Perfect Your Memory Verses
If you've found that having the feedback section makes memorizing the verses a little too easy, there is now an option to turn off the feedback once the interval gets past two months. Some of you might have experienced that feature today because we accidentally rolled it out to everyone. (One of our cats reached out his paw and pounded on my keyboard). It should be working properly now. If you would like to turn off the feedback, go to the profile page and uncheck the option next to 'Always Show Feedback'

27 responses to Perfect Your Memory Verses
I really like this, thank you. But I would like the verse to pop up when the "correct " button does. That would help reinforce the verse in my brain.
This awesome website keeps getting better!
I have just started memverse and I seem to need a memverse for idiots book. I love the concept but cannot get started. When the verse that I want to memorize comes up and I thought I was suppose to type it in the square box but I do not get the prompt to allow me to type...would some kind person walk me thru this from step one.........thank you
Carole, I don't know if I can help or not. However, I want to start by saying "Welcome to Memverse." I love this site and trust you will eventually, once you get going, find it a great tool in your pursuit of memorizing and keeping God's Word in your heart. It is also awesome for encouraging/inspiring groups of Scripture enthusiasts who want to memorize together.
The only question I know to ask that might or might not apply to your situation. Have you clicked "Add verses" to put verses you want to memorize into your account. Then have you clicked on "Memorize"? At this point, it should let you start typing in the box. If the glitch you are experiencing goes beyond those two questions, I will let someone who understands computers or understands memverse help you. Again, "WELCOME"
If the prompt is not in the box, click on the empty box. Is your software up to date? I was on a computer with old software, and Memverse was doing mighty strange and frustrating things.
Thanks everyone. I did with your help get it to work. I will probably be as slow as a turtle. But I am very encouraged to have done 2 verses so far. It has been years since I had to study anything so that is a challenge(memorizing) to start with. But the Lord is good and I am determined to do this. I probably will be making technical mistakes as I go along and asking more questions..thanks again.....
With Scripture Memory, "slow as a turtle" works just fine. It can give you more time to meditate and really take in God's glorious truth. God used 1 verse I memorized well in high school to bring back to me 8 years later to lead me to put a saving faith in Jesus Christ!!
I'm glad you got it working. Feel free to continue asking questions anytime. We will all do our best to help. Do you know of others who may want to memorize with you? Memverse works great for groups!!
Carole, I'm glad you got it all figured out. Sometime this year we'll have a redesigned look and feel and hopefully it will become more intuitive then. For now, it can be a bit mysterious for new users but you'll find that it's pretty simple once you get past the start.
I agree wholeheartedly with Phil: slow as a turtle is the best way to start (and maybe even finish!) Just add verses steadily one at a time and in a year you'll be surprised at how many you've learnt.
Well, I am so pleased that God is giving me what I thought I had lost. My Memory...I have memorized 5 verses and looked at the leaderboards and being at the bottom didnt bother me, haha, but it said I havent memorized any and am learning 5....could someone fill me in on what I am doing wrong. When I test myself, and am right, sometimes, it says correct and sometimes it says nothing. But I do submit it according to how hard it was for me. Thanks for all the input....
Carole - your verses will be classified as 'Learning' until the interval between reviews has grown to 30 days. The interval starts at 1 day and increases each time you select option 3,4 or 5 to rate your recall. I took a look at your account and you're doing everything correctly. Just be patient and before you know it they will be classified as 'Memorized'. If you feel that you're up to it, it's best to add a verse or two each week while you work on the first five. Otherwise, just stick with 5 verses and keep working on those.
Yes, not till the verses hit the 31 day mark are they marked as Memorized. I know it seems like forever sometimes, but I have to be careful not to let the interval increase too quickly. :)
I have a question. Sometimes when I am reviewing my longer verses, I will recite them instead of typing them to save myself time. If the box is empty, but I rate myself as a 5, will it still count toward memorizing the verse? Thanks!
Sarah - Yes, the verse can still become memorized even if you don't type the verse into the box. Whether you type the verse or not won't affect how much the verse's interval is changed. I "just click the number" sometimes to save time as well, as long as I really have the verse memorized.
Thank you this helped me to. But I've been on Memverse for about a month and i know I've memorized some verses in my head but they don't come up as memorized on my dashboard. Can someone help me? And how many times do i have to click 3,4, or 5 to increase the interval to 31 days?
Sabrina - I know, sometimes it can seem to take a long time for a verse to get classified as memorized. I think that what you have set as the "maximum repetition interval" on your profile has something to do with how long it takes. There is a blog post called "Understanding the interval" that might help.
When you really have verses memorized, just keep clicking 3, 4, or 5 and they will eventually become memorized in your list of verses. I hope this helps!
@AstroLeah & Sabrina
the maximum repitition interval has to do with the maximum number of days the interval can have so that once a verse is memorized it cannot gain more than 31, 90,365 days depending on what you set it as. This way you do not have memorized verses waiting a longer and longer time to be reviewed. I think if you hit a 5 on a verse every time it will take about a month to get to 31 days, but maybe less.
Starting with interval 1 and eFactor 2.0, it takes a verse exactly 34 days to get to interval 31 and become Memorized if you rate it 5 every time.
ah, cats, they're always up to something.... (I know, I have THREE of them..... honest, they followed me home....)