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Website Outage

Time Posted on April 21, 2010 User Andy Comment 6 comments

Memverse experienced a significant outage starting shortly after midnight. This was the message from the Dreamhost data center in Los Angeles:

We’re very sorry about the inconvenience this is causing, but we are experiencing some network issues with some servers in our LAX data center.  This is causing downtime for Private Servers and MySQL.  Our network engineer is on site and we hope to have this issue resolved as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, it lasted much longer than anticipated. After spending some time with their support staff they let us know that they have also been having widespread problems with the stability of their servers. Some of you have occasionally reported errors cropping up and I suspect that those might be related.

Thanks to everyone who has reported bugs and problems with the website. It has been very helpful as some of the problems were not even showing up in the usual error log files. We continue to work on the stability of the website and hope to minimize these type of outages as much as possible.

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Tag website performance
