New Memverse Forum
It became apparent a while ago that the blog was starting to creak under the weight of the steady stream of chatter and discussion. A blog is actually not the best paradigm for hosting user discussions so we have launched a new forum.
I have been occasionally dismayed by some of the comments on the blog so would like to quote Justin Taylor from the Gospel Coalition to set the tone early on for the new forum:
I welcome blog comments, although they are often notorious for unfruitful and uncharitable discussions.
I hope this can be a place where we “seek understanding” before critiquing, where we are quick to listen and slow to speak, where we judge others charitably not critically, where we encourage and build up each other rather than tearing down and destroying each other.
I would encourage commenters to consider carefully the following commands and principles regarding our speech:
“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt” (Col. 4:6).
“By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matt. 12:37).
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom. 12:10).
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Eph. 4:29).
Speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15, 25).
“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless” (James 1:26).
Over time we will appoint moderators for the forum. My bias is still towards a liberal policy as I believe that we have a community largely walking in step with the Spirit. Let's all strive to outdo one another in showing honor.
Second, please do not use the forum to report problems. Continue to use the feedback tab on the right. It is likely that as the number of users grows over time we will have less and less time to keep up with what is happening in the forum. Feel free to continue to comment on the blog posts but we will now require comments to be directly applicable to the original blog post and subsequent comments.
Finally, if there are forums that you would like added, please let us know. We'd like to avoid having too many but if there is a big category that we've missed we'll be happy to add it.

118 responses to New Memverse Forum
I agree too. Amen, Carliss! It'll be nice to have more of the comments relating to the actual topic instead of going off on "rabbit trails"... Something I have done a lot. :(
Ohhhhhhhhhhh good! We needed a new post.
Hey, Carliss! :) Glad you're on. Has Araleena posted yet?
@Jael - that's good. :)
@Andy - what if you put a "Feedback forum" on M so that those who don't and can't have a Get Satisfaction account can still report problems. And can we not allow politics to be posted on this new blog? It really made the other blog an "intense" blog to read...
@Andy or Alex -- Do all comments have to be moderated? I'm assuming that is what is happening, when you try clicking on a new post/comment and it says that "it couldn't be found". Am I right? Thanks.
I agree Andy. I recommend for those that are friends to get each others email and email each other so that we don't get off topic.
The forums look really good.
@Carliss- I agree with you. Our words and actions should always be honoring to the Lord.
Matthew Sinclair- That would be a good idea. It really is easy to get off-topic sometimes.
The comments are going to be moderated? Rats...the other website I love is moderating it's comments's kind of aggravating sometimes. But I know what you mean...:)
I really like this forum! Thanks so much for putting this together, Memverse coordinators. You are great instruments in God's hands! May He continue to use you all and this site for His glory.
I have an apology to make for the intensity of some of my political comments. I should have kept them to a more appropriate time and place. Please forgive me.
Could there be a prayer request forum, or should that be under general chat topics? Is there someway to un-follow the forums?
EDIT- okay, I figured out how to un-follow. Thanks. :)
i agree. there should be a blog or forum for prayer requests, and even for maybe counseling if anyone has questions for a problem in life.
That sounds like a great idea, Claire and Emily. (It's really easy to start a new page on the forum.)
@God's Dancer--If you do not have John 1:1-4 or so, those would be good verses to add. If you do, you could memorize some from Matthew 5 (the Sermon on the Mount) or John 10 (Jesus as the Good Shepherd, Christians as the sheep). Of course, you could memorize the Parable of the Sower or the Parable of the Talents... really, any 5 verses from the gospels would be great!
Does anybody know anyone to refer? I'm stuck on level 4 or 5 or 6 because I have to refer 2 people. :( lol
@BibleBeeJunior12 - What about someone from your family? My mom and brother signed up listing me as their referrer. Or maybe cousins? Someone from church? Hmmm... maybe I should take some of my own suggestions!
BBJ12--I have 3 referrals (which is why I am stuck on the level I am on...), consisting of ISC, OCTSRIS (who are two brothers from my church), and GMOV, my sister. So, I agree with RejoicingAlways(BethanyM)--the best people to refer are your Bible-loving relatives and/or church family. If you can't find anyone interested in memorizing the Bible, get them interested by showing them how important hiding God's Word in our hearts is!
