Search for Answers
We've added a page which allows you to search the support forum for answers to your questions. It is located under the 'Contact' menu and is labeled 'Help & Support'. If you haven't signed up for the forum, this would be a great time to do so. Just click on the 'Feedback' tab on right edge of your browser window. There is a good chance that your question has already been asked by someone else.
Second, a very big thank you to everyone who is helping out on the forum. It's great to see such quick responses and it has been a tremendous help.

Ideas, Questions, Problems or Praise?
You will notice a black rectangle on the right side of your web browser labeled 'Feedback'. That's a link to a new tool that we're using to allow people to submit ideas for new features, to ask questions about how to use the website, or to report problems. Since we now have thousands of registered users, it has become harder for us to answer everyone's questions and help new users get started. Our hope is that by creating a repository for new ideas and questions on the usage of the website, it will allow the community to help out (and will allow us to get back to the top of the leaderboard ... just kidding).
If any of you would like to volunteer to help answer the questions that people have, let us know and we can add you as an 'employee'. Either way, I think anyone can jump in and help out.
We'd also love people to propose new ideas for Memverse and to vote on the ideas that other people have submitted as that will help us prioritize what we work on. So just click on the 'Feedback' button on the right and try it out.