Of Tags, Translation and Gender

Time Posted on July 16, 2010 User Andy

There are two new settings on the profile page: you can now specify your gender so that we no longer have to refer to you with the genderless pronoun "their". Instead of seeing "Mary has memorized their 100th verse" you will now see "Mary has memorized her 100th verse".

Second, you can now pick your preferred translation. Currently, the only effect this will have is that the tag cloud (now looking a little more cloudy) will show verses in your preferred translation (if they are available in the system). In other words, if someone using the King James Version has tagged Genesis 1:1 with the "Creation" tag, you will see the verse in the NIV version (if that is your preferred translation) even if no one has tagged the NIV version of the verse. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is, but it should make the tag cloud a lot more useful when searching for verses based on a theme. So keep on tagging verses because it's a great way to give back to the community and remember to recycle tags when you can.

Cat New Feature
Tag profile, tag cloud

10 responses to Of Tags, Translation and Gender

Alex Watt

Awesome! Thank you for your hard work on this. It is becoming more useful every week. We need to get the word out about it.

River La Belle

Andy, could you possibly make a post that would be a springboard for conversation about the different translations available? I don't know how edifying that would be, but I think it would be fun and encouraging in some respects.

Or maybe I'm taking too many liberties with this 'open forum'. . . . ; )

Let me know,


great! i will totally use that!
i've alreaddy put in my gender and stuff but
i cannot find out how to do the stuff with the tag cloud.
i know how to do verses not translations though.

Matthew Minica

Andy, today when I clicked on several of the tags in the Tag Cloud I was taken to a page that said: The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved. I don't know if it has something to do with moving the page or what, but I thought I would let you know.

Alex Watt

Matthew - Thanks for mentioning that. It will be fixed in the next release (hopefully sometime next week).

Matthew Minica

OK, it is fixed now. By the way, I love the new design!

Hannah Leary

Um, quick question.....I was wondering how exactly to tag a verse....am I missing something or are there any specific instructions for tagging verses? Thanks ;)

Matthew Minica

@Hannah - This blog post should answer your question.

Hannah Leary

Thank you, Matthew! I figured it out ;).

2 Corinthians 5:17


Rachel has memorized her 3rd and 4th verse :)