(Of course, I'm being a little hypocritical, since I am too chicken to do myself what I have just suggested... :D)
@SavedByGrace - haha. My sister is on Memverse but I've already tried my other friends. No response. My parents are way to busy and my 2 brothers are 5 and younger. :( So, I guess I'm stuck forever...does anyone know where the Bible Bee Nationals is going to be? (I know, I'm bringing it up again!!!!!!!!!) lol :)
I have GOT to work on some verses. I keep seeing everyone's "Badge rewarded" notices on the home page..:) I'm getting jealous. JK. Maybe I should wait until i'm doing bible bee and during the summer, see if anyone wants to do memverse...i know it doesn't make sense but it makes sense to me. BTW, all the avatars I"m choosing right now, I made!!!!! :) i used the bases from the graphics and added all the extras. It is sooooooo fun to do!
@BBJ12 I've not heard from you for a while! :( I like your picture! I need to work on verses too! I know, won't they EVER announce where the National Bee is going to be?
@ChristLovesMe - thanks! :) I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE yours too!!!!!!! May I copy it - I won't use it here? Please??!!! :) I really want it for my collection of narnia avatars! :) I hope they will...I can't wait! :) I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for Bible Bee...tis seeming a long time...:(
Has anyone heard of Dino Kartsonokis **The piano player** (or however you spell it!)? We saw him tonight and got our picture with him!
Congratulations SavedByGrace!!!!!!! :D
ChristLovesMe - ok, great!!!!!! :) I made mine...they have some great ones on - that's where I got the bases to make mine
Wow. I was looking at my progess chart and I made a big jump in memorizing verses a couple of months ago: I went from 13 to 64! :) Now I'm at 140 or something...only a few more dozen to go till I reach 200! :)
@BibleBeeJunior12 - Great! I have a couple big jumps like that on my progress chart, too. I'm getting fairly close to 200, too, but I won't have more than 5 memorized in the next month! Oh, well. *sigh* :)
@SBG - Awesome job! You're so close to 1000!!
@BibleBeeJunior12 -- Thanks so much! That's great about your memorizing; keep it up!
@Nicolas -- Wow, great job! Pretty soon you'll be hitting 1000 :)
@Bethany Pentimone - thanks! :)
@BethanyM - that picture is sooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!
@SBG - wow keep it up!
BBJ12 - Thanks! :) I think my brother and I should do a re-make of that picture now that we're older. :)
@BethanyM - and then when you get that picture ( do it exactly how you did this one!!!! ) use photoshop and put them together. That would be really sweet...
Congratulations @InSoloChristo for your 1000th verse!
Also congrats @Wretched Man and @Seth Lehman for memorizing your 1500th verse! Keep up the good work. :)
Prayer Request: Both arms are hurting - computer too much...please pray that they feel better soon!!!
Hey guys. I am new at this website. i got on it because i was having a really hard time in my life and i knew i needed the strength of the Lord. Do you have any good verses to suggest to help lift me up?
And also i am pretty clueless about computer things so could anybody tell me how to set my own picture up for when i leave my comments? Thanks
Welcome to Memverse, Sarina! I hope you enjoy it :) I don't know what you're going through right now, but here are some verses that I hope encourage you :)
Psalm 23
Job 23:8-12
Isaiah 40:28-31
Romans 8:31-39
Also about your picture - you need a Gravater account to be able to change your picture. It's free, so you don't have to pay :) on Memverse - go to ACCOUNT, then click on PROFILE. At the bottom of the page, you'll see a link to Gravater. Hope this helps. :)
Thank-you so much Jesus-Paid-It-All (Rachel)! You don't know how happy it makes me to have people like you in the world. It gives me a lot of hope to have someone that cares. :)
Hi Sarina - welcome! You're going to have plenty of friends on Memverse - I can tell you that much. It's kind of like a fun big family, right guys? Well, most of the time! :) will help - like Rachel said you have to have an account but it's really easy to do. Are you doing Bible Bee this year? It is a great way to memorize verses...if you haven't heard of it
@EVERYONE - how many of you have signed up for the Bible Bee and how many can't wait another minute? I am one of those people...:) LOL
@BBJ12 and Everett - Me too! :) Only less than 3 weeks!!! My dad's been counting the days until the stuff arives. :)
BBJ12- I'm one of those people too. :)
Sarina M.- I'm sorry! My favorite passage is Romans 8:28-29, but Rachel already mentioned that. :) Also, I love Isaiah 45:10, Psalm 91 and Psalm 34.
