2014 Changes

Started by Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

Matthew Minica

It sounds to me as if they are trying to start a regional competition in between locals and nationals as early as next year. Did you see how many local competitions there are??? O_O
Where do you see that?! I can't find it anywhere! I did see that there are 500 hosts, but can't see the locations!



Emily H

Another small change - The extra Bible Memory passages and the additional Bible Knowledge book of the Bible for the National Contest will be posted on the Bible Bee website on or before the Friday following the Local Contests. So it's Friday, not Wednesday? Still less time? :\
My mom wants to know where you found that? :P :)
It's in the Competition Rulebook, I'm not sure of the link but I know my mom could see it after she registered.

Okay, thanks!!


Bethany Meckle

Guys - CoS just posted this on G+. I think it would do us all some good. :) (CoS - let me know if you want this removed from here)

__I can hardly express how intensely disappointed I am at the response to this most recent news from the Bible Bee HQ. My mother can testify that I was fully dumbfounded and nearly angry at the insubordination and unbiblical way that so many are going about their responses to the announcement.

It hurts me to have to write this, but I feel that I have no choice. I have seen very little Scripture used in response to this situation, and I have seen much Scripture contradicted by the actions of several individuals. Thus, I am attempting to formulate a biblical response to the many unbiblical responses I have seen.

I, like some others here, have known that this announcement was coming for several days. I have therefore had time to determine what exactly I think about it. So that we are clear, let me rehearse what exactly the changes are:

The Bible Bee will no longer feature an oral aspect to the competition on contest day, but contestants who would like to qualify for the national competition will instead need to set up a time to recite 10 passages (announced and assigned by the Bible Bee HQ in August) to two adults who are not immediate family members; these may include extended family or friends. Additionally, the contestant need not recite these verses perfectly as the score will not be recorded. He needs only to complete the recitation and, on contest day, answer a yes/no question concerning whether or not he has done so.

This decision has been made because of the vast amount of feedback from hosts reporting about many contestants who drop out altogether or fail to do their best on contest day because they are anxious about having to recite the passages to strangers. They may know all of their verses perfectly, but they are apprehensive about the idea of reciting under time restraints and to people they likely do not know. This decision is therefore expected to greatly increase the amount of contestants who sign up, as well as the amount who follow all the way through in the competition.

An additional major change in the format of the competition comes in the way that contest day will now be handled. There will still be an option to host a local Bible Bee celebration, and many will choose to participate in the competition that way as they always have. Now, however, there are two additional options: proctor locations and online testing. Proctor locations have been strategically placed by Bible Bee HQ all over the United States to ensure that everyone who could sign up to compete will have a location within 100 miles from them. Although the proctor locations will not host a large-scale celebration like the host locations will, they will still allow contestants to complete their written tests and become eligible for competing nationally.

The third option, taking the written test online, will enable families in remote areas of the country to comfortably compete from their homes without having to drive long distances to reach a host or proctor location. Additionally, although they will not be eligible for the national competition, children from all over the world now have the opportunity to participate in the competition at the local level. Now, there has been concern expressed about the option of taking the written test online. I think these concerns are well-founded, and I myself have had similar concerns. I will address this later.

These are the changes, as communicated by Bible Bee HQ. My perception is that there are two major concerns: 1. Taking away the oral part of the competition will discourage memorization and proclamation of God’s Word. and 2. Online testing could be very problematic, as it makes cheating on the test much easier.

I need to start off by saying that my frustration with the response to the changes does not stem from the idea that the concerns are unreasonable. I think they are definitely valid points. My frustration, however, is with the way that the responses were handled.

By and large, I am not seeing humble responses. I am not seeing much of an attempt to understand things from the perspective of the people who made the decisions. I am certain that these changes were not enacted without much thought and prayer. The intention in making these decisions was not to cater to the world and make the competition easier so that more people will join and more money will be made. The intention was to encourage more children to dig into the Scriptures over the summer and to really study to know God’s Word. With less emphasis on the memorization, not only will contestants not have to deal with very much anxiety on contest day, but throughout the summer they will be compelled to be all the more diligent to “study to show themselves approved.” The written portion has always been meant to test how well the students know God’s Word; these changes will only strengthen that goal.

From the very start, even among the responses in the Bible Bee HQ’s webcast for hosts, there has been a prevalent concern about the format of the online testing. Many questions can be raised about the reliability of this method, as well as about the heightened possibility for cheating. I do not discount that these are real questions and concerns. However, I am choosing to trust that much thought and prayer went into making this decision and that safeguards will be put in place to discourage and prevent any possible nefarious activities. Furthermore, I trust that God will not allow anyone to proceed to nationals who He does not want to. Every one of those 360 contestants who will be announced on August 27th was allowed by God to succeed. And if you think about it, if they lie about completing the oral requirements and cheat on their tests, then they probably aren’t going to do very well at the national competition, are they?

