Scripture memory resources and events
It often seems like our church culture is losing interest and trust in the Scriptures and in the true Biblical God. However, against this dark backdrop it is exciting to hear of and meet people who are devoting their time and talent to helping people get to know, trust, love and serve the true Biblical God through His Word. Here is a spot for you to share the resources you have found with the rest of us: Good scripture songs, visual Bibles, Scripture memory websites or computer software, Bible quizzing venues, Marquis Laughlin (or others) dramatically presenting Scripture, unique and creative Scripture memory tools and creative ideas, current Scripture memory challenges, churches/schools/home school groups on fire encouraging, inspiring, and equipping people to memorize Scripture; Biblical dramas, Scripture celebrations and/or quoting sessions, etc. We want to know what's out there and celebrate with you as we together fight Biblical illiteracy in our country to the glory of God.

8 responses to Scripture memory resources and events
This is a cool website for printing memory verse cards. It only supports English Standard Version at the moment.
BIBLE QUIZZING!! Are you looking for a way to get teens and pre-teens excited about memorizing and learning Scripture in the hopes that they will one day use the Bible to develope an exciting, vibrant, authentic relationship with the living Biblical God? Bible Quizzing may be just the ticket for you. is the umbrella website for quizzing. However, there are many offshoots of this as many denominations (EV Free, CMA, Nazarine, Free Methodist and others in the NIV) and (Assembly of God in the KJV) and some Christian schools have their own leagues.
In a single Sept - May season, quizzers memorize hundreds of verses for God to use in their lives, and if you've ever been to a quiz, you know they are having a blast quizzing and meeting other quizzing friends as well.
Please feel free to add any contact information or other information about quizzing you may know that could be helpful to the group on to this blog.
BIBLE BOWL!! Taking Bible Quizzing up to a whole new level of fun and fast-paced intensity for teens and pre-teens is Bible Bowl. There are monthly round robin matches throughout the country, and an extensive schedule of tournaments at different Christian colleges throughout the year. This year Bible Bowlers are learning and quizzing over 1 and 2 Corinthians; 1 and 2 Timothy; and Titus. You can find out more info at as you plan to join a Bible Bowl team or create your own next Fall
This is the (software) that I use ( this is free) here are some of the things I like about it I do not need to log in to review my verses and I can review them as many times a day as I want they also have a puzzle where the words Of the verse you are learning (are mixed up) also one called a train where you type in the first letter of each word as it appears(plus others thing)
Mary, thanks for sharing your resource. And thanks doubly for taking the time to encourage/inspire us by posting the verses you memorize there at here on
Hi. If you're looking for a systematic plan for Scripture memorizing, I would encourage you to check out SMF has programs for ages 0 -111 with memory books and a system of rewards. We also have a Scripture Memory camp each summer. My father, Dr. N.A. Woychuk, originally began SMF (formerly Bible Memory Association) 66 years ago in 1944. Today, I have the privilege of continuing the legacy to which he devoted his life, and we love to encourage and equip new Scripture memorizers any way we can. Feel free to visit us in Hannibal, MO or call us at (573) 231-0577 or write us at
Mary, thanks for reminding us of the tools at I have checked them out and endorse them for those looking for some extra help.
Jim, thanks for introducing us to the support and encouragement available from Scripture Memory Fellowship. I pray this will be a neat program that many of our Scripture enthusiasts here at memverse will check out. It is great to see SMF listed as one of the groups in our contest. I pray that SMF and Memverse will continue to be a mutual encouragement to each other for years to come. (I first met Jim Woychuk through the Hannibal Scriptorium experience where a weekend is devoted to Scripture enthusiasts around the country quoting over 100 chapters. Jim, please be sure to let us know when the next Scriptorium is scheduled.
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