New Memorization Page
Hi everyone,
We are excited to finally announce the beta release of the new memorization page. You'll find it under Memorization -> QuickMem. There are probably still a few kinks to be worked out so don't start using it unless you're the kind of person that likes to live on the edge.
It is intended to eventually replace the old 'Memorize' page. So why did we need a new one?
First, this one should be a lot faster to load each verse, especially for those of you who are on slow internet connections. It downloads the next verse while you're working on the current one.
There is also another feature which we think will help people stay on top of their memorization schedule: when a verse is not strictly due for review, you will have the opportunity to skip it. A little 'fast forward' button will appear and you can click on that to skip to the next verse in a passage that is due. This obviously only applies to verses that are being presented as part of a passage. (I realize that the fast forward button color scheme doesn't match the rest of the website ... if anyone is good with Photoshop and wants to make one that does, that would be great).
For those of you who use the 'Chapter Review' page, verses that are due as you work through the chapter will now be updated. So feel free to use the chapter review page as the main way to review your complete chapters. We're working on a better way to alert you when chapters are due for review.
Finally, there is a new Memverse counter on the home page which will update as verses are memorized. We can look forward to the day when that hits 1 million!

46 responses to New Memorization Page
Josiah - yes, I forgot to mention that. If you review verses that aren't due (which you'll know since the fast forward button will be showing, it won't increase the interval, it will just move the next test date out in time. This is to strike a balance between allowing people to still work through bigger chunks of passages, but at the same time to not have the interval for verses in passages increase too quickly.
Andy, I noticed that in the Upcoming box, whenever there is a pair of verses (Proverbs 25:21-22, for example), it just shows the first verse of the twosome. Can you fix this?
Ok, I thought so, just making sure...
I'm not the best with Photoshop, but I was going to see if I could try and make the colors match. I could get the image of the fast forward button from the website, but I couldn't get the colors from the normal rating buttons off of the website...if I could somehow get the colors, I'd at least try to make a better colored button...though I'm not sure if I would succeed in doing it... What would be the easiest way for me to try and get the colors it should look like?
I like the new picture Josiah!
This is the current color palette for Memverse. I used the color scheme designer website to come up with colors so you could maybe start with that. It's all very mysterious to me!! - Pastel scheme
/* Blues */
.primary-1 { background-color: #5A6476 }
.primary-2 { background-color: #576070 }
.primary-3 { background-color: #4C586E } /* darkest */
.primary-4 { background-color: #667184 }
.primary-5 { background-color: #687284 } /* lightest */
/* Tans */
.secondary-a-1 { background-color: #B2A883 }
.secondary-a-2 { background-color: #A9A07F }
.secondary-a-3 { background-color: #A69A6E } /* darkest */
.secondary-a-4 { background-color: #BAB08C }
.secondary-a-5 { background-color: #BAB18E } /* lightest */
/* Oranges */
.secondary-b-1 { background-color: #B29983 }
.secondary-b-2 { background-color: #A9937F }
.secondary-b-3 { background-color: #A6886E } /* darkest */
.secondary-b-4 { background-color: #BAA18C }
.secondary-b-5 { background-color: #BAA28E } /* lightest */
.blacktext { background-color: #1F2229 } /* Almost black text */
Josiah, nice new profile picture. :) I had the same thought as you, so I recreated the button and emailed Andy. However, I am not very good with colors, so you should still want to try. The purple color is #687284 and the tan color is #BAB18E. Thanks.
EDIT: Use Andy's answer!
Thanks! I finally got tired of my old kind of strange emoticon...
I sent in my version of the button.
Andy, if only other web designers would wait until this stage of the programming to put out their beta versions! I just reviewed 30+ verses, and had no trouble at all. The only thing I noticed that wasn't perfect was the "Upcoming Verses" section, but I'm sure you're working on that. Thanks again for helping us to hide God's word in our heart!
Thanks River! I went on a hunting trip about 4.5 hours north of where I live and was fascinated by the gorgeous sunsets. This one was one of the most beautiful I'd ever seen.
Here's a larger version of it:
Wow! I tried QuickMem today and I was blown away! In the past, I was occasionally frustrated or confused because of slow respones, but now it's so speedy!! It's very enjoyable now, even more so than before! Thank you very much!
I like what you did with the homepage too. God bless and keep up the great work!
I just tried the new beta version and that was wonderful! Thank you, thank you, Andy! Now I think you are going to need to downgrade the average time needed to keep up with memverse - or maybe we could put in how many wpm we type and it can be based on that - lol! Memverse is surely keeping up so much more quickly now :-)
Josiah, yes, it is. We have some nice graphic design tools for our family business. (There are so many features, though, you may as well say I don't know how to use it. :) )
I don't get all this color stuff--When I use QuikMem, verses NEVER get classified as "memorized", like they do on the regular memorization tab. If this means anything, I suggest that you keep the origanal memorazation tab, Andy.
