2014 Changes

Started by Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

Ian R.2

Okay, according to an advertisement I saw yesterday in World magazine, there are five age groups for the Bible Bee. Am I missing something or is that a typo? O_o



Young explorers, primary, junior, senior and adult. But only primary, junior and senior can compete.



They're just teasing!
That's what she always says...and its lies!
No it's not!
Her brawling nature proves my point.



Bethany Meckle

Wait - maybe not all of them. But our proctor is gone, and most of the ones in the Great Plains area. Maybe they just didn't get somebody to run them? But if so, why didn't they let us know before two days ago?! Does anybody else know about this?


Bethany Meckle

Yes! We'll be going to the locals that one of my best friends is hosting. :D So it all works out for good. :)

EDIT - it's also an hour closer than all the other ones. :)



It doesn't say explicitly in the Rulebook, but this is what it does say:

" [The top-scoring 120 contestants] are officially invited to participate in the National contest, if they are willing to do so. Due to ties and declined invitations, there may be more than or fewer than 120 contestants in each age division who actually compete in Nationals."

So it kind of implies that they won't let people fill in for the contestants that are not able to or do not want to compete.


2 Corinthians 5:17

From the FAQ BB website page…
While we strive for excellence in all we do and publish, occasionally an error is not caught through our proofing process.

In Week One, Day Three, Level 4, Ezra 2-3 should be Ezekiel 2-3.
In Week Three, Day Four, Levels 3 and 4, the correct Hebrew word for vow is neder.
In Week Five, Day Two, Level 4, the correct final reference is Revelation 14:7.


The Bible Bee differs from other Bible memory programs in that it doesn’t stop at rote memorization, but rather equips and challenges youth to understand Scriptural truth. Bible Knowledge and Bible Memory are weighted equally at both the local and national level during the Oral and Written Test Rounds; the maximum points earned in the Local Contest is 600 points for the Junior and Senior Divisions and 300 points for the Primary division.


Everett C.

I don't know if anyone noticed this but they added 2 more questions in the final challenge round this year. I think it makes it more better because someone behind has a chance to catch up with more questions.
