2014 Bible Bee Game Show

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

Margaret Eddy

After much thought, I decided to use my introverted studious Bible Bee contestant personality instead of my Dr. Seuss/anti-waving-hands personality. My audition will be incredibly boring, but they can't say that boring isn't a personality, and boring is much easier to fit into less than two minutes. My heart will not be broken if I'm not picked, because I am not in the habit of letting things break my heart, and I haven't decided if I even like the idea of a gameshow.

Who else is finished with their audition?



I haven't, but I need to… I want something creative, preferable funny… Do you have any ideas? I need to do it soon, because we'll need to figure out how to send the video. I was thinking you should write a poem about why you like the BB.


Margaret Eddy

Ah, but you forget, I would have to come up with a reason why I liked the Bible Bee first. And I am afraid that: "studying is a great way of getting out of games at baby showers" wouldn't cut it.


Margaret Eddy

I haven't, but I need to... I want something creative, preferable funny... Do you have any ideas? I need to do it soon, because we'll need to figure out how to send the video. I was thinking you should write a poem about why you like the BB.

You could always scat why you like the Bible Bee. Or do an interpretive dance. That would be creative and unusual.
The problem I ran into is that I cannot be serious and funny and answer a question while maintaining an appearance of relative organization in less than two minutes. I thought about the poem thing, but who can recite their own clever poem well, appear spontaneous, and not look completely full of themselves?



Yeah, you can't really recite a poem and look spontaneous… Unless you're really good at rhyming on the spot! : )


God's Maiden of Virtue

Maybe all of us who aren't doing it should do something together, while all of our friends who are chosen are busy doing it. ;) Unless we all make it to Semis instead. Lol ;)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Unfortunately, every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) so far, something has come up and I am not able to memorize on those days. Thus, I'm always playing catch-up throughout the week. So I'm only at 366 - 13 verses more than two days ago, when we last talked.
What about you?! :D Lord willing, I will finish on October 16th or 17th.


Courtney M.

If you're talking about what I think you are, I think we just printed ours out, filled them out, and scanned them back in; then attached the file to wherever you're supposed to upload it to.



This is what I said for my audition (my sister helped me with it):

That Bible Bee!
That Bible Bee!
I really like the Bible Bee!

Why do I like the Bible Bee?

I like to study here and there.
I like to study everywhere.
I like to memorize God's Word;
Otherwise would be absurd.

I like the Jonah Sword Study.
It has been so much fun for me.
I like the method that they use;
It really causes you to muse.

I memorize verses, I do, I do.
Listen, I'll recite for you!
I never would have even thought–
750 verses!? Now that's a lot!

I enjoy seeing friends while we compete,
And at Nationals, there's lots to meet!

One friend,
Two friends,
Red friends,
Blue friends.

I like to see my old and new friends.

So come and try the Bible Bee.
You will like it. You will see.


2 Corinthians 5:17

Looks like they're only picking 12 contestants from each category now... Have any of you read rule #16?

Yeup…there was an email about that today.

#16? Ugh xP


Emily H

Yeah I saw that. I wonder if they didn't have enough people sign up or if it just is because of time… Ew, yuck, I figured they do that. xP


Emily H

Haha, oh, it just says
"Due to the nature of professional video recording and production, participants in the NBBGS will be subjected to the application of typical studio makeup prior to the filming of their show. Contestants may also be requested to remove various jewelery or accessories."


Emily H

Then they also opened it up to simifinalists and asked for anyone who didn't want to do it to sign something, so they could possibly use people who didn't audition, if I read that right…


Emily H

Well, that's another really good reason! xP xP I don't really like the idea of having to be in filming for hours either, and all that.