@BethanyM - I cannot wait!!!!!!!! I'm the one who should be counting down but, I, uh...well, lets just forget the subject! Just kidding. Will they still be arriving on June 1st? Where will the Bible Bee Nationals be this year? Does ANYBODY know????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
@BBJ12 I think that they said that the Nationals will be in Kansas City MO. But I do not know for sure.
@Everett, yes, that was the rumor at Bible Bee, but HQ hasn't made an announcement yet. People have been guessing where they think it may be on the forum.
AstroLeah - I believe the packages are to arrive on or around June 1st if registered by today or so, and that if registered closer to the end of May, the shipment will be delayed....
All of mine used to be......when I had less. I have almost all of them tagged now.
@ Andy or Alex or anyone who can help: On several of the forums, I cannot see the latest comments - especially on the Prayer Requests one. The last one I can see is God's Maiden of Virtue's comment to me and another person.
Zachary B - I think you have to go on to the second page. If you're at the top of the thread, on the top right you should see "2" (or "Next") -- clicking that will take you to the next page. I understand if you're not seeing it because you're on a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution monitor, in which case you would probably need to scroll over to the right. I was maxed out at 1024 x 768 up until a few days ago but just got a slightly larger screen, which is helping with Memverse.
What does it mean on the forums when your post says "This post is currently pending review. Only the user who posted it and moderators can view it?"
Sarah Eddy - It means that only you and the moderators can see it until the moderators "accept" or "review it" first. After they accept your comment, your comments will show up right away. Hope this makes sense :)
@Sarah Eddy- you have to have more verses on your account, I believe. :)
@Zach and Alex - wow - you guys have small computers! JK :)
@Astro Leah - they better arrive on June 1st! If not, I will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad!!!
BTW, are we going to have Bible Bee quizzes like last time? Those were totally a blast! I LOOOOOVED it - even though I NEVER got the highest score...well, that's gonna change this year!!!! :) LOL
BBJ12 - Yes. We're thinking about how to improve them. If you have ideas, you can always share those via the "Feedback" tab.
@Alex Watt - I don't have a "Get Satisfaction" account and right now I'm trying to persuade my mom into letting me get a YouTube account. I think I'm getting close! Anyway, she wouldn't let me get a Disqus account so I'm not even going to ask about the Feedback account...Maybe someone who DOES have a Get Satisfaction account could take my ideas from the blog and send them in or whatever. But right now, I don't have any ideas except to make sure the chat section in the quizzes doesn't get into "traffic" like last time. And we need a little bit more time for the verses. Other than that, it's great!
Oh wow - cool! I like the new way of the names! What I mean is the way you guys changed the blog comments.
Sorry, Andy. I usually use the Forums, but I guess I wasn't thinking about that this time. Thanks for the reminder! :)
Sorry, Andy! It was my fault - I started it.
Okay guys, I'll change my picture but if you could edit your comments (now that I know) like
~(*Comment Deleted By User*)~ or something, we can clear it up quickly! :) Andy or Alex could you delete all the comments that have "Comment deleted by user?" Thanks.
It's hotel is at in indoor/outdoor water park! YEAH!!! That will be so fun for families! Also it has laser tag, laser maze, HUGE rock climbing, and this rope thing above the arcade center, where you have a harness on you, and you climb this sort of rope fortress in the air! AWESOME!! I hope I can go to Nationals!
@BBJ12-When you wave your mouse over 'Blog', 'Forums' is one of your options. If you click on it, you can go to the forums and start a new topic on' General Chat Topics.'
@God's Dancer - RATS! YOU beat me to it! I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited when I found out - I can't believe it's in TENNESSEE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Is it really a water park? I am so excited -I just HAVE to make it to Nationals! I wasn't able to go last year because I couldn't compete in Locals so I really really really REALLY want to go this year - and if I make it, I think our whole family will be able to go because we live in Georgia and it would only be about 3 or 4 hour drive. :) And it's on my birthday! :)
@Jackie Chase - Ok thanks!
