Getting to Know You: Favorite Part of Memverse
We just sent out our 3rd newsletter with an emphases of inviting people who have tried memverse in the past to consider continuing to use it in the future. I got curious. What about the people already hooked on memverse. What in particular do you like most about memverse? I think my favorite part is all the inspiration and encouragement for churches and other groups to memorize together. (The group I would most like to see popping up on the leaderboard is Christian colleges.) A related close 2nd would be the instant encouragement and inspiration I get seeing friends and strangers memorize Scripture on "Recently on Memverse" What about you?

29 responses to Getting to Know You: Favorite Part of Memverse
I like how they have me review the verses about when I need to, so I don't have to keep track of them. (Though I still use flashcards as well!)
I agree with ByHisGrace i love the slowness of the typing and how it make me think about the verse. I also enjoy the competition.
My favorite part is the whole thing! But seriously, I like how easy it is to memorize Scripture using this amazing website, as well as the cooperative competition: you are working with other Scripture 'fanatics' to 'beat' many others.
Thank you Andy, and Praise God for leading you to create this website.
My favorite part of memverse is the simplicity of it all. Rather than having dozens of flashcards to review each day, I can now simply log on to the site and see which verses are up for memorization. Typing the verse might take a few more seconds, but it's much easier than the alternative.
As you said, Phil, the Recently on Memverse section is very useful. Would you believe that it took me 2-3 months of using memverse every day to realize there was more to that than what you can see on the home page? I had no idea that you could see every single verse that was being memorized! The leaderboards are also a great resource because as you see your name start to rise on the list, something inside of you says, "Keep going. Let's see how high up there you can get." Whether you rise to the very top, or never even break the top 100, you're still being motivated to memorize more verses, which is the greatest reward possible.
I just signed up for memverse about a month ago, and by now, am officially hooked. I think what I like about the most is the fact that it keeps things organized. Instead of having to consciously think about going back and reviewing past memory projects, memverse does that. The systematic, logical approach is amazing. I also like the personal accountability factor. It's given me motivation and excitement that I pray won't die away!
I love the organization too. It is really convenient to have the computer analyze how well I know a verse and then automatically bring it up for review at appropriate times. I am a new user, but I hope to be a very long-term user and this feature will definitely come in handy as I hopefully get more and more verses in my repertoire!
I like how it forces me to keep fresh those verses I memorized from long ago. I love it when an old verse shows up and I find it's there, in the back of my mind, just waiting to be retrieved! :) Such a blessing and such joy unspeakable! :)
The other day I was trying to track down an elusive bug and was looking at the real-time web log of the activity on Memverse during the peak morning time. It was great to see all the verses coming in from all over the world to be verified in all the different translations and languages. I love the idea of a Truth that we all believe in enough to commit it to memory even when it's only a quick Google search away!
I also love the fact that I'm sliding down the leader board despite memorizing more and more verses :)
I love everything about Memverse and I praise God for letting me find you! Memorizing God's word has never been more fun in my whole life! What I love about it is that it's free, easy, fun, and I love how how quickly, without even realizing it, God's word becomes hidden in your heart. But what I love, love, LOVE, most about it is how you can keep track of your own progress and the progress of others all around the world, through the Leaderboards and Recently On Memverse. It helps to keep you going and encourages you to work harder and make your way up on the leaderboard, but I also love to see who is already high on the leaderboard and I praise God for the dedication they had to get there! And, It's so wonderful to see all the people around the world memorizing scripture with you, and how it makes you feel like we're all a big family, loving God and praising Him and memorizing his word, all together!
I like that it brings verses to you that need reviewed; otherwise, for me, I would never review. And if I did, how am I supposed to keep track of the ones that I really need to review, and the ones I should wait to review? That feature alone is awesome.
I, like some others above, really like the "recently on memverse" - it's cool seeing people I know pop up there. I'm saying, "Oh, he's memorizing too. Let's see if I can hit one of the 10 verses increments and get my name on the home page. Then he'll know I'm plugging away too."
I just also started using the Accuracy Test. I will also be using Ref Recall soon. I will eventually get every verse I've ever memorized into here and keep learning new stuff. I'm a young person now, in the Bible Bee, but 20 years from now, what a great thing it will be to still be sharp on these verses AND add more!
Thank you very much for this tool, and for making it free.
I love this because it helps me with my Bible Bee. Also, like Alex, I like the fact it tells you when you need to review what verses.
I also like the fact you can go at your own pace, but it keeps you from memorizing a verse and moving on and forgetting it, 'cause there is a Bible verse that says "Your word I have stored up in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
I am glad this is free too, because if it wasn't, there wouldn't be many people who would do it.
Thanks, for making memverse.
i love memverse..... i think its because its so much easier then flash cards and i want to memorize the bible. its just flash cards seem like a chore but memverse is.... well i guess you could say fun!
I love memverse too! It helps me to stay motivated. Also I love to see where I am on the leaderboard. Even if I get mad at myself with the accuracy tests. Although I wish it wasn't so strict with spelling (typos and spaces). It is all very challenging and I love that too.
I enjoy studying the Lord's word and his special message to me. What I like about memverse is it encourages me to see others out there studying His word also. It also is a great way to have more of His word in my heart so that I can please Him in what I say and do.
Even though I do not type very well I still like to do this as often as I can because it really helps me to memorize the verses. I am in the Bible bee, where you need to be very precise so this is perfect for me.
As a person with a degree in statistics, I really appreciate the statistics given under My Verses. I notice that the Number of Attempts column is no longer available. Any chance that can be brought back? I just don't find the program as informative without it. Although, even if it is not brought back, or made available some other way, I will probably still enjoy memorizing verses this way.
I also miss the "Number of Attempts" column. Could it be an option? It isn't a big deal to me, I can adapt! :) But since someone else also found it useful I thought I'd be an advocate! :)
I'm with LF and Laurel. I like seeing how many times I worked on a verse. It seems useful to me. Maybe we can, at some point, have the option to hide or show any column? I'm not sure how that would be done, but, in any case, I did like the number of attempts and noticed when it went away. I look at the My Verses page regularly and sort the columns, usually by interval or next test. Thanks!
Oki - I'll put it back in on the next release. I thought I was the only one who ever looked at it so thought I'd simplify that page a bit.
I like memverse because it helps me retain the verses word perfect in my memory. I also like the competition on the leaderboards. I didn't start memverse until Bible Bee was almost over, but I am sure it would have helped a lot. Thanks!
CONGRATULATIONS to Nathan Burkhalter for taking over the top spot on the Memverse leaderboard!! I pray that God will use the Scripture powerfully in your life and will also continue to use you to encourage and inspire others to memorize. I also pray that many will follow in your footsteps. I pray that before I die, there will be 100 people to pass me up on memverse. Of course, memorizing over a thousand verses is not for everyone. However, I believe that everyone is called to memorize, meditate and rejoice in God's Word. I pray that thousands of people will be inspired by memverse to memorize and radically and wholeheartedly believe and bank on the true Biblical God.
@ Zachary: Me too!
P.S. Are you Zachary Baas from the Bible Bee? If so, I sat right behind you in the Processional Room @ Nationals.
I think my favorite part of Memverse would be the fact that it makes it so much easier to memorize God's word.
I like the preciseness and slowness of typing a verse in my computer to review it rather than saying it out loud (which I tend to do much more quickly). Memverse slows me down and forces me to think about every single word of the verse I am typing. Joshua 1:8