When it comes down to it, I’m not mad at anyone. I’m just very disappointed. James tells us that we need to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” I did not see this being lived out today in the reactions to the announcement. Many people did not take the time to think through the reasoning behind the decisions the Bible Bee has made in order to expose more and more people to the power of God’s Word. Many went with their initial emotions and acted on them without praying for God’s guidance in the situation.

Even though the Shelby Kennedy Foundation and the Bible Bee are not technically our “authorities,” I think the principles of these verses still apply: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.” God is not wringing His hands right now, wondering how He is going to work in young peoples’ lives if the Bible Bee is going to go this direction. He is in control. And I believe that the people who made these decisions did what they felt God was leading them to do. I will not stand in opposition to that, because I believe the choices they have made will encourage hundreds, if not thousands, more people to participate.

I have a feeling that there’s going to be a war in the comments below this post, but I hope there won’t be. I have done my best to be unbiased and objective in the way I have presented this. As a result, I hope there will be some apologies made and some statements retracted. I don’t expect to fully change anyone’s position, but I do hope that I made you think. At least evaluate whether or not your personal response was glorifying to God and encouraging to the brothers and sisters in Christ at the Bible Bee who have made these decisions.

But don’t just listen to me. I could be entirely wrong about this. Think and pray about what your response should be, and then act on it in the way that you see fit. But, please, take time to consider the effects of your response, and do not do anything rashly.

Thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say.__



Don't give up! Sadly, that's all I can think of to say. :P So many people miss Orals that Memverse should put together a petition to add it back next year. That will probably never happen though. :P
Yeah, we should!!! xP :)

YES WE SHOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Emily H

One thing I do really like is that if you don't want to compete for a chance to go to nats, you just don't say you did your verses! xD


Everett H

will there be oral rounds scores at nationals?

Yea. They said that they will still have normal orals at nats.


Courtney M.

Well, I guess now that I know a little more about them, the changes aren't so bad. You can get used to anything. xP jk

But, now I'll have to work harder to get to Nats, since written is my hardest part. :( :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

Well, I guess now that I know a little more about them, the changes aren't so bad. You can get used to anything. xP jk But, now I'll have to work harder to get to Nats, since written is my hardest part. :( :P

Same here, Courtney….written is my hardest part. I'm wondering if taking away the oral rounds will increase or decrease my chance xP


Courtney M.

Probably decrease it for me. xP Then again, we won't have to worry about orals as much, so we can spend that time on preparing for written. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Yes, you're right! =) I'm not sure if it's because I'm not studying the correct things (which I think I am) or that I'm an awful test taker :P



To access the Competition Rulebook, scroll down on the Participation page, and right underneath the Sign Up Now button it says "Read Fine Print Here."


Courtney M.

Yes, you're right! =) I'm not sure if it's because I'm not studying the correct things (which I think I am) or that I'm an awful test taker :P

Oh, I'm sure you're probably not…you just need some of my top-secret study methods. jk I'm not that great at taking the tests either, but I'd be happy to share some of my methods with you, and you can share yours with me!


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

Well, I guess now that I know a little more about them, the changes aren't so bad. You can get used to anything. xP jk But, now I'll have to work harder to get to Nats, since written is my hardest part. :( :P

They said that the oral scores didn't make that much difference in who made it to Nats.


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

To all my Bible Bee friends:

Please don't give the Shelby Kennedy Foundation such a hard time. I know that it's hard to cut the oral round, and I don't think they wanted to do it. They had to, because they are not getting nearly all the funding they need to. They need to get more people to register, otherwise there will be no more Bible Bee. And Scripture will actually be proclaimed to more people, instead of just the same set of judges.

To those who have been saying things that aren't exactly the nicest: Are you living out the Scriptures that you have learned through the Shelby Kennedy Foundation?


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

Elanee, I wasn't happy about the changes either. But there will be no Bible Bee at all if they don't get more people to register!

Honestly, in my opinion, 2011 was the best year. But they know a lot more of what's going on than they tell us. I think we need to be gracious and support them.


2 Corinthians 5:17

Yes, you're right! =) I'm not sure if it's because I'm not studying the correct things (which I think I am) or that I'm an awful test taker :P
Oh, I'm sure you're probably not...you just need some of my top-secret study methods. jk I'm not that great at taking the tests either, but I'd be happy to share some of my methods with you, and you can share yours with me!

I'd love that! =) You could email me, you have my email ;)


Courtney M.

Well, I guess now that I know a little more about them, the changes aren't so bad. You can get used to anything. xP jk But, now I'll have to work harder to get to Nats, since written is my hardest part. :( :P
They said that the oral scores didn't make that much difference in who made it to Nats.

Ah, okay. Good. :P :)


Courtney M.

