2014 Bible Bee Game Show

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

Emily H

I didn't/don't like it either… but we all prayed about it and were answered "yes" so we're doing it… =)


Emily H

Haha! What did you do for your audition? I did my favorite verse, because I had already written that for the contestant list thing, and figured I would have to write up something else if I did that. xP Although, I changed it a bit and made it longer.


Everett C.

I did why I love the Bible Bee. Probably because if I said my favorite verse, they could assume that I hate the Bible Bee because I didn't say anything about it ^jk^


Everett C.

I don't plan my future :P It's actually better that I auditioned, because now I have more motivation to get to Finals because then I wouldn't have to do the Game Show!


Emily H

Hehe! xD Good thing I did favorite verse then! They're less likely to pick someone who might hate Bible Bee!! xD xD lol


God's Maiden of Virtue

I don't plan my future :P It's actually better that I auditioned, because now I have more motivation to get to Finals because then I wouldn't have to do the Game Show!

Of course not, that's why I said it, not you. :P jk Haha, it would be even worse for me if I had auditioned!


Emily H

xP That's fine. I really need to pay more attention to who people are replying to, I do that way too often. xP


God's Maiden of Virtue

I said that you probably won't have to worry about being in the Game Show, because you'll likely be in Semi-finals/Finals. Then you said, "I don't plan my future. :P" Were you referring to something else when you said that? ^Sorry…^
Or maybe you're talking about the second half of my comment…? Now I'm confused.


Emily H

Probably a good idea… you might be subjected to some sort of punishment in an attempt to show the desk how much you're sorry…


Everett C.

I simply refuse to give myself a concussion .And then of course I can't sue the desk because it's not a living being.


Emily H

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it that hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it… =P^


Everett C.

Okay, whatever :P. *refuses to facedesk*

Shucks, I just realized that if you remove, "refuses to", I did something bad.


Everett C.

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^

Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^

Hey now, if you say you "facedesked" you better have done it! Sigh You people…


Emily H

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.

Too true… Doesn't mean everyone has to do it like that though!!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.

That's because she tries to physically harm herself! :P


Emily H

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Hey now, if you say you "facedesked" you better have done it! *Sigh* You people...

xD I'm laying on the floor in our living room with all my study stuff scattered all over the place. If I wanted to actually do it, I would have had to walk all the way to my room. xP And I thought "facefloor" sounded kinda weird. xP


Everett C.

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.
Too true... Doesn't mean everyone has to do it like that though!!

Okay. Maybe you can indicate it like, "gentle facedesk". :P


God's Maiden of Virtue

My, we are so off-topic. :P I must be heading off now, if I ever plan on being awake and alert to memorize tomorrow morning. ^If you knew what time I have to get up each morning, you would have told me to go to bed a while ago.^


Emily H

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.
That's because she _tries_ to physically harm herself! :P

Plus she can just get her brother to treat all her concussions nods :P


Emily H

My, we are so off-topic. :P I must be heading off now, if I ever plan on being awake and alert to memorize tomorrow morning... ^If you knew what time I have to get up each morning, you would have told me to go to bed a while ago...^

Haha, yeah… Good night Rosie!! Good talking with you =) ^:( :(^


Emily H

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.
Too true... Doesn't mean everyone has to do it like that though!!
Okay. Maybe you can indicate it like, "gentle facedesk". :P

I'll have to try that!! xP


God's Maiden of Virtue

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.
That's because she _tries_ to physically harm herself! :P
Plus she can just get her brother to treat all her concussions *nods* :P

Lol! Goodnight Em! hug Keep seeking and serving Christ, sister!


Emily H

Lol! Very good points. But you're not supposed to do it _that_ hard. ^or you can just say "facedesk" instead of actually doing it... =P^
Well when Carissa does it, it certainly does not seem gentle.
That's because she _tries_ to physically harm herself! :P
Plus she can just get her brother to treat all her concussions *nods* :P
Lol! Goodnight Em! *hug* Keep seeking and serving Christ, sister!

hugs You too! Keep pressing on! You're doing an incredible job and striving for the real goal. =D


Emily H

Ahh, my mom makes sure we get a certain amount of sleep. =P I would so do that otherwise (not that I don't think that's exhausting and really hard, but there's just so much to get done is so little time… :-/)


Everett C.

Sorry for responding so late. It's going well. I need to keep reviewing my verses and correct mistakes that pop up. Nahum is going good; I should be more prepared for the test. How's yours?


Emily H

That's great! What kind of system do you have for reviewing verses? A lot of my verses are close…some of the longer ones are still rough though. And I still need quite a bit of work on some that have similar wording. Nahum is going a lot better than before, PTL! But I still need quite a bit of work on that as well. =)


Emily H

Did you record yourself saying them? Or are you listening to them on BibleGateway or something? I'm doing about 1/3rd of mine as well. And theoretically I would read through 1/3rd a day as well, but that hasn't really happened. =P


God's Maiden of Virtue

Ahh, my mom makes sure we get a certain amount of sleep. =P I would so do that otherwise (not that I don't think that's exhausting and really hard, but there's just so much to get done is so little time... :-/)

Yeah, I totally get that. Since I know how important it is to get enough sleep, I generally don't do it by choice. :P
I did want to clarify though - I would never stay up that late knowing how early I have to get up, if I had the choice. Last night, I had some very important things that I was not able to get done during the day that I had finish. Only reason I was still up at that time.



I'm not really sure about that, since they're supposed to announce who gets to compete at the Opening Ceremony. Maybe they'll give an update after semis?



This is from the game show email they sent on 10/9: "If you are selected for the Game Show, you will find out at the same time as the Semi-Finals results are released. If you are eligible for both, Game Show taping doesn’t begin until Semi-Finals is completed, so you will know whether you are in the Final Challenge Round or when to start taping for the Game Show." Hopefully that's helpful!


Matthew Minica

The question is, then, will there be up to five alternates picked in case some of the original Game Show contestants make it to Finals?
