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Nationals 2016 Practice Tests

Time Posted on November 12, 2016 User Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter Comment 1 comment




Cat Bible Bee
Tag nationals, practice tests, bible bee, 2016

The 2015 Bible Bee Video!

Time Posted on July 31, 2015 User Bethany Meckle Comment 11 comments

Last year, my brother and I created a video about the Bible Bee study every other week. This year, due to all the changes and a crazy schedule, we almost decided not to do a video this year - but surprise, surprise, here it is! Thanks to a fellow Memverse family, we have a five minute video full of great tips and resources.

If you want more tips for last minute studying and test taking, here are two links you can check out:
1. The Sweeter Than Honey Blog
2. Last year's Bible Bee tip video

This video is not endorsed by the National Bible Bee or the Shelby Kennedy Foundation.

Click here to watch!

Cat Bible Bee
Tag Videos, Tips, Resources

John 1-6 Practice Tests

Matthew and his loyal team of question-writing minions have once again worked hard to crank out practice tests!  Not all of them are complete, but they will be added as they are finished.  Since we can't look ahead in the study guide, not all the questions can be in the same place this time.

PDF Practice Tests

Here is the sheet of 200 bubbles.




Answer Key (for all three tests) Practice Tests




Other Practice Tests

Everett made this; take it on ClassMarker.


Cat Bible Bee
Tag practice tests, bible bee, quizzes

Cross References

Time Posted on June 29, 2015 User Bethany Meckle Comment 22 comments

If you're in Bible Bee, you probably know that the amazing amount of cross references can be one of the most challenging parts of the study. As I've been working through my study this week, I started making a list of all of the cross references (and the categories they fall under) with both the reference and the text. So, I'm going to share the lists here as I get them done each week - just in case they might help a few of my fellow Bible Bee-ers as well.

The list is from the Senior study, so if you're a Junior or Primary you probably have different CRs (or at least fewer ones), but maybe the list will still help!

One word of warning: I copied the verses from the NKJV, so if you use a different version you might want to copy the list into a word processor and either remove the verse texts or replace them with the version of your choice.

Weeks 3-6 are now avaliable with text (in KJV) thanks to Emily H!!!

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

How do you study cross references?

Leave your tips in the comments below!

Cat Bible Bee

2015 Bible Bee Live Quizzes

On one of the recent weekly quizzes, I asked everyone if they wanted live Bible Bee quizzes for this year.  The answer was a unanimous "Yes", with more or less capitals and a wide variety of exclamation point counts.  Remember, we don't fence the quizzes, so you don't even have to be in the Bible Bee do to these!

EDIT--Well, no one seems to use the PDFs much, so unless I get requests to the contrary, I'll just stop copying the questions and leave the ones that have already been made.

The schedule, which is weekly, will have one more rerun!  Otherwise, it is the same.  Each new quiz will premiere at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday.  I've noticed that many Memverses don't get a change come on until late in the evening--in fact, that is usually when the forums are most active.  So there will be a rerun of the quiz at 8:00 pm EST the same Thursday.  Of course, we'll keep our Teusday rerun at noon EST.

PLEASE SUMBIT QUESTIONS, starting anytime, over what you've learned.  Make sure to be the words "Bible Bee:" at the beginning of each question, so it will be filtered and I'll know which questions to approve for the Bible Bee quizzes.  If a question is not approved, it was probably an essential duplicate or something irrelevantly simple, eg. "What was made through Him?".


Thank you ALL for your submissions!  We do appreciate it!  But please be careful to make sure your questions are not translation dependent or ambiguous.  I cannot be responsible for making sure all the questions are right.

NOTE:  Please proofread your questions.  I don't have time to go through every single one, so please make sure not only the answers, but the questions, are correct.

PDFs of finished quizzes:

1 - John 1 Text Review

2 - Random study questions

3 - Random study questions

Cat Bible Bee
Tag Bible Bee, quizzes

2014 Nationals Resources

Time Posted on October 20, 2014 User Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter Comment 30 comments

They're here! Both oral and written practice tests have been cranked out by our fellow Bible Bee-ers for all the different divisions and translations! Below are .zip files from which you can select which test you will use. The second test is aimed mostly at Seniors, as it has quite a few memory verse questions. It is recommended that you make use of as many resources as you can use.



Practice Test 2

Also, our friend Mandy makes videos with helpful information, and Zachary has a page on his website dedicated to Bible Bee study tools, including a prompterizer generator!

Mandy's Channel

Zachary's Page

Finally, here are some resources that were recommended for this post so more people can be aware of them.

And of course, there are the MemVerse quizzes.

Be sure to comment so you can thank the contestants who are sharing all they've learned!

Cat Bible Bee
Tag Bible Bee, resources, 2014
