Reminder about Referral Competition
The Memverse Referral Competition ends in about two weeks. Now is a great time to refer people because they're guaranteed to still be classified as "Active" in two weeks and they're still be able to refer new members themselves.

18 responses to Reminder about Referral Competition
Sarah - the interval has to be greater than 30 to be classified as 'Memorized'. Next time you review the verse it will be 'Memorized' if you select option 3, 4, or 5.
@Sarah: for me I have to select 4 or 5 (and no overrating!)--and only that classifies them as memorized. They are memorized when the interval is 31 days. The accuracy test also helps (although you can only use it if you have at least 10 verses memorized). For me, the more I do the accuracy test, the easier it is to get 'em memorized--when the rating is the same both ways.
Andy - My grandpa signed up under me, received the activating link, and accidentally deleted it permanently. When we try to sign up again, it says "this email has already been used". Is there a way you can reset this or get the activating link to us? I'm sure you have access to Z-man's e-mail. Help, please!!
Zachary - please have your Grandpa try the forgot password link from the main page. Let us know if you have any more problems. Thanks. :)
Thank you very much, Alex!!
UPDATE: This doesn't work. It just changes the password. You still to verify the account. That is where Andy would come in, since he is the administrator. Maybe we can work this out together in the morning.
Thank you for your time
Sarah - if the max interval is set at a month it will max out at 31 days and the verses will be classified as 'Memorized'.
Zach - if your Grandpa can remember his username (or his email address) then I'll be able to activate his account.
Elppa - It is explained here:
Hello, I had a question about referalls. The last level 5 goal that I have to complete is to refer a new user. So I did, and if you hit the "referalls" button under my account, it comes up with the person that I refered. However, my account still says I'm at level 5 and need to refer a new user. My friend hasn't put in any verses yet, and under staus it says "inactive". Is this the problem, or is it something else?
Hi Abbi - yes, you have to have 1 active referral for the level 5 goal. 'Active' is defined as someone who has used Memverse in the last 30 days.
This has nothing to do with the referral competition, but I have two verses that say my interval is "30", and it still says that I have no verses memorized.