Do you think that could possibly be a coincidence, Zachary? I've had several verses change their status to memorized since using Quickmem. It's important to note, though, that you won't see the brown bar at the top anymore; instead, you'll see a pop-up window that tells you it's been memorized.
It was a bit confusing to me at first. But then I checked out the blog, and it helped that you explained how to work it, and also what it is for. =D
Probably the problem is that verses in passages are 'memorized' more quickly in the normal tab. For example, if I am doing John 3:15-17 and I have the intervals at 1 day, 29 days, and 14 days respectively, if I use the normal tab and I am given that whole passage, I will memorize John 3:16 during that section. however, in the new quickmem tab, that verse won't be updated since it isn't strictly do, and thus it might seem like you aren't memorizing verses as quickly as otherwise.
Yes, and I can't even get verses classified as "memorized" on the regular Memorize>Memorize tab. ??
@ Dakota Lynch: how do you italize (SP?) your comments?
@ Andy: can you speed up QuikMem's ability to classify verses as memorized quicker? (I can't use "feedback") Also can you give a shorter "Max. repetition interval" to like seveal days or a couple of weeks as an option for quik memorizers?
Zach, to have italics, you can use simple HTML coding. For italics specifically, put and without the asteriks
Your verses might not be being updated because there is a "lull" in classifying the verses as memorized. To see if there is a problem or not, I suggest looking at the intervals under the 'my verses' tab under the 'home tab' and seeing if they change after you work on them (if you use QuickMem tab, though, any with the skip button next to it won't be changed no matter what you do unless you put a 'Don't Know' down for it). If they don't change, you'll have to talk to Andy... Although if you want to put a max interval for only a couple weeks nothing will be classified as 'memorized' anyways, as the interval has to be over a month for it to be memorized...
thank you--t works! I am so excited!
Does the interval have something to do with how long it will be before the verse is ofically classified as "memorized?
Yes, Zachary. Once the interval passes 30, it will be classified as memorized. The interval is how many days are between the last time you reviewed the verse, and when you will review it next, on MemVerse.
Thanks so much for that explanation Josiah. I was wondering if it was HTML or bbCode or what. . .
So to Underline you do and w/out the asterisks,
Bold is and without the asterisks,
and Italic is and without the asterisks.
And to change the size you do this-- and without the asterisks, right? Or you can do 48 or 72 or 19 or whatever for the size. . .
EDIT: Wait a second. . . the sizes and underlining didn't work. Are those even optional on here???
EDIT EDIT: Wait another second--I edited my comment and saw that when I used the code to make the size bigger, it didn't change at all, and the code wasn't visible. . .
Yeah, I actually didn't know until when I made the comment; I first just tested out italics, and then I edited how to do it into the comment... I'm not sure about what other HTML commands we can use though...
I believe some HTML is disabled for comments, which is a good thing. We don't want someone to have to wait a long time for a page to load because people put all kinds of stuff in the comments. :)
That's exactly what I was expieriencing before I finally got it right! ;-)
@ Alex Watt: I believe you are right because the underline doesn't work, like the sizes, as in River La Belle's comment
Andy, Gravater had a link to a website called I clicked on it and saw that you could create your own blog. How does that work?
Kyle, I think the best place to ask questions like that and other general discussion is probably the post called "Staying on Topic." Since you asked, though, I think I can answer. is a free way to create your own blog. You get an address like: They use software to run it. Both Gravatar and are related; they are both run by "Automattic." They make their money by offering premium services and showing ads from time to time on your blog. Thank you.
EDIT: Kyle, the $17 /year fee is only if you want to buy your own domain name (e.g. It is free if you use a subdomain of (e.g. Does that make sense? Thanks.
Thanks, but when I tried to create one it said I had to pay 17 Dollars a year. I thought it was free?
@Andy, if we always review the chapter verses together as a group, then will there ever come a time when they are supposed to be together? For example, if part of 1 Corinthians 1 is supposed to be reviewed January 23 and another part is to be reviewed January 31 but they both are at the maximum review cycle I have chosen of 3 months... then if I review the second half of the chapter together with the first half -- will it just put them together the next time i review instead of still thinking I'm reviewing the second half ahead of time? I hope this question makes sense.
@ByHisGrace - the question does make sense. I think at the moment they won't be aligned but maybe we should look into that. We're also trying to figure out a way so that if you do review a verse before it's 'due' the interval will still be extended.
Andy, I'm sorry for commenting on that minute detail like I did a couple months back. I had noticed it on the regular memorization page as well and wanted to notify you about it, so maybe you could fix it. It's just a small bug in the programming, though - you probably have better things to do with your time.
