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Getting Started: Deleting Verses

Time Posted on June 13, 2010 User Andy Comment 64 comments

If you would like to remove one or more verses from your list of memory verses, simply go to the "My Verses" page (under the 'Home' tab) and check the box(es) next to the verse(s) you would like to remove. At the bottom of the page, click the "Delete Selected" button to finish.

If you're getting started on memorizing scripture, don't underestimate the importance of keeping the list of verses you're working on manageable. Look at your time required and try to keep it realistic. In fact, if you're starting out, we recommend aiming for 5-10 mins per day. Yes, there are many times when memorizing the bible adds a spring to your step and you will get to the end of your list of verses and think "I wish there were more to do, let me add another 20 verses." But like any pursuit in life, there will be days (maybe even weeks) when you might not hear a choir of heavenly angels singing as you joyfully memorize your verses.

If you find that you have a day with only a few verses to review, rather take the extra time to explore some of the other areas of Memverse. Work on the reference recall section. Take the accuracy test. Read through the list of popular verses. Maybe just sit down and read the sections around your favorite memory verses (Gal 5:19-21, for instance).

We have seen many people drop out shortly after adding too many verses. If you feel as though you're falling behind, consider deleting a few verses and re-adding them later.

Finally, it's always a good idea to stop adding verses in advance of a crunch time. If you know that you're going on a long vacation, or exams are looming, or you're about to have a baby, stop adding verses about a month in advance. This will give you time to consolidate the memory verses you're working on and will enable you to stick to your routine throughout those busy periods. I failed to take my own advice before having our first baby. In fact, I took the opposite approach and actually increased my time allocation in the few months before. Despite my best intentions I've missed a few days here and there and I now find myself logging in with 120 verses due for review!

Remember, lots of small steps taken with purpose over a lifetime will get you to your destination.

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