Yes, you're right! =) I'm not sure if it's because I'm not studying the correct things (which I think I am) or that I'm an awful test taker :P
Oh, I'm sure you're probably not...you just need some of my top-secret study methods. jk I'm not that great at taking the tests either, but I'd be happy to share some of my methods with you, and you can share yours with me!
I'd love that! =) You could email me, you have my email ;)

Okay, I'll make sure to do that at least when BB starts. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Yes, you're right! =) I'm not sure if it's because I'm not studying the correct things (which I think I am) or that I'm an awful test taker :P
Oh, I'm sure you're probably not...you just need some of my top-secret study methods. jk I'm not that great at taking the tests either, but I'd be happy to share some of my methods with you, and you can share yours with me!
I'd love that! =) You could email me, you have my email ;)
Okay, I'll make sure to do that at least when BB starts. :)

Thanks so much :) I can't remember…is it my turn to email you?


Matthew Minica

@All - Mark McMahan sent out an email explaining their reasons for making the changes. Honestly, it all makes sense to me. Your parents probably received it if you are a former BB family.


Hiruko Kagetane

"..._scriptures *_engraned_* on *_thier_* hearts forever_"?! Sorry, I only understand literate writing. Epic fail. Try again...Actually, on second thought, _don't._ "_Written test has no impact_" So study the Bible has no impact on your life?!... "_Absolutly!_" Think you missed an 'e' there...maybe a screw as well. "_watched in horror..._" I think people watched in horror when the twin towers fell, when Obama got re-elected, and when Miley Cyrus put out yet another song. Not when a competition gets a slight revision. "_when I heard this news, my heart sank_" Really? You need to see a doctor, and fast. "_Won't be long before it is removed altogether_" You know that's not true. You're just going for the shock factor and attention. Who said they _needed_ to have a Bible Bee in the first place? They can do whatever they want with their _own_ bee! "_I'm not even sure I want to help or encourage people to be involved_" What would you expect from people do didn't get their way? "_I was prepared for compromises on many levels of the faith this year, but I wasn't prepared for this. Please don't let your ministry be one of the many to go to the wayside. Stand up for God's Word, and let it be proclaimed from the hearts of all who participate. Push aside the urge to conform to the easy way, or what people want._" !!!!? I am not disappointed with the NBB. I am glad they are still doing the bee even though so many ungrateful people have protested their generosity and love of God's word.

Perzactly. However, I really don't care what the whiners say. They wanna stop doing Bible Bee, good for them. Give me less competition, and a better chance to make Nats. I believe that the SKF is doing what they believe is best, and that they aren't trying to ruin the Bible Bee.


Ruth Smith

Hi everybody!

I just wanted to thank you for your thoughts, and gentle reproofs. I have considered them, and have been humbled by your admonishment, and I am asking your forgiveness for posting my harsh reactions on this forum. I reacted out of frustration and formulated a swift reply without much thought or prayer, and so I'm asking your forgiveness for not being a better example to you all, and for promoting confusion and disunity about the Bible Bee. I should have kept my thoughts between me and God, and shared them only with the Bible Bee leadership, instead of sharing them publicly. I would like to make it clear that I am not upset with the Bible Bee, and I still wholeheartedly agree with the program, and am grateful to God for the blessing it has been and will be in so many people's lives. I look forward to volunteering this year at Nationals and hope to encourage the participants for many years to come.

Thank you for reading this post, and for sharing your thoughts with me.
I am so grateful for you all, and your willingness to stand for the truth, and help me see my faults.
I hope to be a better example of humbly accepting change in the future.

With Love in Christ,

Elanee Smythe


Courtney M.

No, I don't think so…I'm so awful about that sometimes! I'm so sorry…I think it's still sitting in my Pen Pals folder. :P


Sarah B.

I forgive you completely! I understand how frustrating it must be to you.
I don't like change much either, but change is part of life. Only God remains the same yesterday, today and forever!


Courtney M.

You're so welcome! =D

@Elanee - don't feel too bad. Everyone makes mistakes, and I have made more than my fair share of them. :P :)


Emily H

I was pretty sure it was just 200 for nats… Seniors had 300. And they gave us another book for nats as well.


Child of God

I will probably to have do it online. But I am not going to cheat! I think that we should trust that people will not cheat. Or at least I hope that no one will cheat.


Christian Alexander

Mr. McMahan's e-mail on the night of the big announcement alluded to "camera-proctored online tests." I can only speculate as to what this means, as that is the extent of the details we were given, but I think this will mean that contestant who choose the online option will be required to be monitored with a webcam in order to take the test. This will not only dissuade cheating but also provide an easy way for SKF to double-check things if there is any suspicion that a contestant has cheated.


Child of God

That is good. As i said, i am not going to cheat and I hope that anyone else who has to take the online test will not either!
I am also disappointed with the changes, but I might not have been able to do it if they hadn't changed.



I have a strong feeling that you know I am an entirely separate entity from Daughter of His Grace. Moreover, I know myself to be different from Daughter of His Grace. Moreover, I never us the pronoun "her" in reference to myself.
