2014 Nationals Quizzes
Yes; that's right. The Bible Bee quizzes are not over this year! God-willing, we will be continuing them just as we did the Locals quizzes: 4:00 pm EST every Thursday, then a rerun on Tuesday at noon EST. You may partake in these quizzes even if you did not make it to Nationals, are not in the Bible Bee, are not eligible for the Bible Bee, etc. We will not fence the quizzes in any way.
Since the Nationals memory passages are "unique to each age division and do not overlap" (in the words of the Bible Bee's website), there will be no recitation questions except for verses 2 and 3 of chapter 1--very occasionally--which we memorized for Locals. However, when we get further into the study, there might be some reference questions about the book of Nahum.
Important: the quizzes will rely heavily on question submissions. We will want to have many questions about Greek words and cross-references; this way, contestants can introduce other contestants to what they've learned. And please add {Nationals} in the text before the question.
For review, PDFs of the quizzes are also up for download (after they've been run on MemVerse, of course)!
cross reference
Final Locals Quiz
Agust 23rd is the day on which Summer Bible Bee conestants will approach a desk with sweaty forehead, shaking hands, and pounding heart to take their final examination of Jonah--which will determine whether or not they will be faced with an even larger challenge this autumn! In preparation for this, I am excited to announce a wrap-up bonus quiz the day before local contest day! This will be Friday, August 22. LORD willing, the quiz will run for the first time at noon EST; then there will be a rerun at 4:00 PM EST (to ensure that as many people as possible can come). If you can't come to either of those, check for updates on that day; it's possible we might rerun it again later in the evening--but no guarantees. For easy access, I pasted the portal to the room in the box below this paragraph. Bookmark it in your browser and tell all your Bible Bee friends--and as always, you don't have to be in the Bible Bee to partake in this quiz!
{Edit} ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be a third rerun, at 9:00 PM EST today!!!
We don't know what day our Lord will return, but we do know what day we will take our locals test--so watch and pray in preparation both!
[Outdated material shown below]
I decided to announce that now so I could make a request of you all at the same time: we really need more cross-reference questions. Some of you just groaned at that, and I can relate, as they are difficult. But cross-references are a significant part of the written test, and when I put the latest and next quiz together, there were barely any questions related to cross-references. I will provide some more questions for Hebrew/Greek words; if you all could submit some cross-reference questions, that would be much appreciated. Of course, I will balance it well with other material in the quizzes.
cross reference