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Memverse Privacy Policy

Time Posted on August 11, 2010 User Andy Comment 5 comments

We're often asked what Memverse's privacy policy is and we've always come up a bit blank. We have read a few privacy policies at various website to try to come up with our own but decided to dispense with all the legal mumbo-jumbo for now and leave it at this:

  1. We will never profit from selling your information.
  2. We will never intentionally give away your information for free.
  3. We will make a stout effort to ensure that your information is never stolen but we can't guarantee that. We use fairly standard tools for everything and have similar security to many websites. That said, we're not a bank and if an army of hackers attacks us, there's a chance your email address will be stolen by scoundrels.
  4. For any other Memverse-related website (eg. the Memverse Facebook page, the Feedback page) the privacy policy will be whatever they have posted.

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