!
EDIT--Well, no one seems to use the PDFs much, so unless I get requests to the contrary, I'll just stop copying the questions and leave the ones that have already been made.
The schedule, which is weekly, will have one more rerun! Otherwise, it is the same. Each new quiz will premiere at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday. I've noticed that many Memverses don't get a change come on until late in the evening--in fact, that is usually when the forums are most active. So there will be a rerun of the quiz at 8:00 pm EST the same Thursday. Of course, we'll keep our Teusday rerun at noon EST.
PLEASE SUMBIT QUESTIONS, starting anytime, over what you've learned. Make sure to be the words "Bible Bee:" at the beginning of each question, so it will be filtered and I'll know which questions to approve for the Bible Bee quizzes. If a question is not approved, it was probably an essential duplicate or something irrelevantly simple, eg. "What was made through Him?".
Thank you ALL for your submissions! We do appreciate it! But please be careful to make sure your questions are not translation dependent or ambiguous. I cannot be responsible for making sure all the questions are right.
NOTE: Please proofread your questions. I don't have time to go through every single one, so please make sure not only the answers, but the questions, are correct.
PDFs of finished quizzes:
Bible Bee
Bible Bee, quizzes
83 responses to 2015 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
This Thursday? Okay, So, are the Canadians in the Eastern Time Zone? And also, I might do something for my group as soon as I get more people! (By the way, my group is called 'Faith in God', if you want to join.
Can we submit Greek words yet? (because there's at least one Greek word that I think is pretty obvious would be a key word for John 1)
Since a Greek word we didn't study will occasionally be on the test, go ahead and submit some Greek words! I'll have to scrutinize them, though.
You're all welcome! ^_^
@Alyssa Canada has lots of time zones. The Wikipedia article for Time in Canada has a map of the time zones. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_Canada
Where will the quizes be? Will I just click on live quizes and it will pop up? Also, thank you Nathan for taking time to post this!
+Keirstin , you just have to click the link on this blog post to be taken to the right quiz. It will be updated as needed.
Thank you for doing this! I have a few questions. First of all, will this week's quiz contain questions only on John 1? If I submit questions, should they only be on John 1? Are the reruns the exact same questions? Am I correct that if you took the quiz once, you shouldn't come to the rerun? These aren't connected to Matthew Minica's practice tests, are they? Will this quiz be on Memverse (not ClassMarker)?
Looking forward to doing the quizzes!
1) Yes.
2) No. This quiz is already made; it won't contain any submissions. You can submit any questions related to John and they will be in later quizzes.
3) Yes.
4) No; you can come to as many as you want. Being at the reruns will see how much you learned from the last one. The goal is to learn here, not beat everybody else.
5) Some of the people helping Matthew might submit their questions here or give me permission to use them. But that's in the future.
6) It's on Memverse; see the link at the end of the post.
Awesome! Thanks for setting these up Nathan! I have got the quiz times updated on For The Bee.
+James C. Yes; thank you! Today's will be a rerun of the last quiz, remember. I'll put together the next quiz after that.
Oh just to let you know, when i clicked on the link on the top, it took me to the first BB quiz, not the 2nd.
+James C. Thanks; that's because all wasn't prepared yet. Now it is. :-)
+{Rachel the Redeemed} Moment of truth... It's an illusion. I'm using HTML.
Oh, I see. xP Sorry, that was off topic, but I really wanted to know. XD
I do have a question...is this the correct link for today's quiz? It says Quiz #2, but that the quiz is finished. ?
+{Rachel the Redeemed} Oh, that's weird. Thanks for pointing that out! Apparently the timing was either never set or messed up.
I know I'm late for the discussion, but I think I know what happened to the "Bible Bee Quiz #2". When I got on Memverse, Wednesday the 17th, it said "Bible Bee Quiz #2 is starting: Join now!" at 8:00 a.m. I was there for the entire quiz, and I think it was a mistake in the timing. :)
But, you might have already figured it out. ;)
Um.... it doesn't have the countdown.... it just says that the quiz is finished..... are we still... um... going to have the quiz today?
Apparently the timing got messed up again. Sorry everyone.
+Amara J Yeah, we got that figured out. :-) Thanks though.
There's a quiz in 40 minutes, right? No updated link...
EDIT: Ah, nevermind! You just updated it. xD
+marija2 I haven't gotten to putting it together yet. I'll try to make a priority to get both done this Tuesday (if not earlier).
Argh! I keep missing the quizzes! I seriously need to set an alarm or something to remind myself.... :P
EDIT - maybe I could still make it today... but IDK if I'll be here or not! :-/
I have like 30 plausible questions submitted--all from three people. That ain't gonna fly. For fairness, we can't have very many questions from the same person in one quiz. Please, EVERYONE help in submitting. If everyone just chips in and submits three every week, that should be more than plenty. (And to those who have already been submitting plenty--please don't submit any more until further notice.) Matthew's practice test writers allowed me to use some of their questions, but I only want to do that once--so if I don't get more questions, I might have to cancel some quizzes; because I don't have time to make them all myself. Thank you!
Have I submitted too many? I've submitted a few, but I didn't want to submit more than I should, so I was just wondering if I was one of the three.
+Anna M - Ok I see that (it was my question) I'll get it fixed.
+Nathan A. Wright - I am assuming the quiz question is automatically updated if I update the question?
+Anna M No; you haven't submitted too many! I'm talking to people who have submitted like ten or more.
+ZachB http://zachweb.com.nu/forthebee+ I think so...
I also spelled "Righteousness" as "Righeousness" on one of the questions too, so I got that corrected as well.
I'm not sure where to put this, but Titus 3:3-7 in ESV was wrong on Tuesday's quiz. I got zero points on it, but I checked my card afterwards and it was right. I just wanted to let y'all know in case it is on a future quiz.
+Anna M Sorry; I don't have any control over that. Tell Alex.
Thank you ALL for your submissions! We do appreciate it! But please be careful to make sure your questions are not translation dependent or ambiguous. I cannot be responsible for making sure all the questions are right.
I don't see the notice anymore about those who have submitted lots of questions not submitting questions; does this mean we are allowed to submit more or not yet?
+ZachB http://zachweb.com.nu/forthebee You can, but we won't be able to use all of them.
Is there going to be a quiz oh Thursday??? Because it's after the Bible Bee test and we haven't found out who made it to Nationals I was wondering if we're having them.
Are we going to have Bible Bee quizzes during the Nationals study period? Maybe after the material is released? The quizzes for Locals were really helpful!
Can't we get someone else to run them? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but why does Nathan have to run them?
YAY! I like these! Thanks for coordinating these again!