Memorizing from the Gospels
We need the gospels because we need the gospel. In the gospels we have the clearest picture of the incarnate Word who is himself good news for Adam’s race. And by memorizing and meditating on the gospels we can have a Christ-centered perspective on the rest of Scripture.
We are like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, foolish and slow of heart to believe all the prophets have spoken, slow to realize that all Scripture is really about Christ (Luke 22:13-35, esp. 22:27; also John 5:39-40). By starting with the gospels, we gain the perspective essential for profitably meditating on all other verses.
If we meditate on the gospels, Christ himself will put the rest of our memorization in its proper place and give us a Christian perspective on the Bible. He will warn us that eternal life is not in the Scriptures or in knowing the Scriptures (see Matthew 7, John 5:39-40) but in him alone (John 14:6, John 17:3). He will remind us that the Holy Spirit is the helper who teaches us all things and brings to our remembrance all that he has said (John 14:26).
I realized that I have a tendency to elevate the epistles over the gospels when I read a quote from J. I. Packer, which you can also read here. I need to know Christ better in the gospels, as well as the rest of Scripture. We need balance in our Bible reading, studying, and memorization; and we need a Christ-centered, Christian perspective on all of Scripture. May God open our eyes to see that the written Word centers on the grace and truth of Jesus Christ, who is the Word made flesh (John 1:14-17).
Do you have a portion of Scripture that you feel you need to spend more time memorizing and meditating on?

9 responses to Memorizing from the Gospels
Alex- Thank you! Although what I need to work on is not from the Gospels, it is an important quality. I need to spend more time reading and meditating on being slow to become angry. Some times when I'm angry with someone, instead of controlling my anger, I just pour it out on that person. And every once in a while that leads to me having a bad attitude toward others. (Well, I guess that is in the Gospels, because Jesus showed a perfect example of controlling His anger. Plus, I need to have a righteous anger like He did.)
I do know one verse I memorized that helps me.
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (James 1:19) I'm going to spend more time meditating on controlling my anger so that next time I am angry, I will know how to control it.
Thank you again! This is a great reminder.
Thank you for a good reminder and post, Alex. My personal goal in 2012 is to memorize at least the first 7 chapters of the gospel of John. By the end of 2014 (if not before) I would like to have all of John memorized. So far I have memorized chapter 1 and the first 12 verse of chapter 2 and have been so blessed! The chapters I have read many many times seem to come alive as I slow down and meditate / memorize them. (which is one of the reasons why I love to memorize scripture).
Wonderful reminder, Alex! I have noticed, too, that most of my memorization is from the Epistles...I hope to do more from the Gospels once the Scriptorium is done for the year.
Yes, great post Alex! Thank you very much for this. I have definately not been memorizing much from the Gospels, but I do need to do more. I hope someday I'll have as many verses memorized from the Gospels as I do from the Epistles already.
Thanks, Alex, for the reminder. I have done most of my memorization from the epistles. I need to do more in the gospels.
I know that this is not the place to ask for help but as I do not have a get satisfaction account this is the only place I can do it. I was wondering if one of the memverse people could delete my account for me. My number is 7549. Thanks
Great insight Alex. May God bless you Brother. And yes, it is true that we all need the Gospel, as a whole, preached (e.i reading, memorizing, meditating on) to each and everyone of us, DAILY. It is the only means for Salvation, and it is God's free gift to us, That is shown (and applied) by the Holy Spirit.
(Read Romans chapter 5 as well)
Great thoughts and reminder, Alex. May we deeply know and care who the Biblical Jesus Christ is, what He did and what He said.
So true, Alex. I, too, have been putting more importance on other parts of the Bible than on the Gospels. Although they are all equally inspired by God, the Gospels are probably the most beneficial to us as NT Christians. I think I'll try to start memorizing more from them...
Amen to that Alex! I've recently been reading in the Gospels and have been blessed so much by them.
I just finished watching David and Priscilla (Keller) Waller's (they just got married!) wedding! :D It was very sweet and I saw I few familiar faces in the crowd.