Here is something a tad more important, though (at least in my eyes) - I'm getting a little tired of doing Memorize ->QuickMem to do my memory work. Maybe someone could change it so that it would be a little easier to go to the QuickMem page, we would just have to click on Memorize to get there? Yes, I am into doing things the easy way, very much so. But I think that the QuickMem page is quite good enough to take the place of the regular page now. Sorry if I'm frustrating you with all my requests. :)
Matthew, if I understand everything correctly, the guys are in the middle of making a new update and have just been a little behind because of Christmas and all. I do believe it will be out soon, within a month or two. In the meantime, things are staying the same so they have more time to work on the new release! :)
When I am using the Quckmem page I have noticed the last verse I review on that page does not 'count'. It does not register that I have reviewed that verse that day.
The two ways that I have found to make the last verse count is 1. either wait until tomorrow when it gives it to me again, (but then the next day I have the same problem with the last verse) or 2. go to the regular memorize page to review that one verse (that works ok if the last verse is a single verse or part of a small passage, but when it is the last verse of a 30 verse passage that can get kind of discouraging)
I thought you might like to know about this small bug in the programing. :)
Marie Ann - We will have to confirm that is an issue and see why it is acting up. Thank you for reporting it.
Matthew - Like Laurel said, Andy has been working on upgrading the software. Then we want to make sure everything is working OK before making the QuickMem the new Memorize. The end is in sight. :) Thank you for mentioning the little things, because they can make a big difference.
@Marie Ann: I have not noticed what you said but I will pay more attention today to see if it happens with me too.
@Alex: Thanks for the encouragement!
I have not gotten to finish my verses in a few days, unfortunately. I just got through them, but now, the last verse I had to quiz was a verse that was not due today (i.e. a verse with a fast forward button on it), so it would not be updating the interval anyway. I will try tomorrow, hopefully it won't do the same thing again...
Okay... I'm sorry to report a bug again on the blog, but this is the second time this has happened, and it's gonna slow down my memorization. Just now, the memorize page gave me Acts 20:19, which was not due for review until the 6th. However, the page did not give me the fast forward button to go to Acts 20:24, which was due. Unknowingly, I clicked "3" (which would have memorized the verse had it been due - the interval was 21 and the eFactor was 2.3). When I did not receive a message telling me the verse had been memorized, I checked on the next test date on my memory verses page that I had loaded earlier and found that it was not due for today. Now I will have to wait 21 more days to memorize that passage, instead of only three.
EDIT: Just happened again on Proverbs 24:30, except that I caught myself this time and didn't rate the verse, instead refreshed the page.
EDIT 2: OH NO! My memory session is now stuck on Proverbs 24:30!!!
EDIT 3: I got it fixed by opening the memorize page in another tab. But when I was refreshing the old tab, it still wouldn't work. Another bug?
Also, another problem which I believe may be related: In a chapter or other passage, when I choose to quiz a verse that is not strictly due instead of clicking on the fast forward button, it does not give me the fast forward button on the next verse (even if it is not due). However, if I choose to quiz this verse instead of refreshing, the next verse (if it is not due) does have the fast forward button. Example: I just quizzed all of Hebrews 4:4-10, even though only verses 4, 5, and 10 were due for review. I chose to quiz verse 6, but I had no choice (unless I refreshed) on verse 7 - the fast forward button disappeared, even though Hebrews 4:7 was not due until September 8. I did not refresh, and on verse 8 the button appeared again. On verse 9 it disappeared for the second time, even though verse 9 was not due for review until the 11th. The button did not reappear on verse 10 because it was due today.
This bug is getting on my nerves. It has happened several times on the first verse of a passage that I would have memorized if it was due on the day I quizzed it. I personally don't like to quiz undue verses that would become memorized if they were due. Just now, it happened with Psalm 103:0, which was due on the 31st. It was verse 12 of the psalm that was due today, but just as before, it did not give me the fast forward button. When I did not memorize Psalm 103:0, I realized what had happened. I would have memorized it had it been due - it had a interval of 16, an eFactor of 2.0, and I rated it 4. If the fast forward button were there I would have pushed it, but it was not there so I couldn't know the difference. Can someone please help with this?
Andy--at least on the Staging website, with the Quickmem tab, if a verse wasn't strictly do that day, even if you didn't push the skip button but pushed the 'difficult,' 'hesitation' or 'perfect' buttons, the verse wouldn't update since it wasn't due that day. Is it still like that now?
Also, is the chapter review only updated whenever part of that chapter would be reviewed that day, or whenever you do it, so that you could potentially put a chapter in and memorize it all in the same day? (although I don't recommend doing that!)