3 more days until we get our Bible Bee stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait - it's going to be soooooooooooooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!
LOVE the new blog format, Andy (or whoever did it!) It may have been done a while ago, but as I haven't been on here for a l-o-n-g t-i-m-e, things have changed in a good way! :)
@Zachary B - I know - I love it too! :) Not many people have been on for a while...well at least not on the blog...maybe nobody likes me anymore *sob* just kidding :) LOL
this is not good I was entering a verse psalm 9:4 and it did not have it in NASB so I had to type it in to enter it and when i pressed enter I accidentally hit the letter k and I did not know it Intel I looked at it and it is in the verse when you look it up and I do not know what to do
I went to Gravatar and changed my photo over two days ago, but Memverse is still only showing my old one. I even deleted the old picture from Gravatar, but Memverse still hasn't recognized that I've changed it. Does anyone know why it might not be working?
follower of God--All you have to do is go to your "My Verses" page, find the verse, look at the last information box for the verse, which will say "Editable," and change the verse to its correct wording. Hope that helps. :)
Also, I'm so sorry to use the blog for this, but I'm not allowed to have a GetSatisfaction account, so...
I have a Spanish account, and I just added my tenth verse recently. I did the Reference Recall, and, for some reason, when I typed in the correct references for the verses that showed up (in English, which I know I am supposed to use), for some verses it said I was correct, and for others it said I was incorrect and told me that the reference for the verse was exactly what I had typed. For example, I typed in "Job 3:2," and it told me I was correct. Then I typed in "John 10:11" for the next one, and it said "Incorrect. The correct reference is John 10:11." I tried it twice, and it didn't work either time. Is there a certain reason for this? This has me pretty confused.
@AstroLeah - sometimes it takes a while for it to register. Gravatar and Memverse aren't the smartest websites around, you know. :) LOL
@SavedByGrace: I think you have to type in the references using the Spanish names for the books. In the case of Job, the Spanish name for Job is Job. The Spanish name for John, though, is Juan. As for the "Incorrect. The correct reference is John 10:11." Not all of the site has been translated into Spanish yet. I'm not sure exactly what is going on, but it probably has to do with the code. If all of the site had been translated into Spanish, it would probably say, "Incorrecto. La referencia correcta es Juan 10:11."
Congratulations to Lyzett Cadence for being the 28th Memverser to reach 1,000 verses!! Keep up the good work!
@Matthew - Yeah, it's not working for me either.
@Bethany - I think it's because they are in a different time zone than we are in....
With my apologies to Alex and Andy, I want to temporarily break a Memverse rule and write an off topic comment.
Gabrielle Joranson, (who will go by Gabriela since Gabrielle is a boy's name here) is getting ready to be the first 18 year old from the USA to ever (as far as we know) come to Indonesia for further education!!! She is not going to any of the top English speaking universities; or even to any of the well established, academically strong seminaries. Instead, she is preparing herself to learn Indonesian from scratch and enter into our poor, "60 students in each hot dorm room", "wash your own clothes by hand"; "5:00am (used to be 4:00am but they are getting soft) as one of 3 daily chapels"; recently attacked and homeless ( ) seminary.
Please pray for her visa to get completed. Pray for her as her daily "fishbowl" life here will be a constant 24/7 challenge to her faith and Christian character. Pray for the impact she can have on the school and the impact the school can have on her. Pray for those around the world who could be inspired and encouraged by her story and our school STT Setia. Pray for us as Gabriela joins my wife and I in spreading a passion for Scripture and the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the school and Indonesia. You can follow Gabriela's challenging historical year through her blog at
Excuse me, but ever since the Strangs deleted their accounts, the Forums have been messed up. Any page they posted on doesn't appear, and we get an error message. Can you bring their accounts back, to fix it? Or fix it some other way?
I agree! What I've seen done is have several people picked who visit the site daily, and they are appointed "rangers" to check up on all the comments, and answer as many questions as possible and steer the comments in the right direction. Then, if anything gets truly out of hand, they report it to the "big guys", who have a lot of other stuff to do, and then the "big guys" take care of that problem. Kind of like what Moses did in Exodus 18. :-D